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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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I thought he sold out his share to an American company Jno.I seem to remember reading something about it ,although I may be wrong.
I'm chuffed though ,35 quid a month is heaps better than 70 quid.I argued that they regularly offer lower prices and deals to new customers but don't do anything for their long term loyal customers and therefore would be looking for a better deal somewhere else.The fact that they said the box was free only to be told it wasn't and mutterings from me about Trading Standards clinched it .
Your neighbours are being very unreasonable Neti. I'd be furious too and would shoot back :)
might have done, I've lost track, shaney. I think he's still working on flying me to the moon.
is there nthing you can do Neti? Oh well done Shaney, better in your pocket than in theirs
4.48am and I can't sleep. These. Neighbours are really bitter, I spoke to the daughter and she went on and on about all the things they don't like that we supposedly do, we don't. She kept banging on about our "illegal" swimming pool, until i told her we had permission and papers to prove it. These are the same people who wouldn't allow us to have running water! Very bitter for some reason. The neighbour the other says doesn't speak to her and says no one from their school liked her. Not sure what to do next. May ask if we can have a new phone installation another way which means we lose our landline number and have a new one, which isn't ideal for Mr N's work! Ah well!!
but he'd keep his mobile number and email?
Yes woofy but a lot of his older clients is a the telephone and not the mobile, plus all my family/friends worldwide would have to be informed. If we have to we will!!
So cold here today!
I think we might have had a nanometre of snow out there, but it mostly looked like light sleet and hasn't settled. I hope it's not blizzarding on Ibiza.
No snow but birdbaths have ice in and the roofs are white
yes, just took this photo out of our window, woofgang
wow I bet you birdfeeder gets emptied quickly!
Morning. Jolly cold and damp her cant solve the internet problem at all. The company are searching for other ways but no fibre optic nearby. They are pretty much disgusted with the neighbours!
Wouldn't be surprised if it snowed here , would love it as I do not have to go anywhere. But I'm getting very hungry in this weather.
Shaney hope you are both recovering well.
Woofy did you like that doggy ear treatment on the internet? I thought of your two!
Waves to Robi and jno!
yes, funny! Rab hates having his ears cleaned and leaves the room when I have to do Shughy's.....He comes back for the brave boy treat though!
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Hello all
Bright but cold .There was snow in the night but it didn't amount to anything.Yes we both feel much better Neti ,thank you.Those neighbours sound like awful people to have live next to.I hope you can find some sort of solution.
I've bitten the bullet and got a new phone.I can't manage with that little HTC fire thing any more .It's so tiny for fumbly fingers.
I got a good deal from Tesco.Contract for £15 a month,cheaper still after a year.Loads of free minutes and texts not that I text much but can use it instead of landline as that is expensive even for a local call.
Hope you're all ok.
I think local calls on our landline are free but we never use it! Calls to UK are prohibitive, ridiculous price so cannot ever call my sisters. I have a dual sim mobile and use my Orange sim to phone home, it's remarkably cheaper but have to remember to put money in when I am home or else sister has to put some in!
Shaney are you still watching Michael Portillo? Or are you messing with your new phone? I think This Alaska/Canada is the best one! I am thoroughly enjoying it, would just love to do it too!!
....and what make is your new phone?
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It's a Samsung Galaxy J4+ with a gold case.
I'm still watching it Neti .It's been one of his best.Wonderful scenery.
Night all.Keep warm. Freezing here.

I am binge watching Lucifer....its really rather good
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Hello all
Another cold day.
I love a binge watch Woofy.My latest one has ended now and I'm waiting for Netflix to show the next two seasons.Are you like me ?
Just one more episode ,just one more,then you find it's 2am:)
Hope you're all ok .
OH has been given the all-clear, that's a relief. Just by the oncology people, and with a warning that a body battered by chemo will still take a month or three to recover. Also has to see the surgical team separately next month to see how that's all healing. But we're both very pleased to hear it.

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