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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
520 Answers

here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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Congratulations Lottie and mr LL...better late etc! I'm not the biggest fan of xmas but I don't like it when it's over either, everywhere's dull & bare again and the fridge suddenly seems uninteresting :o). My tree, cards & decs are still up but those around here who had them outside have taken them down. Now we've got January (and Feb) to struggle through, ugh! Stop gloating neti....

Kit those JibJab elves are only available over the xmas season so enjoy it while it's there...!! (you can pay to download the ones you make though)..hehe Jude, did the bag fall off while jno was dancing?

Hope everyone's aches 'n pains ease soon but the forecast's more of the same for the foreseeable...I'm fed up of the outdoor cold/indoor dry heat giving me nose bleeds. I'm forever looking like I've just stumbled out of a Norfolk W.I. jumble sale...oooh, the lengths they'll go to.... :o)
We also had a trip to the register office last week 37 years ago .I had a frock which was sort of psychedelic with purple flowers on it and a floppy hat .We don't make a fuss either .
Haha Robinia.... I probably looked like something from a Norfolk WI jumble sale at the time .
Very cold here and more snow but not enough for a snow man .It was snowing when we got married .
This dry heat gets me down too Robinia .I have to keep going out the back and gulping fresh air but you can't sit in the cold can you ? It makes me feel so tired ,then when I go up to the cold bedroom I'm wide awake !
Aches and pains no better .I want some of what Jude takes :)
I think I'll start taking the things down tomorrow .It's all beginning to look a bit dusty and the cards are curling up and keep falling about ..
Keep warm everyone and take care
Nite Nite
tut, I'll have you know I only do the old classic ballroom dances... the frug... the watusi... the mashed potato.... oh yes, my parents used to think I was a right little frugger.

Have just sat up all evening booking excursions for my next cruise, departing in 21 days and going to the nice warm Persian Gulf. Tours of all sorts of Emirates - in fact I think there was one where you actually got to have tea with an emir, but it was a bit expensive. Recycled teabags with biddies is more my line.
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morning all and a freezing cold one it is too. the tiler is back tiling merrily and we have added a gardener to the list of people waiting to visit, as we need a bit more front parking space, so he's going to trim my herbaceous and put down some more block paving. He's a lovely man, he also keeps next doors trees in check so we get some sunlight.
It was minus 6 degrees here this morning when we took the pups out. Rab is okay he's got a "normal" coat, but Shughy's is very fine and non existent over his tum and armpits. While he's tearing around he's fine then he stops and suddenly realises he's COLD so we all gallop back to the car quick.
Mr W has gone to church this morning, seafarers' service so in a minute I am going to dozzzzze off.....
Good moaning peeps.
bloody cold ere to,had to leave the car running for ages to shift the ice of me windscreens.How did you find that robinia...!Im saving the bu66er this time..:O)The best kip I ever had was sleeping in bournemouth gardens all through the summer in the sixties...the pine needles makes the best mattress ever.!I was reading the mail on sunday about the story of stieg larsson and eva Gabrielsson.What a shame he died before his books were published.And the family fued with his live in girl freind eva.he became the worlds second best selling author.Kip will tell us the ins and outs I expect.Must go and do some more,at least the sun is shining again.catch youes laters...(:O)
Congratulations Lottie and mr LL (:O)
Morning all
pah! Well that piddly bit of sleep wasn't worth putting curlers in and taking me teeth out for :o)...the best bit of last night was dreaming about Michael French when I did nod off. :o) :o).... Then someone woke me at some ungodly hour by leaving their engine running and revving it like a maniac as they drove off ...(tut, might have guessed it was the sproutman)...THEN I had to crawl out of bed & don 5 layers of fleece to put the wheelie bin out...the air's so cold it hurts to breathe.

It was quite odd finding that again Vinny, the song just came into my head & I did a youtube search but it didn't show I just added 'cartoon' to the search title and lo! 'twas there! It was definitely taken off for ages though because I had it in my favourites & I'd been trying it.

HEYULP! can someone thaw me out please....?

Have a serious attack of the blues today :o(. Mr LL has gone back to work and I miss him. Just can't seem to stop feeling incredibly anxious about absolutely everything and am very tearful. If I didn't have so many aches and pains and it wasn't so blooming cold I would go out for a long walk with the dog, but that is out of the question.

Thanks for listening.
afternoon all, all xmas decs and trees put away now, except the creche which will go on 6th.

Dear lottie, I know that nervous feeling, awful cos you're convinced something terrible is going to happen and can't do anything, and then nothing awful happens in the end, but you can't just shake it off. Just try to relax x
Dear Beti,

Feeling better now. Thanks so much. Just made myself very tired with nervous exhaustion so will have a couple of hours relaxed sleep.

Beti ????

Fingers on wrong keys, he, he.

Bety Boop!
Uh-oh biddies, I think we've gone a bit too far in our attempts to thaw Robi out... RUUUN!!!

Yes it's a sad story and a shameful one Vinny. They lived together for 32 years; the only reason they didn't marry was because he wanted to protect her, he was concerned for her safety as he himself was being targetted and attacked as an anti-racism, anti-right-wing journalist. And now his father and brother are throwing her peanuts. Or trying to - I don't think the last word has been said yet.

Here's a fun trick for those of you with grandmonsters and the like: Pretend that you're able to wipe the two Google Os off the screen using a cloth, or make them vanish with your magic wand, or whatever. First mouse click (anywhere on the screen) will make them disappear within five seconds, second click will make them reappear, third click will bring you to a legit Google page
Hi Lottie you're not on your own. I know all about anxiety and feeling low and I empathise with you,Take care and try not to worry which I know is easy to say. but the feeling will pass eventually.

I've been to the school today for the first time. It was brilliant listening to these children. All of different abilities and some enjoy reading and some sit there yawning and fidgeting and just want to chat. Ahhh!! They want me every Monday afternoon which suits me. In fact the head asked me if I could do more hours but I'll have to see

We're threatened with another big freeze tonight. I think I'd better give my car a bit of a workout. Didn't start it up at all yesterday.

I watched Wallandeer last night and thought it was very good. Anybiddy else see it.

Off to eat my Pizza now. Keep warm and have a good night.
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Big Congrats to the LL's and I hope you are feeling more cheerful now Lottie. I don't think these dark days help at all
Sorry Lottie forgot to say Congratulations on your anniversary.
Auntie Beti, Agony aunt, here for you!
Well done Jude! One afternoon sounds sufficient to me :o)

Love the Google Kit, I'll be saving that!

Thanks for the fires of hell folks (lol) but even they haven't thawed me...and I came in looking for some emotional support & I see Lottie feels the same as I do! I'm floundering between a raging temper (for no reason) and shaky despair. I got caught out by a S. Electric salesman who made me so wound up I came over all peculiar when I closed the door. What a bloody joke, they want to reduce your fuel bills for you & expect you to stand there with the door open & watch 10 quid's worth of heat disappear into the road....(ANYone trying to sell me ANYthing is wasting their time...I decide what I want & when I want it, thank you, tsk!)

Lottie, hang on in there...'cos I'm hanging on to you...

Maybe in these long winter nights people are suffering from SAD? Just a thought. If so you should join a club

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