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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
520 Answers

here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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haha...I was going to mention there was snow down Wooly way earlier but I thought Vinny would whoosh in & swear blind there wasn't...have you checked that selection box isn't from 1963 too? :o)

Funny the people who you never normally see suddenly make it a life's quest to get to the shops and buy 10 loaves when there's a bit of snow...there's been a trudgeathon of mysterious bobble hatted beings (obviously not used to walking in wellies, haha)...and even a rambling group. 'Spect they'll be telling all their friends how they survived the 8ft drifts & Arctic blizzards down Robi's Road... :o)

Love the motor neti, I'm glad Jude's mobile again....I might be needing a tow tomorrow

Kit! Keep ya hair on!
It's miserable, wet and raining here and I'm so happy!!!
Oh the Kings are coming, I can hear the drums, but it absolutely pi**ing down so don't think we'll bother going down to the village.
THAT WAS COLD. People walking quickly and in silence with just one goal: To get indoors. Sorry 'bout the Norwegian site... I'll have to check if they mentioned anything about great balls of!
♫...anything Kit can do...Vin can do better...♫

♫...anything Vin can do...Rob' can do better...♫
well, went to see La Clique tonight, sort of mini circus. The weakest link I'm afraid was the Swedish magician, who was mostly jokey but not very funny. He did a trick of making a bandana vanish but unfortunately misread the instructions and did it with a banana instead, although to be fair he did make it vanish. Later he came on and played Oh Susanna on a mouth organ - inside his mouth, which looked kind of painful.

Then there was a woman called Ursula Martinez who really did make a hanky vanish between her hands. Then it reappeared in her clothing... so each time she did it she removed an item of clothing to show that it wasn't really hiding there. Finally she was down to a thong, and made the hanky vanish again... then found it in the thong. So she removed the thong and made it vanish again... decency prevents me from explaining where she made it appear from this time, but I hadn't seen this done on a stage before. She later reappeared fully clad and gave Spanish lessons, getting the audience to chant 'Viva la stimulation clitorial', whatever that means. She then claimed to be from Croydon, which explains a lot.

So quite an interesting evening, all things considered. Seems to be snowing quite hard now, but we have enough pasta for a week so we should be okay (though we may have to share it with jno jnr, who is hoping to be cut off from work.) aint good.
we got an artic wind ere,I reckons its a swedish one..:O)Cant find any string to tie me bottoms of me jeans...And I dont fancy that wind getting to me credentials....(work that bu66er out kip)hehe..!sugar...just remembered she speaks better english than what i do..blimey jno...I havent been to a strip club fer years now.
...♫ Anything robi can do...netti can do better..
oh, it's a real blizzard here... been going on all night... if it keeps coming down much longer it may even cover the garden path, it must be at least half an inch deep already, at least in the places where it settles.

Gah, call that snow, why in my youth....
Well t'aint good here either, we had a huge dollop thank you - it's up to Charlie's particulars. Nice 'n sunny but soooooooooo bitterly cold, it makes me dizzy.... it's gonna be hell along this road tonight when it freezes again.

Ohh I say jno, things have changed since the magical days of David Nixon... shocking what you could pick up in a phone box in those days..

Whoops a daisy, careful shaney!'s all that Tesco gin you've got...glad your cheese is in a maximum security handbag though... http://37stories.file.../2008/12/ice_slip.jpg
Ibiza calling........

Quite cold today, sunny but clouds ahead!!!
Hello all. Jno I remember when I went to Benidorm one time( the first and last) I saw a turn on stage of a woman conjuror who stripped and did something similar to what you have been talking about. She had a nick name but I can't remember what it was of course she was very well known and people kept saying you must go and see ? ?!!
The sun is shining now and I have been out in my car. The side roads are a bit slippy and I expect it will be freezing and slippy tonight.
Is it a yeti? no, it's the abominable snowdog
oops, shrank the pic too much
You must mean Sticky Vicky Jude !
She was in the last Benidorm TV series .
Hope you are all OK on this freezing day.It's so cold and snowing here .
I slipped l over on the ice going to the wheelie and crashed into the wall ,and banged myself all down my arm and .Mr S. is very grumpy and has some sort of fluey virus but on the bright side ,we must all be psychic because I had a letter just now from one of what Mr S calls " "Those crap magazines you read " to say I have won one of these .
Which one it is I have no idea until they send it . So you can all come round here for some sunshine but Vinny must keep the string tied round his trousers :))
Take care all..Keep warm .Bye for now
Morning. Or afternoon. Or something. Did I say I hate the cold?

Googled La Clique so I now know which magician you're referring to, jno. He's representative of what we call 'Gothenburg humor' - you work it out:) Most people remember him for painstakingly stuffing a condom into his nostril (don't try this at home Vinny;-) and pulling it out through his mouth (and if you do try this at home Vinny, don't post a clip of it;-) He used to lecture at schools about chlamydia, presenting the condom stunt as a party trick saying "if you do this at a party, you won't get lucky that night and so you won't get chlamydia, ta-da". (But it was a serious lecture, really.)

Oh congrats Shaney! Let us know how you get along with it, won't you. I'm very pleased with my zen alarm but I still lust for that Jeeves Alarm jno posted a long time ago There were lots of different phrases, for Madam and Sir both, but the above has got to be my favourite!
Hi ya Yes shaney that's her!! She must be about 90 now as it's yonks ago when I saw her. (and only once btw)!
Yes Jude ,she looked rather ancient when she appeared in the tv show :)
But she' s only 66 apparently ... Hmm
If you google images you can see her in all her glory :)))
Congrats on your job btw .Hope you enjoy it .
jno and jude, that sounds like Sticky Vicky from the series Benidorm, and as a few of the appearances were from real residents of the place ie. the gay vicar and the lovely tom jones singer, maybe she is also real. Don't ask me to find out!! to quote " she pulls the flags of all nations out of her ***......"
Sorry shaney, i didn't read your post first, yes we agree!!!

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