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chicken police

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swedeheart | 15:10 Wed 04th Feb 2009 | Animals & Nature
510 Answers
Afternoon, animal lovers. I don't have any animals anymore but lov'em and often watch all sorts of animal clips on YouTube. This one featuring the chicken police really intrigued me - is there anyone among you that could come up with a theory as to why two fighting rabbits should annoy the roosters to such a degree??

The second video is just a bonus for you cat lovers, no question attached, although if any of you have your own little roomba driver at home, do tell!


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saw V got in first with the Icepack suggestion
Just what I could do with on this dank cold dreary day Woofie ....a nice young man :))
Preferably one with a solution to my painful knee and giant toothache of the hips.Been to the doctors this morning and he suggested I have a cortisone injection in my knee . But I'm dithering .
I dropped some money out of my purse this morning in a shop ,fumble fingers ,and it rolled all over the place .I couldn't bend down to pick it up . .Luckily a nice chap picked it up for me .I felt old and helpless ...sob :)
My Mother told me there would be days like this :)

The guys with the knäckerbrod ....brilliant .
I don't think Lampwick would wade through water to serve me with a drink though Kit ,he'd probably just put a straw in the bottle :)

Here you are Robinia ..nostalgia fest
Hope you are all OK ..No snow here as yet .False alarm .
Take care all .Toodlepip for now .
There's a right chill factor here woofy says, not actually freezing but that miserable penetrating cold. I hate draughts, I'd be redirecting that ventilated air right back where it came from. If anyone mentions their 16C I'll leave Sinead O'Connor on a loop on might gets these hens-a-laying too.

Yes woofy, Vinny hides under the table and every now & then he scuttles out right in front of someone - usually me - and legs it again ...think we'll call him banned heroe :o)
Good luck with the lessons, you'll be passing on your new found knowledge I hope? I'd be no good in a computer lesson, all of my programmes myseriously lead me to handbag sites. I'd be forever screeching, 'stop! stop! I just want to look at....'

ooh, love that site shaney, I'll have a good look at that later. I know what you mean about dithering. I hardly dare mention anything in case they want to start sticking needles in...but if you don't go for it they probably think that it can't be that bad....but it is...agghh, buffered if you do, buffered if you don't. I wish they could give me one big jab & sort the bloomin lot.

I see Post an Answer's gone from the bottom...does that mean you can close the question again then?
eh? banned heroe?! it said spdrman
this place is crazy...
Question Author
Or a straw in the pool Shaney, he he.

Oh you've really made me want a Mac now Woofy... one of those white ones... is yours a MacBook? There's an Apple store nearby but I never knew about the private tutoring going on, wow. / The water in the foreground is the baptismal font - one of those "clever" photographers... you get a better view here Somebody said that architecturally the church is inspired by a zen monastery and yes that seems likely. The font *could* have been a lake cos there *is* a garden in the center

I'll remember the icepack and frozen pea bag tips Vinny and Woofy but for now the temperature as such doesn't seem to be the problem (hadn't yet bought the thermometer when I asked the fiddling-with-the-sensor question).

Stupid bannings draw your attention to ways of the world you would never had known about had it not been for the bannings!!!
Ey up mi ducks ow yer diddlin' a'rate I 'ope. Heard that today in Witherspoons. Though I would try it out on Kit. Walked to town in 50 minutes and ended up there for lunch with my sis. Horrible cold weather like Robi says but we did warm up abit walking.
Went for a stroll round M & S and one or 2 shops. Bought a pair of shoes from TK Max. They were smart flat for wearing with trousers. Every time I go in there I swear I'm never going again but I always do. Also bought a blue tooth adapter for my Lap Top so I can transfer my photos off my phone.
Woofy - Looking forward to hearing what you have learnt at your lap top lessons. Maybe you can give us a few tips.
Robi did you actually type banned heroe in your post. (We'll see when I send this)
Well Well!!!!Whatever!!!
Question Author
Erm... "How are you diddling", possibly? (Jeez, they forgot to put the ban on that one.) Like "how's it hanging"? "All right, I hope"? You're all very good at writing phonetically but with regular letters, I admire that! I "hear" your phrases when I read'em, which isn't always the case when people try to write phonetically.

I remember back when the roomba was just a fun toy for a cat... but now, there are roomba gladiator kittehs...! http://www.theanswerb...e/Question853905.html ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, it's so funny!
Hi Kit. Well done with the translation. Ha Ha! Ow yer diddling in my language means "How are you doing?" Not quite like "How's it hanging?" Let's see if I can get away with that one Ha Ha!!. I love language. I wish I could speak other ones. I did well in French at school but didn't take my O level in it until I was in my 40's when I took it at night school and passed to my relief. (O level means Ordinary Level I think. Nowadays youngsters take GCSE's. I think that means General Certificate of Secondary Education. I might be wrong on that one maybe someone will tell me if I am)

The Gladiator cat was funny. I enjoyed that.

Just finished watching another footie match so I will be off to bed in a bit so I'll say good night to you all. I hope I have a better night than last night. I couldn't sleep and when I did I had such a mixture of wierdo dreams. Must have had a lot on my mind. My Mum was in one of them and whenever I dream about her she is always a very young woman not how she looked in her 80's when she passed away. Wonder what the signifies.

