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chicken police

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swedeheart | 15:10 Wed 04th Feb 2009 | Animals & Nature
510 Answers
Afternoon, animal lovers. I don't have any animals anymore but lov'em and often watch all sorts of animal clips on YouTube. This one featuring the chicken police really intrigued me - is there anyone among you that could come up with a theory as to why two fighting rabbits should annoy the roosters to such a degree??

The second video is just a bonus for you cat lovers, no question attached, although if any of you have your own little roomba driver at home, do tell!


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That's a lovely church Kit .Very modern .Your landlord is a bit mean with the heating.
Can't you all get together and complain .
Failing that you can come here where I now have ..tadaaa.. lashings of hot water and heating .Yippee.My pressure had dropped :)

It's not the heating so much ,as we have a fire but trying to wash in a cold bathroom with a couple of kettles of hot water is a bit chilly round the nether regions .
Very foggy and dank here today .
Brasso or Silvo Robinia ? That used to go all white when you didn't polish it off quickly enough .
Hope you are all creaking along nicely .
Toodlepip for now ,take care all .
Tinkerbell!, I'm not away with the fairies...well, maybe...that's what I think it was shaney? It was for glass & mirrors, similar bottle to Windolene but a green label if I remember correctly? My mum hated it but I don't know why, I'll try & remember to ask when I catch up with her. ;o)
I'm glad you're hot stuff again. I can't get in the shower until it's warm enough to melt the curtain, I've got a fan heater on the wall 'cos the piddly little radiator doesn't do the job when it's really cold.

Lovely atmospheric church your friend a gemini by any chance? :o)

[don't think they're are any in here ;o)]
hello biddies, 3 computers in the house and I can rarely get on any of them!!

Our bathroom is very cold, and we have a warm towel rail - Mr N thought it would "take the chill off" - does it? No it doesn't and it's cold as three walls are outside walls, but I still love baths!!!!... and he hogs the rail with his towel, so the rest of us ; me!, has to put up with a cold bathroom and a damp towel! We've always had our own towels, does everyone?
No neti, I pinch other people's when I'm helping myself to their newspapers - I leave the pegs, I'm not all bad :o)

we seem to be missing a few biddies, have they all developed feather allergies?
Hello towel pincher!! Am all warm and cosy in daughter's room watching yesterday's corrie and have mine own lappy - yay!!

Mr N bought home a lully chinese dinner, fat and contented springs to mind!
here ya Robi, can't have ageing stick insects roaming the gardens at night.....

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Ha ha no she's an Aquarius Robinia so that wasn't too far off - same element.

The phone just rang and it was somebody who had dialled the wrong number. For some reason people (me too) always tell each other what number they were actually trying to reach (what's the point of doing that) and as she did so I said "Yes that's almost the same number as mine but mine has XX instead of YY" to which she replied "Now that doesn't seem very likely!!" Sigh. There's nowt so queer as folk eh. (See Robi, I remember some of the expressions you teach me.)

Where be you Vinny, I need you to bring out the trickster side of your personality and figure out a way for me to fiddle with the thermostat sensor on my radiator so as to convince it the room is colder than it actually is (cos apparantly that's not cold enough for it to get things done). Has to be a non-intrusive method though cos I was just reading there's mercury in some sensors so no suggestions that include hammers and stuff please =:O

Calling all opera lovers (that would be you Neti): Did you see "Italy's Susan Boyle"? Not a schooled voice obviously but quite a warm tone in my opiniation
just seeing if i can post
Evening each. I'm a bit late tonight- been watching the Manchester derby match very exciting. Not that you will be too bothered by that!! Ha Ha!!
Lovely singing voice of that I Italian lady Kit. I just wish I could speak Italian to hear what they were saying to her.
Been to our local carvery today for a cheap meal with my 2 friends. You know where that is don't you Robi. It wasn't too bad really because when I went before it wasn't very good so I haven't been going if you see what I mean.
I'm lucky Shaney I have a gas fire in my lounge to keep me warm if my boiler packs up but I don't know how I would get on for showers and the like. Boiling kettles would drive me potty! (Have you heard that one Kit) I've timed my heating to go off at 10.30 pm then it comes on again at 7.30 in the a.m. for when I get up.

Hi Dolly Hope you're catching up with us now. Take care.x

Had a good afternoon yesterday hearing the kids read at school. I am getting the same children and so it will be good listening to see if they improve. I do hope they do with the extra help.

I'm off to watch Have I got News for You now (an old one on Channel Dave!!)

