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Name Of Bird ?

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shaneystar2 | 17:20 Sun 30th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
1187 Answers
Can anyone tell me what sort of bird this is please .


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back to hot and humid here. We got all the heavy rain in the night so stayed up till gone 2 when it was over. Happily no thunderstorms.
Open Rooftop Gardens in London this weekend, all part of making it a Park City

I suppose we do quite well for urban greenery though we mostly make do with our own backyard. Anyway, I got to a couple of nice restful ones near the middle of town.
lovely...its nice to hear some good things about London
most big buildings approved in the City (just the Square Mile, not the whole metropolis) have requirements attached to create public space, so there are quite a few roof gardens planned on skyscrapers. The one at Canary Wharf hasn't got a view, as it's only three storeys up and way overshadowed by the skyscrapers, but it's very imaginative. It crosses the meridian so they've arranged it with half plants brought back in the C19 to London from the eastern hemisphere, the other half those brought back from the west. It's all free, no need to book, just stroll up the escalators and and look around.
I will one day....
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Some lovely gardens there Jno.I think some people think of London as a concrete jungle but there's lots of green space even in the city itself.I would love to have a visit to London but I don't think I would be able to manage it now.The mind is willing to do anything but the body has had it .
I watched a very good film this evening .Green Book.It was based on a true story, set in the early sixties ,about a black concert pianist and he employed an Italian mobster stylie man to drive him on tour into the deep south where of course people were fine with him playing for them but didn't want him eating with them or using their whites only facilities.It was sad in parts but hilariously funny in others.
It's been a mixed day weather wise.Hefty showers,claps of thunder and sunny intervals.
Night all.
I have that film shaney but haven't watched it yet . Have you seen Red Joan?its good
I didnt like Stan and Ollie but I dont like them period!
We went for a fish grill at a beach restaurant and it was so nice. But boiling back at home.
No, no rebate on the useless months and could be a while yet !
went to see more gardens; there was a lovely one on top of the Ham Yard hotel - partly just a relaxing outdoor lounge for guests with lots of plants in pots and planters, but also a kitchen garden for producing their own fruit, herbs and veg - small and crowded, everything only about a foot deep but stacked vertically with lots of espaliering and so on. The herb garden was on the sloping roof of the garden shed.

We found a Whole Foods Market round the corner - you just get a cardboard dish, fill it up with the ingredients on offer (about 30 options) and pay by weight. I had no idea there was so much healthy food around.
Did any of them have bee hives? I understand that beekeeping in London is a growing thing.
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I hoped you tucked in Jno.
I wasn't keen on Stan & Ollie either Neti and haven't seen Red Joan.Is it on Netflix?
My nephew has got two beehives .He got the queen bee through the post apparently.He's also got chickens and is thinking about getting a goat.I call him and his partner Barbara and Tom. He calls me Aunt Margot:) Enough said ,I'll say goodnight all.
Oh great excitement! Hija may get a marriage proposal soon
She and her boyfriend are coming over here in Aug and I think he is planning a proposal as they discussed it! Hea just bought a £25,000 Mercedes and owns an ice producing company in Madrid. I'm not to get too excited cos only 3 weeks ago she said she would never get wed! I've said look beyond the money and she apparently didnt know he had money when they first dated, and he is a really nice guy . I do remember her saying this a while ago!
Shaney no idea what's on Netflix as we dont have it or anything for that matter!
I have to lug my tablet down to coffee cafe and do my downloading there to watch at night!! Its like goi g back many years!!

the hotel garden did, woofgang, a couple of them. I didn't see others but there may have been some tucked in corners. I have been in discussions about whether I should be grubbing clover up, because apparently the flowers on it attract bees even though it will ultimately overwhelm the grass. I think we* may be planning to turn a little of our lawn into a wild meadow.

*not really "we", of course.
gosh, neti, the stages they go through. It used to be date-engage-marry.

Now you get in preparatory discussions about proposing? One knee or two?
jno, clover is self exterminating. I used to have loads of it which the tortoises loved but eventually it all went and the grass came back. I think its something to do with the fact that it flourishes in poor conditions but it fixes nitrogen in the soil with its root nodules. Eventually the soil becomes too rich for the clover and it gradually vanishes....something like that anyway.
oh I also read when googling, that the way to discoutage clover if you want to is to mow less often so the grass shades it out.....who knew?
Our land is wild, I hate pretty cultivated gardens plus we wont waste precious water ( we've done enough of that with the leak) on flowers and such like. We are encouraging wildlife!
Jno Mr N would like to know when you saw the Who, how many were there and any originals?
Townshend and Daltrey, the other two are dead. It's impossible to tell who are part of the regular band and who are just session musicians for the series of gigs (the entire orchestra for instance). The only one I knew was the drummer, Zac Starkey, Ringo's son. And of course I don't know Zac Starkey.
Neti are you shopping for Mother of the Bride hats?
If it's a Spanish wedding itll be full evening gown attire!
Cant see itself!

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