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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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I have SAD in the summer!
Hi again.

I have slept away most of the afternoon and do feel a lot calmer. It's just that I had panicked about of all the things I have now got to get on with now that the Christmas break is well and truly over. Back to trying to sell land, tackle neighbour problems, son's redundancy problems, finance, etc. etc. I can't even get about at the moment what with all me ititisisis and the fact that I daren't drive on ice with a gammy leg.

I had pushed everything to the back of my mind and reality has hit me today. I actually think I am suffering from SAD a bit too.

More snow threatened tomorrow.



Thanks for all your kind words Biddies. You are lovely.
we know swetinetibeti....tut

Yes jno, that's a big part of it I'm sure...I've always plummeted in November, held it together for xmas etc & then when it's all over there's this crashing low. Even my ex admitted (several years after the split) that he hadn't understood or believed it existed at the time.

ooooh, do labels in clothes drive anyone else potty?....<scratches>
Following on from jno's post about joining a SAD club: Or, in Robinia's case, she could go see a he he he he!

Me and my broken English, I was reading through yesterday's posts and Lottie now I'm paranoid it may have sounded as if I was saying your marriage wasn't a very happy one right now... I hope you will all give me the benefit of the doubt when I say things that sound a bit "off". I wasn't talking about your marriage of course, but of the way you yourself were feeling. Anyways, Lottie, stay with us, we'll make you feel relaxed... or exhausted... ...or something.

Congrats on having started on your new job Jude, I'm looking forward to hearing as much about it as you can tell us (I suppose lots of it is subject to confidentiality). I think you'll love it!
Right jude, now get them kids sorted - we want no hooligans now Mrs Jude in charge.

Sometimes I feel as though I am a foreigner cos I express myself differently (or backwards!) or am I just retarded???
hahahahaha...that t-shirt's brilliant!!

There's no need to ask if anyone understands me.

Oh, har har Amazon...they've sent me some suggestions for new year, new me machine, bar bells, Flat Belly diet book, Paul McKenna's I can make you thin....

that's it! I'm finally over the edge...
Damn it,that's done it now, can't stop singing "Another Brick in the Wall" Pink floyd, cos I was thinking of jude!!!!!!
<shrugs> ^ ^ ^ ......foreigners!
Biggest fiesta of the year tonight and tomorrow when the Three Kings bring pressies. Not for us anymore. Be a nice change to have kings on the island, it full of queens usually. Pouring down.
What did I say about giving my car a workout!!! Well this a.m. was going to Tai chi but it wouldn't start. I think it's the battery so my sis has picked me one up and is bringing it down in a bit. If it's not the battery God knows but I bet it'll be expensive, Think I'll look for a new car..
oh dear, sorry about the car Jude. In this weather the battery is a quite likely culprit, though.

Well, I say 'this weather' but the sun's streaming in on me and the promised snow isn't going to happen now till later in the week (if ever). Really, if this is the worst winter for 25 years, I don't know what people are complaining about. All these moaning minnies oop north and their chilblains. I think they're just making it up.
Morning...hmmph! can someone hold jno down while I do some serious walloping with this block of ice?! Snowing here & we've been told we could have 10ft of it by this afternoon....sorry, 10 inches....oh, ok, 10 cms. 1mm is too much.

Jude I thought your car was new(ish)?
I s'pose I'm too far oop north to even be referred to as oop north... but I'll need you biddies to pray for my safe return 'cos I'm going to my hairdresser's tonight and the temperatures will drop to nearly fifteen below zero before I'm back home =:O I forgot to wash my legwarmers, they're in the machine now so when you're done praying for me you can help me blow air at them. It's going down to 44 below zero tomorrow in a province farther oop *our* north... Apparently Sweden's record for January is -49.0°C. Sweet Jesus! Sweden is a very oblong country you know so that kind of temperature seems as absurd to me as it probably does to you.
Nah she just talked about getting a new one but she never did, did you Jude.
Hiya I've had this one 4 years now it is an 02 registered. I did think about a new one 12 months or so ago but didn't. My sis is now saying she will come with me to find another one more up to date so when the weather is better I may take her up on that. Mind you if I get this one going I may change my mind again !!! My sister is different to me she just makes her mind up and does.
Your right there jno...tis all down ere tis..
who walked half way to zuperbug and got a lift with the paper delivery guy...ME.! And the manageress gave me a kiddys selection box for being so brave see.Ive got fudge and crunchies and flake and dairy milk and buttons to..yummy..:O)I was wearing me russian hat and me german snow boots.The driver said I looked like I was part of the last retreat from moscow..hehe.!(he his getting on a bit)so kips getting her bush trimmed..ooops I mean herr cut..!catch youes later dudes....just for you..
very severe weather there alright, Vinny, though I couldn't help noticing the date seems to refer to a previous decade.

Careful, Kit, you don't want your barnet* snapping in two if you bump into someone.

(*barnet = Barnet fair = hair, I think)
Cor blimey jno...there fink im a fraud.....scroll down and it does say 5th jan...(could be 63 though).(:O)that bloomin norweigian site said it would be snow free...!dont spose they can see this far...(:O)
All done and dusted. Sis brought a battery and son called on his way home from work and put it on for me,Lovely family I've got!!

It's stopped snowing here for the moment but expect it will be back again in a bit.

Wow, jude, just a new battery, are you sure????

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