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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
520 Answers

here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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Yes Neti she exists. I saw her about 17 or 18 years ago.
I've seen that act too, somewhere on the internet but I can't find it now. No great loss.

Whoa Jude! You're exceeding the speed limit, girl...!
...that is to say, I can't find the one I saw, which was *relatively* tasteful, compared to the ones I CAN find...!
...and anyway, I'm still image googling the phrase "Vinny's credentials" >>>>>>>
ah yes, Vicky appears to be a downmarket version

- a few videos near the end of her list have not been deleted -

whereas Ms Martinez is more arty


- that's the one I saw (Not Safe For Work, obviously)
I'm still googling for the ping pong girls off bangok..!(:O)
I've been Googling Vinny's credentials for last five years :0)
It just keeps coming up with something called the Hippy Hippy Shake .
tut, it's starting to have echoes of cb in'll just have to make do with the Bing Bong Biddies AB Vincent!

Oh sorry you fell down for real shaney, that was spooky, but spookier still I was looking for sunlight alarms on Amazon this morning....well done, we'll expect you to be on tst duty bright 'n early in the future.
*of AB
It sounded like I enjoyed Sticky Vicky when I told you about it. Well I didn't I was sooo embarrassed would you believe.
I'm off now to get snuggled up infront of the box. It's the last part of Under Suspicion tonight it's been really good.

Keep warm all my biddyfriends, we're in for another cold one apparently!!
See yer later 'gater(s) x
I have become a reformed character and am only going to post nice links

This is an editorial message: We would like to point out that before we edited above image - posted by the so called reformed character - this is what it looked like =:O
tut - some troll has been meddling with my imagery.I shall try again
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morning all. We had a snowday here yesterday and stayed home here all warm indoors. BB was playing up all day (do radio waves get icicles on them?) so I couldn't get on here...this seems to be one of the first sites to go, I wonder if they pay the lecky bill?
Poor little Rab wants to be a crazy snowdog and bounce around but Shughy ain't having any and prefers to be indoors in the warm.
tiler is stuck at the bottom of his hill and we are stuck at the top of our so no work today, which is kind of nice, when you can't do anything but nothing its a lovely guilt free way to waste time.

sending some cheerful waves out to those of us who need them...if you want a quite rude smile the google on "puppetry of the p3nis" spell it right....Vinny it might make your eyes water
ah, this is rather nice, though I'm not sure the Indian skies really are half yellow and half blue, but definitely no red rags.

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oh my jno that's where I need to be...yes I have seen sunrises like that in Malaysia and Singhapore. I have a posh shower gel called "Un Jardin apres la Mousson" by Hermes. The first time I smelt it it took me back to the old Mish to Seamen garden in Singhapore on a warm morning during the rainy season. Yes I sound like something out of Somerset Maughan...the house was an old colonial one with shuttered french windows and tatty old rattan furniture everywhere. You could sit and watch the lizards run around the walls of the bar. I was on a cargo ship with DH and wanted some earth to plant seeds in so the chaplain took me out into the garden to get some. The old garden was all overgrown with creepers and the scent was like the first day of creation...golly that was 35 years ago!
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Kit is your image a photo or a painting?...wonderful anyway
Ooooh beauuuutiful picture jno! And a beautiful Singaporean tale, woofy - one can tell you're "a writer of sorts" (your own words). As for woofy's genital origami (as Wiki calls it, ha ha ha!) I have to say that's you off the naughty chair, jno! It even makes MY eyes water (don't look at 'The Sail', you'll never be the same again). There's a section on their web site for AUDITION *makes Dame Edna face imagining it*.

Woofy I'm not sure which image you're asking me about? If you mean my rendition of the painting jno posted, I was falsely and teasingly accusing jno of having posted a Merry Mary or whatever the devout equivalent of a Sticky Vicky would be. I used the image jno had already posted, plus this one where I cut out a part of the scarf and turned it around... if that's what you're asking?
...and jno's painting is by Bouguereau BTW.

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