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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
520 Answers

here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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Good morning.
its bloomin freezing ..where's me willy warmer shaney(at this rate Ill be wearing the bu66er on the beach) hehe.!love that vid jude,im gonna send it to kip fer xmas.The feds turned up this morning hoping to catch me parking in the wrong place,I had me russian hat on,they didnt realize it was me.I called them a couple of scrooges...hahaha.if you wanna catch me,get up at 6:am.(:O)car keys jno..tell me about it..!:O( well this wont get the baby a new bonnet...later..stay warm...>>whoosh
PLEASE see Kit's post previous page!!

hey!! why is no one reading Kit's post? am I the only one one who can hear her??!!
What link Robinia?
Ah, I see. I am now listening to a Swedish lady with a very sexy voice, but because of my computer problem I only get about ten secs. at a time.

Thanks so much Kip. When I clicked on the link yesterday I just got a picture of 'Stockholm' and then loads of flashing adverts over the top. This morning I clicked on the right place and found you.

Bless you Kip. I hope you have a peaceful and happy Christmas and a good new year.

Lottie xxxxxx
Can't stop laughing here, I'm imagining Robinia's "I just give up"-face, ha ha ha ha! Well we tried didn't we, and if I ever need a promoter you will be it :-D To answer your question, the vid will stay viewable to the best of my knowledge, till the day Photobucket decide to close my account or something =:0 BTW I made it in Movie Maker, which I've only just discovered in Vista after two (three?) years with this laptop...! So to those of you who have Vista: Go ahead, roll your own.

I found 100 SEK in the snow on the pavement yesterday, that's 8,5 quid! I called the police lost-and-found today but the woman I talked to said in all her ten years nobody had every bothered to ask about 100 SEK so she said to keep it. (Yay, I'm going to IKEA! I am, actually. Everybody says their candles are the best, no dripping.)
Hi Kit I'm sorry but I too had difficulty with the link but found you eventually. What a lovely voice you have. I Haven't an idea how to put an audible message on here, Anyway I wish you the very best for christmas and a peaceful New Year.
Coffeee time..!
very sexy voice kip...first time I got on to that link it was for a play staion?and good morning to you to robinia...(she's not a happy bunny)I hope you spend your swedish crowns wisely orf again>>>>byeeeee!(:O)
I'm still here, hanging by a thread but I'm taking my new post as Sweedie's manager,p.a., and general boss-abouter very seriously & don't want to be given the push on my first day....I was going to say have a line on the Euromillions (£54 million) with some of your findings but I see you're not in it...looks like it's down to me to win then, we're gonna need some new gowns for our glitzy new lives...
...oh no we won't...

morning to Vinny, Jude & Lottie btw & thank you to jno for the have all read your emails??
Thanks for the email reminder Robbie! I needed it. Many thanks jno!! xx Just wish my computer wasn't playing up and I could watch videos etc. at a normal rate except in 10 minute bursts.

Well I have been out playing in about 6" of snow with Meggie Dog. She thinks it's brilliant - in fact I had to physically carry her back indoors as she point blank refused to come in. Benji Dog's nether regions come below the snow so I have had to clear him a patch to use as a loo! It looks so beautiful out there and our view across the fields is so lovely. Nice - that is if you don't have to go anywhere!!

Haven't done anything useful all day, except to make lunch a push a wash load in the machine.

Tried to revive a little dunnock who was suffering from cold in our front porch. Warmed him up my making him an incubator with a shoe box and hot water bottles. He did rally, but has just died. Seemed to have a damaged wing. :o(.

Hope you are all keeping warm and snug.

am I here -¡ por fin! - bloody cat dived (dove) under the xmas tree and disconnected the internet since last night, so I've been hotfooting it to village (in the pi**ing rain) to get router reconfigured and it was the damned cats fault in the first place - what a fool I am. Daughter has arrived with a suitcase of dirty washing and a plastic bag of wet washing cos she didn't have time to dry it, can you imagine the weight of her suitcase? so glad to be online again I really missed it, catch you all later !
wow, very impressive Christmas message, Kit! As my only communication with my PC is to shout at it, I am always amazed at what smarter people than me can make theirs do.

Right, I have had my root canals filled and will have to go back next month to have it properly crowned. Meanwhile I have been out looting Border's, as they only have days to go with their closing down and everything is about 70% off, so I have bought guidebooks to all the obscure places I dream of going.
well done at the dentist jno... if you find the books too obscure maybe these people will change them for you
Oh Kit how lovely to hear your voice .That was amazing .With Robina as your PA.the world is now your oyster .
She'll have you on the tele before you can say köttbullar:)
Thank you too Jno for your message .
I've just seen my brother and sister in law off back to Bury St Edmunds .We've had a really nice day . We had a carvery meal with my other bro and my aunt..I haven't seen him for a while so it was really nice .We arranged this a while ago and when I saw the snow this morning thought we would have to call it off but they got here OK .
We've had snow here but it didn't lay thank goodness .Still cold though .
I think I'm going to have to go and collapse in front of the box .Too much vino collapso :)
Keep warm everyone .Over and out for now .
ha ha jno, loved the emails, my you are in a christmas mood aren't you. Haven't had time to check the previous page but will eventually, soon, one day.
Morning all just got in from a great night out. A band called The Buzz Band. Very good. Played Spirit in The Sky which is one of my favourites.It's still very cold but the snow kept away. Hope you all have a good weekend. xx

hope this works bring back preview!!!!
Not religious but something about it gives me hope! Crazy aren't I!!
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Kityou clever person! Merry Christmas!! Robi sorry to hear you are still feeling rough, do take care of yourself and Charlie. We aew frozen solid here today but no more snow as yet. The vanished tiler emailed us last night, so maybe.....just maybe he'll come on monday....edit...nope he has just mailed again :(
Going back to scan the rest of the thread
just looked out of the window and surprised to see - my robinia still has a leaf on it. Tough old birds, these pseudo acacias. Mind you, the oak tree still has hundreds. There aren't any llittle microclimates in my garden, it's been the usual chill, down to minus whatever this week, and still they're sitting there. I expect Gordon Brown is to blame.

No more snow here, though, so it's still looking whitish but I shall be able to get to the big city and do some shopping. Top of my list, more heat-tech thermal stuff from Uniqlo, currently at sale prices.
Morning all...freezing your doo-dahs off here computer says minus it knows I've no idea, it never goes out.

jno, you're very brave to shop in the big city on a Saturday but I spose you're used to least you won't fall over, I daresay there isn't enough space, you'll just be carried along with the crowd. No Uniqlo stores outside of the London area but I've have a look at the website & I see there are some snuggly looking fleeces at a very good price...take note Norfolk ladies! They look like good quality too?

Vinny! jno's made ya toast today.....erm....enjoy...


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