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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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I'm fed up with electrics. I told you I had broken the shade on my light fitting in the kitchen well I've been to B & Q and discovered that you have to turn the bulb slightly to the left and then pull it out so I went home and did it as easy as pie. What a plonker I am. It will now cost me about £30 for a new fitting.

Get well soon Robi. Don't know what I can suggest for you as I'm hopeless at knowing what to take etc. I just do as the Doc tells me.

Just relaxed to Bing singing White Christmas Vin. Takes me back a bit. Have you heard Dylans Christmas Stuff yet. He was in that programme called Imagine the other night. It was about Joan Baez Life with Alan Yentob. And she was of course one of Bob's 'very close' friends.
oh lordy Lottie, get a bucket in from the yard or we'll be awash....I'd better stay on standby....
I've recently perfected the art of going up the stairs 2 at a time myself :o)...I'm gonna need a one floorey abode before long

That's annoying about your fitting Jude, as my mum said 'there's always sommat'...Wickes do some reasonably priced lights...speaking of my mum she had a 78 rpm record called Christmas in the Village & that had White Christmas & an assortment of other songs, I wonder if my sister kept it? Oh yeh, got nothing to play it on... :o(
tut...I said standing by! silly site
Hello tiddlers
It is sooo cold here .I've got fleeces on top of me fleeces .
Bah bedside lamp went on me last night . It's a screw in bulb of course which you cannot get for love nor money and I've had to replace it with one of these dim curly things that pass for a lightbulb these days .By the time it warms up I've thrown my book across the room in despair .
No Neti ...I'm not in the habit of drinking blood but my GP is in the habit of getting as much blood out of you as possible .No doubt to see if he can lecture me about things that I shouldn't be drinking or eating :)
Yoohoo Vinny
eggs................sundays........boiled not snotty .......... brekkie............jam ....toast ........must..........go
potatoes ................
Hope you are all OK and that your headache is easier Robinia .
Over and out for now .
oh heck it's a leccy-demic...I can still buy (some) old fshioned light bulbs locally but the crafty so & so put the price up by 25%
My head is a bit better thanks & I've had a big plateful of pie 'n mash with enough gravy to float the Farewell Trollop...lovely.
I'd forgotten that episode with my tree Robi - I thinkI ought to give up on christmas, anyway it all looks rather nice and cheery now it's up!

Yes Lottie, I'm weeing more than usual now - oops sorry vinny has that shattered our sexy images !!!!!
well it's not a very good combo is it, water & dodgy leccy?! ...♫ there may be trouble ahead ♫

I love this advert...' fa-la whatever'.... hahaha
Mr N went out and bought bags of old fashioned light bulbs, cannot abide green curly ones. I can sent a red cross parcel full of light bulbs if the biddies want!!
Bloody energy saving lightbulbs. By the time they give enough light to a room you have forgotten what you went in there for!! And they make S.A.D. sadder!!
Evening biddies, I've just stuffed myself with mulberries, never tasted mulberries before in my life but my they were good...! This kind http://shop.textalk.s...hp?id=8162&grp=261391 It's the deli on my street that sells'em; a couple of weeks ago they sold black tomatoes and lemons still on the vine with leaves and everything, oh it was so beautiful.

I recorded a Happy Christmas message for yous on my dictaphone when I was getting acquainted with it but I haven't been able to transfer it to the computer. Sounds fine on the dictaphone but on the puta it sounds like that dotted message from Vinny, ha ha. I think I now know what the problem is (i.e. I think I've now managed to corner a guy at Clas Ohlson who knows what the problem is) so I'm not giving up, waiting for him to send me the right kind of cable. Erm... it's not exactly the Queen's Christmas Message...

I know why you get those headaches Robinia, it's from thinking up the search terms that will yield piccies like the peg lights - I'd give anything to see a screen shot of your search box leading up to that...!

