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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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Morning all. Cold but sunny here.
Well done jno jnr do we all need to buy hats???
Aww woofy just take it easy and get better.
Waves to Shaney and Robi. I'd better get up now!
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Morning all
It's a frozen landscape.Even the washing whirly is frosted over and there's a thick fog to go with it.
Congratulations to Jno Jr. Hope all goes well for them.
Are you still suffering Woofy? I think it's a type of gastric fluey thing that's been going around.Keep warm and take it easy.

good morning all. Its freezing here. Stomach is improving steadily but I feel like I have swallowed a balloon. Moan whine winge complain.
I don't like warm bedrooms at night (hangover from childhood?) But do have a heater on u til I go to bed and then for maybe half an hour more.
Ita says it's 16°c here but I doubt it as it's cold and damp! Washing is twirling merrily on the whirling although a fairground ride as it's not even and goes round and round and up and down. Have to mind one's head if standing nearby!!
I hate predictive text. I do type the right words (usually!) But dont check the 3 that come up. I DID type whirlygig!
goodness, I've won something. I wonder what or who from.

I went to a holiday exhibition at Olympia (the events venue, not the Greek city) and spent the day wandering round filling out prize draw forms. I got an email when I arrived home saying I'd won one and could I came to stand 123 to pick it up. The show had closed for the day anyway but perhaps I can get it tomorrow. Probably a voucher for £1 off a £1000 holiday or something.
ooo maybe a luxury return flight to anywhere?
maybe, that sort of thing used to be a common prize, but these days it seems to be more vouchers with money off a holiday. Still, I'll see (or I won't if they say I've missed my chance by not still beiung at the show at 5pm).

The last tiem I won anything it was a free holiday in Lille. That was the one where the hotel gave OH's suitcase away to the wrong person and we spent the rest of the holiday buying replacements for everything :-(
excuse me, I wish I had neti's autocorrect to put my posts into English
Jno that's the kind of free I can't afford.
It wasn't just the money, OH was understandably in a foul mood all through which took the gloss off what was otherwise a pleasant break

It was the Carlton hotel in Lille. It later turned out that the concierge, the guy who gave the suitcase away, was running a bordello on the side for the likes of Dominique Strauss-Kahn and other big-time politicians, so it's no wonder he was distracted. But they refused to admit any fault despite their own CCTV showing what happened. Creeps.
My sister and her husband won a "free holiday" but had to sign up for a timeshare. They didn't! Then they won a bottle of champagne but had to pay to fly to some crappy holiday resort to collect it. They didn't!
Gosh Jno, you do have some adventures. Dh and I went to a timeshare lunch once but it was only about 30 minutes from where we lived.....lousy lunch too.
well, I got most of the blame, woofgang, for being so foolish as to win the holiday in the first place. Life is so unfair :-(

neti, we got a cheap stay in a hotel in Malta on condition we attended a timeshare presentation (we had to pay for our own Easyjet flights, but not much). We attended, and it was all very strict, they weren't allowed to put any pressure on us at all. I was interested enough to ask for further particulars but they said they weren't allowed to give any more as it might be illegal. So we said No and enjoyed the rest of the holiday.
We attended a timeshare presentation in Florida so as to get cheap entry to Univeral. We also had a free breakfast but my god what hard sell. When we entered they asked if we had a c/card and what our jobs were. They they removed our child to a nurse supervised games room. And set about us. When we wouldn't sign ( we weren't there for that!) They sent in the big guns who almost tried to intimidate us. We said no thank you not signing up for anything when our questions weren't being answered, grabbed child and discount park tickets and ran! Never again it was terrifying!
I think it's the EU that bans the hard sell. So it'll be back here again in a couple of months
Can't sleep.
Good morning. What a wild wet windy day!
its grey and chilly here but not frozen we had wet disappointing snow overnight which is avnishing fast. The balloon in stomach is deflating!
oh botheration, our spiffy new boiler and gas system had decided not provide hot water, and the central heating is cooling down. Just when it's really quite cold and snowy.

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