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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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I've got everything backed up four times, woofgang. A separate drive in the PC itself, a permanently plugged-in (but not switched-on) hard drive and a couple of portable hard drives a bit bigger than cigarette packets. Ideally I'd keep one of them in the Bank of England vaults.
me too Jno, mine is also in the icloud.
I'm not sure about the cloud, woofgang, I've heard it's not particuarly secure (from memory, some of those naked selfies of film stars were hacked from there).

PC seems to be working properly at last and Stan says it should be good for another year.

He is off back to Bulgaria for a hernia op over the weekend - as long as he's stopped coughing. He says he didn't want to have it done on the NHS because of the problems with meshes. Apparently in Bulgaria you go into the hospital shop and choose your own mesh.
Yes my naked selfies are saved elsewhere!
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I loaded some pics from my phone onto the desk top recently and I can't find them anywhere .Not in my pictures so they've probably joined your selfies in the sky Woofy :)
Much cooler today.Very much ,after another airless sweaty day yesterday.Hope you're all ok.
we are feeling much better thank you. We spent most of the day asleep then I did some more sorting out and started painting a small tatty chest of drawers. The drawer fronts, and maybe the top, are going to be covered with wallpaper with ships and lighthouses on and the main body will have a thin coat of grey over a coat of dark greeny blue. If it was a bit brighter, I would say turquoise. Its come out a bit bluer than I wanted hence the coat of grey to knock it back a bit. I might need to paint the insides of the drawers as well but will wipe and vaccuum first and hope not to have to as then they will need airing before use.
Sounds like hard work woofy. As it is so hot we went out early to San agustin which is a quaint tiny village and had a tipical ibicenco breakfast with the locals. i love being among them! Then we continued to San An and lidl to buy bits and bobs. UK tourists there with hardly any clothes on! I bought a berlina, a doughnut! Then we came home aa it got hot and staying in and picked at whatever we wanted instead of a big meal. Really nice way to avoid the heat but not be housebound!
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Afternoon all
Cool and cloudy here, bit of drizzle on and off.
Are you upcycling Woofy.I'm useless at anything like that.Better than chucking stuff though.
I'm really pleased with our reupholstered recliner chair.It cost two hundred pounds which I thought was reasonable considering the work involved. There's no way we could have done it ourselves and a new one would have cost a lot more to buy.It was my Pa-in-laws chair and we didn't want to part with it.
We're picking today as well Neti.Can't be bothered to cook and there's lots of odds and ends to eat up.
I like to do. a bit of messing about, hate waste....anyway here's the finished item. You have to ignore the mess.
that looks very handicrafty, very nice.
thank you yes I am pleased with it. Its quite not how I planned it when I started off, that tends to happen round here.
Oh that is excellent woofy. Would cost a fortune to buy over here.
Just having a coffee before getting my mop of hair cut! It's so thick that I cant wear a sun hat as it gets too hot.
here you go, just embroider "mother of the bride" on it
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Ooh that's lovely Woofy. I like that very much.
We've got a big chest of drawers on the landing.My old friend and neighbour in London didn't want it and I said I would have it rather than dump it.It had belonged to her mother and has still got the Utility furniture label on it so it's quite old.It has big deep drawers and I keep the bed linen in it.
Perhaps I could do something like .......on second thoughts perhaps I couldn't :)
Lovely day here ,not so hot just nice warm sunshine and breezy.
Hope you're all ok.
Just done my roots with a mix of lilac and blonde so as not to be too bright! Then opened a rarely used colour protecting conditioner and its blue! I avoid blue!
I very much doubt I'll be the mother of any bride although she still seems to be quite hopeful but thats because she's in Barña and he's in Madrid!
Was up early and washed hair again looks better. The fall asleep on settee with damp hair so now its all flat on one side and sticking up on the other. What a numpty! Staying in as too hot and will news to wet hair again to get it to do anything!!
GP says nothing detectable wrong with my heart, which is good though I still feel mild chest pain, so he's doubling my BP tablets and I'll go back in 2 weeks to see if matters have improved.

Still heard nothing from implant doctor and laser surgery people. Everyone must be on holiday.
they are rushing to spend all the money you give them to make room for more!!
I now have tendonitis in my thigh!

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