See you tomorrow - Sleep tight x
Oooh, thanks neti, lovely colours, they'll save me stumbling around people's patios & falling over their rancid old bbq's...the one's they'll no doubt be firing up at the earliest opportunity, grrrr. I could do with some tea towels too please.

Lovely voice she has Kit....Now my first thought was Aquarius, like my sister. She wasn't particularly punctual and sometimes kept me waiting during the early part of our brother's troubles but I soon put her straight .... However, if there's ever a set, funeral appointment with the Queen etc we have to set out about 2 days early just IN CASE there's a herd of elephants in the road, and all the way there there's mumbling & circling of roundabouts at least 3 times...
Can't you just turn the thermostat up then? Silly question...if it was that simple you'd have done it....wouldn't you? :o) Visit all the other apartments & secretly turn their heating off so it all rushes into yours....

Jude, I thought you were busy browsing the pegs in the new £'ll come in very handy if we have an Easter bran tub :o)... Wonder how many of those little 'uns have gone home tonight muttering 'Well, I'll go to the foot of ower stairs... there's nowt so queer as folk....can I have a liberty bodice?'...haha
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Should go to bed but I'm afraid Robi will haunt my dreams...
Good moaning..!
dont you just love them susan boyle moments,you cant read a book by looking at the cover.All the beautifull people seem to fall in to this trap..!I loved her voice and I always find opera emotional.Now kip you could either put a bag off frozen peas on to the sensor or go and tell your landlord to get his/her ar** in gear and drain the rad.Could be a build up off sludge?.airlock,needs bleeding etc.
To watch that youtube clip I had to cha nge from IE to Firefox (on laptop) and install adobe, but brilliant! I understood that she said she lives to sing and the woman judge said she had so much emotion in her voice That'll be me singing for the rest of the day now - should frighten off any lurking burglars!!!!
Oh vinny, that was funny, and such nice buns!
Good morning...will it snow?
Computer says

Yes, ok Sweedie, have a good laugh, was very late in the day. HOWEVER, my comment about turning everyone else's heating off & leaving only yours would be the way to clear an airlock I think...wouldn't it Vinny?....<just say yes, I'll stop sending the cardies>

You might want to give the toast a miss this morning folks...Vin's been practising that dance with it :o)....and then he goes off to put his man-snuggie on :o) :o)

:o( .... cardi anyone?
very talented, Vinny... I wonder what they do in winter...
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Afternoon snowmen. I still feel like Shackleton and his 27 men stuck in the ice but thermometer too says No - the temperature is quite reasonable! So it must be the wind chill factor then - which *is* a factor to be taken into account in my place, as the ventilation air comes in through what's more or less a hole in the wall BELOW the window. Other apartments with similar intakes, it's always above the window, but this house... I've often suspected they held the plan upside down when they built it. I keep a piece of cardboard in front of it to redirect the air to the sides but it doesn't help much as the place is small and my desk is close by the window. Will just have to endure. No jno I don't want to see your chilblains;-)

Sweden's Got Talent yes Vinny we've always been talented that way... BTW that's knäckebröd they're using, the typically Nordic hard bread that Swedes abroad have hallucinations about, we can't live without it. To add insult to injury the first song in the medley that accompanies their efforts is titled "Where's the soap, bro' "... This is the (old) original (Shaney is that Lampwick serving the drinks about one minute into the footage?)
hello all, have been nobly sorting the house ready for the next step, the painter who comes tomorrow...or friday...or Monday. Kit that church is beautiful, truly a sacred that a lake in the first picture? have you tried putting an icepack on the thermostat?
its coooooold here and grey, not freezing, not icy just in your bones cold.
I had a lovely time yesterday. i went to the local Apple store for some 1 to 1 training on my new laptop...its amazing all the things it will do that I didn't know about. Mr W gave me a years access to the training as part of my chrissy gift. You park yourself in the shop and (in my case) a nice young man sits with you and just shows you stuff and answers your questions. The Apple staff are amazing too. They all wear the same gear and are all well scrubbed but deffo look geeky in various ways and tidyness doesn't seem to be a prerequisite which is nice, the slick well groomed types always make me feel like the caterpillar that crawled out of the apple ha unintentional wouldn't mistake any of them for anything but computer enthusiasts. Its nice that they are all ages too. they really are can hear other sessions going on and the conversation tends upon lines like "oooh you have to see how to do this...did you know you can....and loads of laughing and noise.
I am going back to do some more next week.

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