Anyway see yer later 'gater(s)
Wonder what *that* signifies!!
I've had a tele and knitting evening .
I must be the only person in the world who is glued to Great British railway journeys every night :) It's a lovely little series .
Then I watched Miss Potter which I recorded ages ago, nice feel good sloppy film , and one of That 70's show ( only about another 80 or so episodes to go :) And I haven't even started on Bones yet .

I never dream .Well; I suppose I do,we all dream, but I hardly ever remember them .I have had nightmares when I've shot up the bed in a cold sweat but can't remember what it was all about .
I do remember years ago though when I was going through a lot of stress,having a recurring dream .I was driving a car but could only ever turn left ,never right .And I can't drive ! Ha ha.... I woke up loads of times feeling completely disorientated and remembering it vividly. But after a while I didn't dream it anymore .Thank goodness .I suppose when the stress went the dream stopped .I was probably going round in ever decreasing circles and getting nowhere at the time .
I had hypnotism once and it didn't work .I would not go under and the guy said I was just one of those people who are not open to auto suggestion and gave me my money back :)
I think I'll take a leaf out of your book Jude and toddle off to my bed .I have the new Robert Goddard .Great read as usual .
On that note I'll wish you all goodnight and sweet dreams .

You never know though .... I may dream tonight ... about some old buffer ,dishing up a cooked breakfast,on a tray,with toast that isn't burnt,whilst wearing a hand knitted cardi and brandishing a copy of Womans Weekly ....... :0)
hello, everyone gone to bed already - the night is young! And I am a late sleeper. But I will no doubt have wacky dreams especially if the bed is too warm. Unpleasant wild animals often seem to be a feature; so does trying to find the right room in the house, which often seems to vanish.

Well, I went to the new Van Gogh exhibition in London yesterday, which was wonderful - people think of him as a mad artist but he was very well read, very analytical about the way he created his paintings (a lot of his letters are on display in which he talked about this to friends, family and other painters) and he spoke three languages fluently. And I adore his work. Then we went to see Avatar in 3D on an Imax screen which was nearly three hours long and rather hurt my eyes. It might have been better on a screen that wasn't three storeys high (or jus sitting further back), or in 2D if they did a normal version. I quite enjoyed it, though.

Well, I have been arguing politely on several threads in Religion, but boy, those atheists have dreadful closed minds - missionaries have nothing on them when it comes to fanaticism. So I think I will take a rest from it for a day or two.

Sweet dreams, biddies!
mmmm deffo a touch of "I hate God so much I will deny His/Her existence"
Why would you get so wound up about something you don't believe exists lol
Good morning all - nice sunny day here. Daughter's off tonight and she's moving into another flat with her girl-friend (No!) much more modern with windows, I think she's realised that sometimes Mum is right!! Now all I have to do is to get her to repay us the £1,000 deposit !

Poor shaney, how I feel for you with toothache in your hip, that is so painful! Hope you are feeling better.

I am a vivid dreamer, every night and quite upsetting sometimes. Whenever I dream of my Mum, she is always cross with me! Wonder what that signifies!!!!

Off to buy daughter some modern cuddly pj's as the ones she's been washing are a yukky colour, she just can't get the hang of washing dark colours separately, and can't let her flatmate see them,!!!
Talking of dreams ,I always used to say well maybe I do dream but I never remembered them in the cold light of day. Until one Sunday night /Monday morning when I dreamt I was lay in bed and my late Mother-in-law appeared at the end of our bed ,on my side , she was dressed as I first saw her in 1949 not as when we emigrated in 1966 - she said I've come for one of the young ones and I said oh not my girls ! (we have 2 girls and 2 boys ) .I thought she wouldn't want the boys as she'd had 4 of her own and one baby girl who dies approx 18 month old.She adored our eldest girl especially (long story) . This was in October 1988 . I told my OH about the dream as I said I never remembered dreams but he always did. Cutting a long story short we received an English newspaper from one of my sisters-in -law and it appeared that my husband's eldest brothers one and only grandson had committed suicide the day I had the dream ! He was 22 and at Liverpool -it wasn't drug or alcohol related . Never really got the whole story but his grandmother sat down a year later from the funeral and just passed away . I don;t really enjoy dreams .
not surprised, Dolly, I wouldn't fancy having prophetic dreams either. However, if I do see the end of the world coming I'll notify everyone so they can get their laundry done first.
lol jno why would I bother...we're all going to be dressed in incorruptible white and I bet Him Above doesn't have trouble getting stains out :-)

we had a jpint visit to the dentist this morning, me to get my implant sockets checked and Mr W to have a cracked root canal filling replaced. He came out looking a bit stunned as the dentist had found two infected teeth on the other side of his mouth and has whipped one that's two more implants needed....looks like I'll be selly me bod after all (sigh) those thigh boots and fishnets aren't half chilly
oooh I HATE finding typos after I have posted....why can't we have an edit post facility??????
Itsh me...can't shpeak....I've jusht been to have a tooth out too!! Heaps of sympathy to Mr woofy x. I wouldn't use the word whipped though, it took some loosening, ugh. Good news is I look like I've had collagen on that side...bad news is the feeling's coming back & it hurts.

Back later, I need a quiet corner to feel sorry for myself.
Why do you all bother with yer teeth? I only do in dire circumstances ie when the offending tooth has hurt for ages. Mine are in a dreadful state, but, they look nice and white and I can (just about) chew steak with them, and it is quite expensive here, so we just hope for the best!!!

Btw, Mr N doesn't dream!! I say nit's cos he has no imagination.

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