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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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So now we have a shandy and a woody! What I like? Mr N is chopping firewood in the rain which is ok as the wood is dry anyway. Wet and very cold here. Guess we won't be venturing far. Maybe just down the road for lunch .
Shaney how are you?
Woofy have a rest from tidying?
Robi keep recovering.
And jno wrap up warm if you are going out. Hope OH is feeling better.
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Hello all
Weak and wobbly.We've both had some bug .Sick etc .Mr S went down with it first and I followed.Worse for him of course with his problem. He probably brought it in as I don't go anywhere.Good job we have two lavs and plenty of Dettol.This is the first day since last Monday I've actually got properly dressed.We've been like a couple of old duffers creeping and laying about in between running back and forth.Bloody awful.It didn't last long but it's wiped us out .No energy,no appetite.Cba with anything.
Sounds like your OH has had similar Jno.Hope things are the mend.
Love to you all ,keep warm and away from bugs!
Hello shaney oh you poor things. How did you cope? Hope you and Mr s are on the up and up. I meant to ask if Mr S was fully recovered bit obviously not. Take care and keep warm and watered! X
Afternoon all from a cold and dismal Derbyshire.

Oh dear shaney, what a rotten time you've both had, those stomach bugs really take it out of you. I've always got Complan in the cupboard, it really seems to give me a boost if I haven't been eating for whatever reason. Take it easy, hope you get some energy back soon.

Woofy, I know what you mean about jewellery. I've got a lovely silver charm bracelet I never wear but can't bear to part with it because each charm was a gift from family members.
I sorted a paperwork drawer yesterday, made lots of paper mache. It took all afternoon but now I keep peering inside just to see how tidy it is :)

Neti I was worried Ethan was going to leave Casualty. I'm still traumatised by Sidney leaving Grantchester, it won't be the same.

oh shaney, bad luck both of you getting it. We always try to arrange it so that OH gets sick and I do the caring; the reverse wouldn't make either of us very happy.
Sorry to hear that Shaney, Norwalk is horrible. Cold and bright here. We went out for a drive to keep the car battery charged and took 5 bags of bottles to the recycling bins...only 2 more to go and I am clear. Its not as exciting as it sounds, since the new sugar tax, most of the canned and plastic bottled drinks have a sweetener in all of which give me some kind of unpleasant symptoms. This means I have to drink stuff which comes in glass bottles which hikes the bottle recycling.
Robi, I have got a charm bracelet too which i didn't find.....must go a hunting again! I did find 2 paper tenners so will have to get then changed somehow.
oh I forgot waves to Neti and Jno
Robi it broke my heart when Ethan cried! Glad she's gone though!
70 mph winds here now. Feel like we are living in Little House on the Prairie, as Mr N just heater some sausage rolls on the top of the log burner. Tv coming and going so must be raining too.
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Feeling a bit more cheerful now.Had scrambled eggs on toast and a swig of Metatone.Mr S had a tin of soup and dry bread.What are we like.It's awful when you both get ill at the same time.
We managed ok but I barred Picky and my brother from coming round.
Neti I must ask you if you watch any Spanish TV.They've got some very good Spanish series on Netflix,all subtitled .I've just finished the last season of Velvet about the fashion house or Galleria in Madrid ..oooh it was lovely.Set in the 50's and early 60's.Brilliant soundtrack and the clothes were fabulous. Apparently the Spanish were very hot on haute couture ,the rich ones anyway ,and designers had to fight to get them to modernise how clothes were sold and introduce pret a porter for the masses.
Great actors and lovable and not so lovable characters. It kept me entertained as I flopped about.
I'm miffed Sidney has gone too but Leonard is still in it .I love Leonard,he's got such a sweet face.
Greezing here. Keep warm folks.
No we don't watch much Spanish tv and only the news if we do. Mr N wouldn't like series and films and as He's in the front room that's where Spanish tv is. If and when we get improved fibre optic I may subscribe to Netflix but at the moment it's not reliable and would be a waste of money.
I'm glad you both are eating.
I like Leonard too, shall miss Sidney!
I've been to see the lights; perishing down by the river but they've got some lovely displays
Wow jno, stunning!!
Wow what a storm we had last night. Very noisy and wet. I felt so sorry for the snake catching feral cat that I feed so made her a little cosy bed and she stayed there all night. Still raining off and on now.
Hope all biddies are safe and well!
Morning each...not feeling very dynamic, I couldn't get to sleep last night, it must have been the full moon 'fluence.
You'll soon gather speed now you're eating shaney, carry on scrambling.

I want those in my garden jno!
lovely trees, but I miss those elephants and whales that seemed to be projected in mid air.
It must have been the moon Robi. I had the most awful dream this morning. Shughy has a pill at 6 because he needs it on an empty tum so we get up, have a wee, he has his pill then we all go back to bed again....that's how I know the dream was this morning. Anyway it was one of those where you wake up and are still in the dream. I must have been making noise in my sleep because I woke up with two worried dogs licking my face. Not a good start to a monday.
According to Accu today is good for home energy. Haha.
I beg to differ.
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Hello all
Nice bright day and cold but have a reason to to be cheerful.
In spite of feeling a bit lacklustre I've still got the knack .I rang Virgin earlier because we have to have a new box for the TV by the 28th Feb. The letter said it was free but when I logged on to our account they wanted to charge a fiver for it and had also added another 16 quid to our bill for some reason.B.cheek.I've managed to get it for nothing and have also got the bill slashed by half after saying I would leave .Result!Yay!Whoopee!
Those lights are lovely Jno.
Hope you're all trucking along. Keep warm.
*** neighbours have refused permission for fibre optic engineer to go into their garden (even though our line does). I am furious as last summer I did not denouce the husband for shooting into my garden 2 metres from where I was! I did have a private word with my Guardia who said it was a serious offence But I did nothing legal as I don't like denuncias. I am furious.
oh shaney, next thing Branson will be flying to his private island economy class.

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