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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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go claim your free holiday and beat it to the sun Jno
meanwhile, if you want to keep up with evil Meghan...
Why oh why has Dame Helen had lip enhancements? Trout pout. Looks silly!
hot water is fixed, turns out OH had done a little radiator-bleeding this morning and lowered the pressure. Plumber kindly didn't charge us.
do you mean Helen Mirren? I can't see any trout pout pics? Glad to hear you won't freeze Jno.
She looked awful on GMB yesterday
Her face was very strange.
I've been busy preparing toad in the hole and making flapjacks which fall apart, hmmm not good.
On Jno's link scroll down to Helen Mirren and enlarge the piccy. You can see her face is fatter and different.
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Hello all
I hope you get a free gift of some sort Jno preferably to somewhere sunny and hot which must be better than this grey cold stuff.No snow here atm though.
I've spent the morning internet shopping and have bought some microfibre cloths,a free book on Prime reading,and a cheap bag to put put my stuff in indoors so I don't have to keep hunting round for my glasses,phone,notebook,pens,current reading matter and all the other junk I need near to hand.
I'm reading a new series Woofy. Inspector Constable Mysteries by Roger Keevil. Very funny especially with the puns on the names of the characters.You might like them.Modern light hearted Agatha Christie type stuff.
Otherwise nothing doing.Hope you're all ok.

I think she looks fine....
oo thanks Shaney! I have fallen back on Elizabeth Goudge so something new is very welcome.
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I've been ordering less and less from the library.It's a great shame because I've belonged to a library somewhere all my life since I could read and got my first Just William book and am a big supporter of public libraries . Norfolk library service was very good but you have to wait ages now for books to come through as they don't buy so many new books.The staff can't be bothered and are miserable and unhelpful and I don't blame them.
I could never find anything I wanted in mine not even in the e book online bit. Mine has moved to doing activities and things which is all very well but I want BOOKS
Woofy I was shocked at the mouth but I haven't seen her for a while so maybe others are more uaed to seeing her.
yes Neti its not a new look for her
all sorted, the central heating is back on, the prize was a big RHS month-by-month gardening book, which has gone down well with the family gardener, and my tooth is out and my mouth still numb, which is just as well, I will be feeling it in a while.

I don't think I can stand much more excitement in one day.
she's definitely done something to her face, neti
winner winner Jno
Yrs jno I spotted it immediately and she was so attractive.
Cold here but Clement. We've done all the usual things, shopping, a few drinks ( I only drink lemonade shandy)
Now ploughing my way through soggy flapjack! Taste nice though. The toad in the hole was a tasty disaster! Too thick but was nice, I may give up this cooking lark!
Shaney we've just been advised that after Brexit we will have to reapply for Residencia, and go through all that rigmarole again! Just hope they accept Mr Ns work us enough for us both to live on
It is of course but they can be petty. Blasted Brexit!
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Tell me about it Neti. Mr S has got to apply for settled status.He's been settled here for over forty years ..the ***.He's worried about his German pension.
In view of how they treated the Windrush people and May's hostile environment policies as Home Sec I don't trust this government at all.They can't even get the application App right and it must be done on an Android phone.I've written to my MP asking for some clarification but do I get's too busy shuffling along the front bench ever nearer to the top job.
Rant over:)
Another cold grey day.No snow though.
That's a lovely prize Jno. Hope you're all ok.

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