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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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I hate this stage if a virus. I just feel so depressed and fed up. No reason to at all so I know its just the virus.
Oh woofy how awful. Will this feeling last long, I hope not. Can't advise anything. X
Winds 70 - 100mph expected. This lunchtime I could hardly walk down the road without clinging on to something.
Thanks Neti. I hope it will go soon.
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These virus things do drag you down Woofy.
I get very fed up at times not being able to get about as I'd like to.I'm going to get my hair cut on Monday and it'll be the first time I've left the house since I last had it done on 17th December.Chin up.All things must pass.Hope you soon feel better.
Goodnight all.
Thank you Shaney. I am ashamed to complain when my problem is so temporary.
Morning all.
Woofy you can complain all you like thats what we are hwrw for! Hoow you aoon feel better!
Shaney you really haven't been out of the house since Dec 17th? I'd go mad. I like to.go.out every morning for a coffee and the walk to and back to my house is good exercise although I find it harder everyday to do the last hike up to my house and I am now a bit scared of slipping on the loose stones. Still I will keep doing it as along as I can.
Sun's just come out but cold. Am not complaining as I love it!
Well if I manage to type reasonably well I end up with full stops between words! Sorry!
Shaney how's the new phone?

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Hello all
Cold but lovely bright sunshine .
The new phone is very good and easy to use Neti.Larger keyboard for my fat fingers.
You complain as much as you like Woofy,I do :)
I can't walk about or stand for long Neti,it's too painful. I do ride my bike so get exercise even though I'm not up to Tour de France standards :)I do get cheesed off with the same old four walls day after day,I must say,but there you go.What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
I'm going to bung half a leg of lamb in the slow cooker and then have a nice coffee with a dash of Baileys.

temporary, lol, woofgang, you're allowed to complain before you're in your death throes, you know. These viruses can be very debilitating.
We just come back from lunch. Grilled sweet goats cheese salad with grilled goats cheese and walnuts
Which was very nice. Then had to have fish as it's all I could eat with my one tooth it was lubina (?) It was horrible. A complete whole fish turned up on my plate looking like a fish! The pots and peppers and onions were nice..I only like killers and smoked salmon. Mr N enjoyed it. Dessert was flaon (mint cake). I'm glad I make soggy flapjacks I can fill up on them!
We almost bought a fresh leg of lamb for today but are so big and cosy £15 so we decided against it
Wish we had now!
Woofy xx
Oh decipher it for yourselves and I took great care. Must be the wine.
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I can understand it Neti.I won't post from my phone as it would be totally indecipherable.How people manage to type so fast with their thumbs is beyond me.I'm a two finger typist anyway.
I was just thinking,as you do ...I have been out since last year but just the once for our anniversary.
Lubina is sea bass according to Google.
I used 2 thumbs to type, maybe that is the problem!
Sea bass is horrid.
I sometimes hear the wine talking around here, but at least it doesn't type on a phone...
I like a bit of sea bass but only in fillets....same as any othe fish, I don’t do fishbones.
we are having a noisy rainy night here which is making the dogs restless so I have put the telly on and made myself hot chocolate
Good morning. That sounds cosy woofy

This morning I found a little man on my land taking photos, he said the town hall were making a path to thr vicars house at the side and bottom of my land. I pointed out said house and also pointed put that there is actualy a lane that goes there but the beggars in the other house at the bottom had fenced it off and made a garden. He was so short he couldn't really photo over their fence. I have some photos from years back when they started this so hopefully I can find them if needed. Not going to be my year.
Neti hadn't you got a stepladder? I am feeling much better today despite the early start and thank you all for your kind words. I don't like to say too much to my sister because she feels guilty that she is not here. Once Shughy had decided to brave the rain and wee instead of pacing up and down squeaking, it was quite cosy and we will catch up on the kip today like maybe now.....zzzzzz
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Hello all
Drizzly day but not quite so bitterly cold.
Been and had my wig sorted out and feel better for that.Nice natter and coffee and biscuits.Glad you're feeling more cheerful Woofy.
I like sea bass but fish bones don't bother me.I used to get a lot of fried herring as a child.A poached skate wing with a squeeze of lemon is my idea of heaven along with rock and chips from the chippy but they don't seem to sell it now,just boring old cod and haddock.

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