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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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Hello Robi. I didn't know you suffered from fibro whatever. Terrible. My two nieces aged 8 and 14 suffer with that in Oz. It is terribly painful from what I hear. Glad you are feeling better

sorry to hear about the fibro Robi an whoop whoop about the cable Neti, hope everyone is well I need to go back to bed now
not a flake of snow here yet; maybe there will be another millimetre in the morning but I wouldn't bet on it. I hope everywhere up north is all picturesque.
no snow here but very icy and the sky looks like its full of something. Have fed dogs, checked on tortoises and taken paracetamol. Time to lie down again I think.
Morning woofy and everyone. Just keep warm and rest woofy. Do the dogs need a walk?
Very dark and really cold, well it is for here anyway! Hija is suppos2d to be flying back fron Basel today but havent heard from her so guess she has overslept and missed her flight!
I am.just looking about in our and dressing gown bit think I had better get dressed and do something!!
Hope you are all ok with or without snow.
another light frost, maybe I should stay in the igloo all day.
Morning all...very bright but very frozen (no snow), the bin lid was stuck down.
Thankfully I've got ding meals on Sainsbury's wheels coming this afternoon. :)
I've Just come back from the village. Had a coffee but it's a bit dreary so came home again
Will make a meat and potato pie in a bit.
Hiya had landed from Basel and is now in Barcelona .

That's good neti.
Here you go, have a short drive in Derbyshire
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Morning all
Snow here but nothing drastic ,just a dusting and very cold.
Sorry to hear you've been unwell Robinia.Flare ups are horrible.Touch wood I haven't had one for a while ,the constant nagging back pain is quite enough to be getting on with and I've cycled half way round the world now to no avail.

BONG BING Jno, Baileys is on offer in Tesco.Litre bottle for £12.
The coffee flavour too.I needed to bump up my grocery order:)
So that was 3 bottles and £4 worth of srdns then shaney? :)
I remember in 1963(?) half of our garden was standing in water which froze solid turning it into a was brilliant.
I am now cold after driving through Derbyshire! Thanks!
I can't really remember the snow.of 1963 and I was 19 so guess I had other things on my mind. My one memory is being on the top of a bus with my best friend all dressed up and going to a club and that's it!!
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1963 was horrendous.We lived in Kent then and the Medway froze. I remember sitting in the classroom at school which was at the top of a very steep hill and looking out over the river watching the icebreakers ploughing through it.My dad and brother worked in the dockyard then and were often sent home as the ships couldn't get up the river and those that were docked were so piled with snow they couldn't get onto them. The snow was heaped up at the sides of the roads for weeks on end but we still had to trudge to school!
Yes, I'd hate it now but our school toilets were across the yard and frquently froze so we were sent home.
Oh the old bumping up the delivery order ruse.....
I was 10 in 1963 remember the snow quite well. All the water froze at school so it was closed for some while. We used to get up with ice on the inside of the windows and the fires in the kitchen and living room (all the "central heating" we had) were never allowed to go out. We had an oilstove in the outside loo to keep it from freezing and oilstoves in the bedrooms which we were forbidden to touch. Just don't talk to me about the Good Old Days.....
Feeling better today. I have eaten and the paracetamol is working. I wonder if this mini flu is a new thing? Its certainly not a cold; no sore throat, cough, blocked nose, nothing like that. Most odd.
Yes in junior school we also had outside loos which froze. I dropped my glove down and it just sat there on top of frozen poo but I knew I had to take it home or get a telling off. Obviously this was not in 1963. Remember the slides we used to make in the playgrounds how the teachers would forbid us frpmnusing them!
We had a huge cold old house, an ideal boiler in the kitchen and a parkray ( like a log burner but coal)in the lounge. The many bedrooms and three bathrooms were left cold! We were allowed to play in the garden but dad didnt like the mess we made, he preferred it perfectly white!
another chilly night out there but we have the heating turned up (as OH still feels the cold) so I will probably wake up with a headache again as I usually do when I'm too hot.

We have been given a wedding date ... not much more than a year away. People don't rush things these days, do they. (Not that it made any difference last time, I think they were engaged longer than they were married.)
some idiot has just set off fireworks here and the dogs are only just settled again which I really needed! Flu-esqie thing is going but has left me with a gassy crampy stomach so I have got mint tea

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