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How's Your Garden Growing?

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Robinia | 12:01 Sun 23rd Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
573 Answers

Are your gardens catching up after the slow start this spring? Mine seems to be romping away & now it's me that can't catch up!
Have you any nice pics to share?
I caught this fella sheltering from the rain on Friday morning.......!


mullein, if you se this, how's Gladys?



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Ha Ha limboing days are long gone Robinia ..Sob !!
I can't even climb over the garden gate anymore.I had to put the wheelie bin out last night which involves hauling it down the ruddy gravel drive (Mr.S usually does this job) and this morning my neighbour ..bless her ..hauled it back up for me as she went out to work. Now....that was very kind of her ...but it made me feel quite ancient !!

Shaney, I have added to the Recycling thread with a message for you.

As for Broomhandles!!!!! Vinny and the others will have to guess what we are on about!!! (Take a peek at my question in B&S folks, it has turned into a right laugh).

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hehe gessoo I'm surprised your thread got to be that long without Vinny rushing in with his tape measure....hope you were'nt planning on using it as a future Biddy home - we'd need one helluva bra to get us all in.......

shaney I used to bring my brown bin round the back & all the way down in the garden....then I realised I had to get it out again when it was full :o(

oh & I never could limbo, or do that 'crab' thing...

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Shaney, my bl**** wheelie bins have to be pushed approx 60' to my front gate down our shingle!! We asked for consideration to be taken that I suffer with arthritis and back problems and got nowhere as MrG is able bodied. We told them he is often away but it made no difference. However, our dustmen insist on coming at about 5.30am and know that I complain about it as they are not meant to start until 7.00am by law and contract. To stop me complaining they come up the drive and collect it if I can't put it out!
I can't get anything on your link Robbie!
Gessoo... I sympathise ..getting those bins down the drive you need muscles like Popeye. They did put it out at the side for me yesterday before they deserted me and went to foreign parts ! But had we left it at the bottom of the drive all day you get people bunging stuff in it and then the lid is to high and the Gestapo won't take it . My neighbour caught a chap spewing up in hers one day .I ask you !
Oh for days of yore when the bin men came round with tin baths on their heads.

I have just relived my youth watching Anglia 66. All the mods and rockers on Yarmouth seafront and was thrilled to spot my brother on duty there at the time ! Good job I recorded it so that he can see it ..he hadn't watched it.

Now where's Vinny .... i am interested to see what little games he has dreamed up for this evenings entertainment .Guess the bra size probably !!
Evening all Just had a laugh at your thread Gessoo. I go to a shop in a village called Melbourne near here and they measure you and have lovely stuff. Mind you that's only for 'going out' wear. Marks and Tu for everyday use :o)
right, three husky young men with chainsaws have practically denuded my oak and hawthorn - far more light instantly for the back garden, though I suppose they'll regrow a lot of the missing leaves over the next few weeks. Looks wonderful; utter arboricide, but in recent years the lawn has been in shadow from midday and I'd like to get some light back. Tomorrow I plan to venture all the way to Chelsea to see what's what in the word of flowers and even attend a couple of drinkies functions (as usual, I am just '& partner'). The forecast seems to have been downgraded from 'monsoon' to 'cloudy', which is a relief as they seem to have been deluged this week.

I could do with some husky young men in the garden .. Anything bigger than a Hobbit will do nicely !!
I hope they had nice names like Oakwood Feller and Hawthorn Harry !

Hope you have a good day at Chelsea Jno ..I went a few years ago and it was packed ! We walked around at snails pace.And was a hot day. Hope the weather keeps fine for you. If not you must take your see through brolly a la Her Maj !
P.S. I think Hampton Court is month ...we often used to go it as was just down the road and I liked it better than Chelsea . My all time favourite is RHS Wisley though .
Off to my bed ..goodnight .
Testing Testing....??
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testing.......just did a long post & it disappeared!!! it's one of those days I'm back later


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oh you too Vinny? are we in trouble?
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I WILL get something right.........


Oh dear ...are things haywire in Hobbithovel...I sahll have to have a word with Bilbo Baggins .
That ruddy butler has left my newspaper in a heap again ..unironed's piddling with rain .I am thinking of buying my poor hound one of these uncategorized/dog_umbrella_.jpg cap it 8.30 this morning I had the Latter Day Saints on the doorstep ....!!
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oooooh shaney you didn't, you wicked woman, & mr. s' hardly been gone 5 minutes...hehe

give us a wave fron Chelsea jno

daren't write too much, in case it gets whooshed away again.....

Robinia, I was just about to put something similar about Shaney!! Great minds think alike. Imagine the headlines

Norfolk woman accused of corrupting Latter Day Saints on her own Front Doorstep.

I see Vincent has been over to my 'Boobs' thread!

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