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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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We haven't got any snow. We do however have hailstones coming down at the moment the size of golfballs .I'm sitting here and they're bouncing down the chimney .
It's a black as old Nick's hat ,freezing cold and it's been blasting a gale here all night which must have come straight from Siberia .It's snapped the top off the fatsia and my peggie has disappeared along with the socks that were on it .I shall have to go and look through the bushes when it leaves off a bit ..

Yes ,I could do with some wheatbags this morning Robinia ..... one round my neck and one up each sleeve :)
Did you see that programme last night ..Grow Your Own Drugs for Christmas .I bet Vinny watched it :)
Afternoon, people. It's snowing. A lot. The flakes are drifting from right to left one second and then the other way around the next, am I inside a snowglobe?? I remember talking to my eldest sis on the phone once when it was raining and she was sitting indoors in their sun lounge. Suddenly she said: It stopped raining. And then she added: To my left, but not to my right!

Shaney I loved your story about the Scottish herring girls, I'm gonna borrow an expression from the hippie: It was magic. It reminded me of something I've heard a long time ago but I can't quite make it out any longer, something about girls who travelled by foot probably in the nineteenth century and possibly in Sweden who would knit while walking the road. I think they travelled the country to sell their handicraft. There were 'hair maidens' as well here in Sweden, who travelled selling hair work - yuk!

Robi I don't know if your knotted scarf was a joke but I liked it, may well make it some day. Are you feeling a bit better Robi? And Lottie yes I noticed that shawl as well, it's beautiful.

BTW here are some of the evening gowns from the Nobel Prize party last week
Well, I have snow - on and off in blizzards - even if Shaney hasn't, and Mr LL and I have to go out later this afternoon :o(.

Thanks for the salt, Neti. I'll be over later today to collect some more. Paella and Red Wine necessary for my arrival. Thanks.

Thjink I'll pass on the knitting and the heated wheat -

Nothing special about our salt, I was just offering a kindness to my biddy friends, d last year Britain did buy some from us! btw it is a wee bit expensive when it comes in pots!
It's slightly warmer here today much to my chagrin! but still tiddling like mad, so have decided to wear a Tena and let nature take it's course, all this rushing from loo to loo :-)
Ooh heck, have we got an e-pee-demic now? I've had a rotten pain near my groin all morning, hope it's not a kidney infection...bit better now thanks to the joys of a wheat bag (well, wheat bunny). It's like playing musical pain with my bl00dy body...where's it gonna be next time? I'm as dizzy as a cuckoo - as we say - but snow always makes me feel like that....and we've had some! Blizzard here too :o(. Bright 'n sunny now but part of my garden has still got a sprinkling.
Just been vegetating in front of the tele, Loose Women .Kate Thornton, who I don't like anyway, was very sneering about over 50s & someone who was knitting by the pool on holiday....pah! bet she wouldn't complain if someone sent her a hand- knitted designer jumper though.

It was a joke to start with Kit, but actually after I'd studied it it did look ok....unlike the gowns, none of them really appealed to me I'm afraid.Today, I'm wearing an alluring bobbly cardi, with non-matching bobbly erm, joggers/yoga pants whateva they call 'em...I've never jogged or yoga'd in me life. I hope I don't have to leave the house in a hurry. :o/
btw for swetineti - it's 1°C here

It's blizzarding down here now and how and the wind is tearing through here at rate of knots !
The plastic cover on my mini greenhouse is in shreds .Good job there are no plants in it at the moment only odds and ends of empty trays and pots most of which are strewn over the lawn,but I'm boogered if I'm going out there in this lot to rescue them ..I still haven't located the socks but I have located Mr.S's glasses which he lost last week and the spare bulbs for the lights ,so I'm all lit up now .
Oh dear Robinia ,make sure you keep warm and drink plenty of fluids . I'll send some guys round with winter warmers for you all.
" alluring bobbly cardi"...? Whatever, Robi - just don't count on being invited to the Nobel Party wearing that one...! http://www.urbandicti...efine.php?term=Bobbly he he he he he! >>>>>
Well it's not my fault I have to look everything up ;-) Speaking of dresses, I loved the one Michelle Obama wore recently by Naeem Khan
Well the snow came and went in about half an hour but it's still very cold. Don't talk to me about knitting. I started a double knit jumper about 12 months ago and still haven't finished it in fact I've just unpicked it as you talking about knitting reminded me about it, I think I'm going to knit myself a hat instead for walking in in this cold weather. Quicker than a jumper.
Quicker still Jude, use Vinny's teacosy (and isn't that your wallpaper?)