Been to town to do some shopping and then I had coffee in the shop where I bought my futon. The shop owner and I discovered - when she delivered and assembled my futon - that we are both interested in symbols and their transformative powers. She runs a dream interpretation blog. Well anyway we decided to hang out now and again, so today we hung out in her shop!
Ive had a magic evening at the Black venus pub on Exmoor.the driver was pissed bu those tracters got there own way home..they as..Aww bless you jude..tis my fave xmas song tis..! sorry fer being not writing proper..earlier..I been parking in the same spot fer 6 years and the cops say they will arrest me if Im abbusive to erm again..they told me i cant park there anymore...?fer fu** sakes..Is Emigrating to derby..:O)
bloomin eck.!the weather in norfolf looks a bit dodgy..!(:O)
Lovely sunny weather here today but slightly chilly - off to have hair done.

btw loved those peg lights, I could have them all over my spinning washing line!
Morning all...well they're wrong again...put the news on this morning to be told it's minus whatevever out there, frozen, snow, no,'s miserable & drizzly but no frost or hint of ice & if it snows I'll eat my wooly 'at. I see the met office have changed their minds about Friday too.

Kit I didn't search for the pegs, I was on the Amazon site & looking at xmas lights, that's what made it funnier (they're so good, lots of things on offer & free delivery is brilliant if you can wait a few days)...and it's where I first found the handbags. Trouble is, when you've visited the site they send you emails to say 'Bet you'd like one of these wouldn't ya?!' And usually I would, haha, I think they can see me...half the things I've ordered are for myself :o)
ewww, my hippy friend brought me a mulberry that he'd pinched from someone's tree to try....nasty, yuk!

Vinny it's looking like the house next door will be empty soon, very sad, but it'll be a good deal & there's loads of garden to grow ya sprouts & special plants....just keep the bl00dy noise down...and don't think I'll be popping round with brekky...or lending you a cup of sugar...just so long as we start off as we mean to go on. We'll be watching you... http://farm1.static.f...96_b674f6c304.jpg?v=0

Have you tried putting make up on in low energy light?.... http://www.platitudes...mages/cartland460.jpg
Morning All. Pouring with rain here and quite cold. I'm off out for lunch today again after yesterdays getogether with my Tai Chi friends. We went to a pub in Long Eaton all 15 of us. I had a chicken tikka masala lovery!! I think where I'm going today is Italian. I'm meeting a friend who gave her baby boy up for adoption 24 years ago and has been in contact with him for about 1 year so I'm going to hear all about it. She needs someone to talk to and has chosen me I'm honoured to say.

Vinny they're just playing It must be Santa by Bob on Radio 2 - it's great. Such a laugh. I did ask if you had heard it but you didn't answer. Either you don't like it or were a bit under the affluence of incahol to remember what I had asked you.

Having my Swine Flu jab this afto so is my sister and we've arranged to go for a walk afterwards if it stops raining.

See yer later 'gater(s)
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hello all well the kitchen fitter is a nice man BUT no one can get hold of the tiler (floor and walls) and two of the cupboards have doors that don't meet when shut. Happily as we have purchased an all in service, neither of these problems are in any way our problems so we just jingle on regardless. I have a fungus infection of the tongue and throat which is a novel and slightly macarbre experience. I washed up in the bath last night (not sat in the bath you understand but we had good red wine and m and s hot party food for dinner followed by their macaroons, the little coloured ones, so we are keeping up the standard of living...I LOVE those pegs...might need them!
Afternoon my little Christmas elves. You know... it's a bit sad being alone... but I'll be fine as long as Jude doesn't play any more of Santa Bob's stuff.... whoosh >>>>>>>>>>>>>

I want a new kitchen toooooo....! Woofy! I want a new kitchen! In fact, I want a kitchen - period. (Only have a kitchenette.) I think I'll have the AGA cooker, please, the cream coloured one... Are they well-known in the UK? If you click photo gallery here there's a slide show where you can choose which piccies to magnify

Any knitters about? Question: When a pattern stresses that it's of the utmost importance (!) that your gauge is the same as theirs, are you supposed to make the swatch in the actual pattern or in stockinette stitch, please?

(PS In truth I love Bob, Jude<3 Yes he sounds just horrible =:O but he's been a part of me since youth and I'm happy that he's lightening up a bit these days. Fun video too:)
Usually in stocking stitch Swedeheart.

You have us, don't be lonely xxxxx
Aww, Lottie... xxxxx

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