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Flowers on a fig?

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woofgang | 14:54 Fri 08th Apr 2005 | Site Suggestions
557 Answers
I have a nice brown Turkey fig tree in a pot. I get about six figs a year and very nice they are too. BUT I have never seen any flowers on my fig tree, just suddenly tiny figs appear. figs flower and if so when and what do the flowers look like? and if figs don't flower, where do the tiny figs come from??


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Don't you dare bring him in here Vinny ....he will need constant polishing with Brasso and tons of WD40. Can't have him clanking around all day.Us figgies need our rest !

Alarm goes off>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Come on you Figgies.. Wakey....Wakey.....!!!....Goodness me..We are out of Here tomorrow Morning Early...Okay calm down its only a practice....He....He....Who's got a Hangover Today Then...!..not me. right Im taking The vinnybego for a practice run....zoooooms off>>>>>>>

Robinia..wakey wakey..cheese on toast fer breakys..He...He....well they do say hair of the dog for a Hangover....(:)

buenas dias me ole biddies. Lovely sunny (at last) day but cold. I have actually got to cook a Sunday lunch today so must not be in Figgiebank else it'll get burnt again (dinner that is not figgiebank - although you never know). Had a lovely Thai meal last night. Woke up at 4 onwards worriting about my daughter in Barcelona, knowing I couldn't help her if she called. Why do I worry so??? She texted me at 8.30 saying she was fine and going to sleep so then I relaxed and slept in. Same thing tonight.

Right enough about me,Dolly hope you do come to Espa�a, come to Ibiza, and we'll meet somehow.

How much have I got to pay for Vinniebago? remember mine will be in euros or shall I not bother??

Hello to each and every one, too numerous to mention individually. I'll pop in and out all day.

bonjour bideez - I'm sure it's getting colder by the day. I've just spent the last hour attempting the rspb bird watch but I don't have an accurate list.... I feed the birds all the time and I know that I have far more visitors than I've just seen....might have another go later if it gets busier....I swear some of them were swapping coats in the hedge to try and fool me.

Vinny what were you doing lurking in here at that hour? Is it strolls on the beach day again? Just about got time to zoom down there with me bucket and spade - not sure Biddycombe is ready for me yet tho'


I know what you mean about worrying neti - still do about my 2 sons and they are 30 & 32 with partner/wife & family of their own.

are we taking bets as to how burnt neti's roast dinner is going to be today??


he he Robinia that is so true -eversince I discovered AB and then CB and now us I have burned more dinners than ever before, I think the joke is wearing thin with Mr N. Trouble is I have to pass the computer room from kitchen to lounge and so cannot resist.

Netti ready for Biddycombe he he (I wish - so does Mr N)


ok this is the real me....


Morning all. Thought this was a nice pic and just wanted to have another go

Hope it works

That's lovely Jude and reminds me of a lovely morning in the summer..which I hope will bloomin' well hurry up and get here!
Absolutely freezing here but bright
Good morning all other fellow figgies.Hope we are well .
I haven't got to cook a lunch today. Hooray...Hoooray!!
We are going out tonight with family for a meal as Mr.S. has reached 60 years of age. We have got a couple of little surprises for him !!
Hope you all have a lovely Sunday (don't burn the spuds Neti ! )....see you all later xx

haha neti wish I looked like the first pic too ....sniff....what's that burning smell?

That's a lovely pic Jude is it one you did earlier? I think our next move should be a lovely tranquil place like that

hi shaney - yes the cold is getting to me I have what I can only descibe as toothache in me knees...ooooh

have a lovely day with mr.s and congrats to him!

Happy birthday to Mr Shaneystar. Now kick me off for the next 2hrs I must produce an edible meal.


sending electric shock down neti's line to get her off the keyboard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>sssszzzzttttttt!!!!

oops looks like I zapped Ed instead.....

sorrry about blowing your slippers off Ed,

very nice you sit in our rocking chairs and make them while we're out?

vroommm.....................netti comes zooming past, too busy to stop............................
Vinny shouts at netti::::::::::dont forget to put the sprouts on...!!! and put that sherry down woman...these ex-pats.....Whooops>>>>>> she slips over last night's wine bottle's (:)NO Netti:!!!!walk straight pass>>>>>>>>(:)dont answer...He...He....!
I have in all honesty just burned the cauliflower cheese - I forgot it was under the grill - luckily Mr N wasn't home so I could rescue it from a big bowlful to a mere side dish. tut

just made you this neti on my badge-maker.....

for you

Hi Figgy's - I was really good yesterday! I was up, washed, dressed & out of the door early - had a lovely day & didn't return until late last night.

Literally popped in again to wish:

" Mr Shaneystar - A Very Happy 60th Birthday"

Hope it turns out as happy as Mr. Smudge's 60th birthday did on Wed 25th! Bye for now all. -x-

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