hahaha, I did wonder if you'd understand bobbly Kit...and I didn't mean knitted 'bobbles' like this http://farm4.static.f...5.jpg?v=1224150738... I meant bobbly as in pilled, rubbed up....gawd, I'm making it worse now, I'll shurrup....for pity's sake don't look at bobbling....
That's a better dress on Michelle btw...can't remember when I last wore a posh frock...oh make that never...

The wind's bitter shaney & I've been huddled up with Charlie for most of the day, can you send a food parcel with the dawgs too please? I'll keep an eye open for your socks...hang on, I've found them...

It sure is my wallpaper Robi.!!
well tell Vinny you want it back Jude! :o)
well, that blizzard didn't amount to much, stopped as soon as I got to the dentist. He says I've got to go back tomorrow for some more root canal treatment. I've had so many it's like Venice in there.

And I got the car back - it seems the key had lost its memory. I didn't know, but apparently all modern cars have this useless security feature where you turn on the ignition and the engine demands a code from the key before it will fire up; and my key had forgotten its code. Because it was an old car he was able to just wipe the whole thing for £500; you can't do that on newer ones, and you'd have to replace the entire security system, keys, locks, codes, everything, for twice that. Doh.

Plus the optician says I need new glasses and the osteo says I need a new back. Merry Christmas to me.
oh dear, more un-cheer for you too jno...we're not a laugh a minute in here are we?...I'll have to start flogging my vinyl & buy us all some happy pills...I've got one of much?!
I always feel happy when I listen to Abba, Robbie. I have a load of old vinyl too! Perhaps they are worth a fortune.

Poor jno. Keep smiling ;o)

It's blowing a gale and snowing. The dog just went out in it and decided it would be a good idea to play with her ball. We didn't oblige!!!

By the look of things we will be pretty snowed in by the morning!!

Keep warm everybody!!!
*image googles 'bobble'* - ROBINIA!!!!!!
You've had your flu jab now haven't you Jude, was it okay?
Jno you have good cause to sound like Eeyore :( Poor you. I'll think about you tomorrow.

Ta-da! Sorry about the laser sword sibilants, they're so sharp you could gut herring with'em - I blame the cheap microphone;-) http://s633.photobuck...hristmas2009_0001.flv
Morning all It's freezing over here. I'm just listening to The Party's over on Wogan. His last record on the morning programme after 27 years. I think it's Anthony Newley singing it but then I could be wrong. Anybody else heard it.

Had my swine flu jab Kit on Wed. My arm is a bit sore still but it hasn't been bad.

Having my Christmas hair cut today and going to my local haunt tonight if it doesn't snow, Don't fancy driving in snow. I skidded once and it put me off a bit.

Hope you are feeling better Robi and any other Biddy below par.
Well I'm thoroughly disappointed Sweedie, you've always spoken a la Swedish chef in my head....seriously that's fantastic & has made my morning!! What a lovely voice you've got....dodgy Yankee accent an' all ;o). I think I once asked you if you'd been taught by an American didn't I? If I ever learned Swedish my accent would definitely be muppet. Thanks for that, will it save or does it disappear after a time?

I hope you aren't all snowed in, specially in Norfolk...I was awake all night listening to the chaos everywhere on the radio & your area seems to have had it bad...none here thank... erm, whoever...I don't give a hoot how lovely/seasonal blah blah it is, I hate it...ain't no fun if you're unwell & have an aging pooch.
Thanks Jude, but no, I don't feel better, I feel really bloody rotten so this will probably be all you 'hear' from me today

As this is the end of the page can the next poster on the new page please tell everyone to SEE KIT'S LINK....I believe some people (ahem!) don't always go back & read the previous page ;o)

Just be thankful you can't hear me, I'm doin an awful lot of cussin'

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