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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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I guess that's all to the good, neti, you don't want them growing in the wrong place.
sad but better than the alternative Neti. I have got a slight stomach upset which is inconvenient. Oh well I can do plenty at home.
I'm going to have to saddle up the huskies and go out for some food to stockpile before the blizzards hit.
I had a message from the internet company saying they were coming up this afternnoon to see what can be done, but no one has arrived uet ao I think its an old message before it was cancelled. I don't mind but was up early cleaning the ashes from the grate and cleaning the front room, then pulled out bed and cabinets and replied all the junk from underneath into spare room just in case the engineers did arrive and needed access to our TV set through the wall (don't ask!) Then I made a cottage pie from scratch so we would have dinner ready in case this elusive engineer turned up, so am on top of everything ! Very windy again, the weather not me!!
just cold here. I am hot and cold and headachey and can't sleep. I refuse to come down with a bug.
sorry you cleaned for nothing Neti....but lovely once its done
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Hello all
Better late than never. I'm still wide awake catching up on emails and generally fiddling around because I'm having a can't sleep phase and am in sympathy with you Woofy .Keep warm,and feel better soon.
Very cold here and we've been forecast snow for tomorrow night.
Hope you're all ok though.That's s.ods law Neti.You get everything sorted and people don't turn up but a man turned up here today to do a recce for the scaffolding so we may be getting the roof done soon with any luck.
Better arm myself with a hwb and go to bed I suppose .Goodnight all.
not sure I agree, woofy. If a tree falls in the forest and there's nobody to hear it, does it make a sound?

If you clean your house and nobody comes to see it, is it clean at all?
Well it wouldn’t be if it was mine because I wouldn’t have cleaned in the first place
Well at the back and under the bed very rarely gets cleaned and was exceedingly dusty. But I found my lost ring. That's it for a couple of years now!!
well I did get the bug. Like flu but not nearly so bad, shivery hot and achey with a side order of stomach upset.
Oh poor woofy, are you still suffering? And you can't always seat up with the woofies to look after
Was a sunny day but cloudy and chilly now. I've put a Pink rinse on my hair, looks ok, not too pink!
Shandy have you eaten those oap prepared dinners yet? What ate they like?
we mostly used to clean the house before the cleaner came, back when we had a cleaner. Now we don't need to so much.

Hope you get over your bug, woofgang. It's not some dog illness jumping species, is it?
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Hello all
I hope you soon feel better Woofy.Sounds similar to what we had.
Yes I did eat one Neti .Not enough to feed a sparrow really. It was ok for a snack but was meant to be a dinner.
That's a gloomy and worrying outlook for ex pats Jno .
At least they now seem to have waived the fee for EU nationals living here.Mr S will still have to apply to remain in the country he's called home for the last forty odd years though .I have one word to say about that and I won't repeat it here.
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PS sorry to hear about your niece Neti .I hope she soon feels better.
No worries jno. I am piggybacking off my legal husband here in Spain so won't need the S1. A lot of pensioners will have to go back to UK if that happens! I had already decided to wait until Brexit before applying. Although I thought that had all been agreed!
No one know about Residency after Brexit. We are fully legal and have been for years. We may have to apply again for a photo I.d.card but should not be refused and hija was born here.
And the internet engineers have just called and they are installing a new post in our land and so avoiding the nasty neighbours and installing fibre! I cant believe it. They can't understand them either, its about 1 mt and a half over their land. I have a lot of their electric cable over mine. Just wait! Anyway, not getting too excited, wait and see.
I told the engineer that as I thought he was coming yesterday I cleaned the bedroom, well, then other one looked shocked guess my Spanish isn't too good. I did explain it was for the cables.
Good evening, here I is. Perishing, raining with flakes of snow.

What fantastic news for your OH jno - and for you too. Yes, it's going to take a while to recuperate, easy does it... best wishes.

Oh dear are we all ailing? Hope you feel better woofy. If anyone thinks it isn't real they should have spent the past week in my fibro ridden body. Ye Gods and little fishes. I haven't known what to do with myself, worst flare up I've had in a while, and yes, I've had a dodgy tum/ibs too to add to it. I managed to have my hair hi/low lighted...or is it lit? :) and cut yesterday but that was because she comes to me. She's having her first baby in August so I hope all goes well for her. Next time she comes to do a cut she'll know which flavour she's having so I can do some knitting. :)

Keep twiddling the phone shaney, I've just about got mine sussed and I love it.
Hope you get sorted neti, I'm surprised you haven't done it yourself, haha.

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