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Vinny in the Dungeon

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Robinia | 16:01 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
507 Answers
Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the dumbwaiter. (Did you know he's tunnelled his way into your office, has got himself blotto on the Buckfast & is serenading his Rita Hayworth poster with Gregorian chants?) Please help!


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just had the electricians in... new lights in the living room, chosen by me as they will throw more light around than the old ones, necessary as my sight fades genteelly away... and now seeing them on my wall and switched on, I'm wondering if they're any brighter at all! And they looked so dazzling in the shop. Well, at least they're decorative.
Afternoon all I'm feeling great today. Had a good sleep last night and not a bad day at work. Well I say not a bad day I had 2 customers left their credit cards behind and the 'New' dept manager decided to tell me off in front of customers. (Apparently it was my fault they went without them) Anyway I wasn't having any of that so I went and told her if he wanted toreprimand me to do it in private. Nobody has ever spoken to me like that in 16 years I have been there. Pleased that's off my chest (no comment from you Vinny
Hope you get sorted Shaney I hate it when things go wrong in the house.
Have a good 'holiday' Vinny.Send us lots of funny piccies and videos!
Off to get my lunch. A Taste The Difference luxury fish pie and veg.
It was a female manager not male!! My typing error!!
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a'noon - hey Jude there's someone in your garden ......whips fish pie, my favourite ...... you can have one of my apple puffs...hehe, yes, I bought more than one! and a macaroon....
and a big raspberry to your manager, I'll create a rumpus about sommink next time I'm in.

neti not sure I feel any different as the bp wasn't making me feel ill (only thing that doesn't ;o) ) but they do work. My higher blood pressure was caused by hrt - cure one problem cause another - but my gp wants me to stay on it as I had early menopause (35) & therefore at risk of heart /bone probs. Hope you're ok on them.

jno ......come down from there at once - we can see your bloomers
Hi Robinia Fish pie was leeerrrrverrrly!! I'll Have the apple puff thank you very much...all I've got is some yoghurt and apple and grapes for afters. Shopping tomorrow so will be stocking up but only for a week as I go away the following to Devon. Break up tomorrow hhuuurraaayy!! I know I don't do many hours but it's nice to know I don't have to get up at 5.30 any mornings in the week.
Its blooming Hot here....phew..!!
sips ice cold drink
oi...!!!!!!!!!.where's my cakes...hehe..they all look bright in the shop jno...robinia....look up!! nicks her thingy she nicked from jude...haha.
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never mind cakes Vinny shouldn't you be curling your chest hair & polishing your medallion?
make sure they turn up the Night Fever so I can hear it ♫

'Got any Quo?' hehe
don't ever say's suss everybody out & have a bet about who's going to be first in the room to say that.... :o)
Goodness me...AB.. messenger..sign in sign out....updated members....? active in the last 5 minutes...or maybe 15.(that might not be easy,if your a biddy)if we can be bothered to tell you..?Personal messaging..?I much prefer Personal massaging..!!!and what if you sign in,and they wont let you sign out...are you in there a sort of cyber limbo...!erm Ive just had the most delicious sandwich,cheese and strong onion on wholemeal! nd do ya hav 2 tlk in txt tlk?I can hardly talk proper as it is...!and do we have to share are freshly baked cakes from think I need a lie down.....(*_*)
Hiya jude...just had a there any of thos(told you I couldnt spell) japenese car firms around your could get a job would get issued with a free bright yellow Boiler suit,and the Tai thrown in for nout....(true the tai chi starts at six in the morning and finishes at 8:am).you'd be even fitter than you are now...hehe..!!
Morning All Just nipped in before I go to work. Last day before my holiday!!!!!Yeeey!!
You've been doing your research again Vinny You know damn well there's Toyota down the road. It's taken me three weeks to learn the minisculist of movements in Tai Chi so I'll be about 103 before I've got it all :o)
See you later....
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morning tout le monde......dull, but no wind howling down the chimney today thank goodness....mind you there's time yet once Vinny's had his his bubble 'n skweek. Wish I hadn't said that I could just eat some now...

Personal messaging eh? well I've got a few messages I'd like to share....especially to those who consistently never (or almost never)acknowledge or thank people for their answers. Shouldn't let it bother me I know, but it doesn't take a second to say ta does it?

toyota Vinny? apparently they developed a robot that plays the trumpet - very useful, I simply must have one -so when Jude perfects her tai-chi they'll be able to give her a fanfare.....
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just had a thought...hahaha....would the biddy personal messages whizz about in those little overhead cash carriers....?? we might need to wear our & safety.
"Oh what a night" no not a jude- type night, but a horrific thunderstorm lasting for hours, no lights, phones or air con. Flooded everywhere, the pool water rose by 6inches and the ground covered 2ins deep in pine needles(and we don't even have a pine tree) Two of our electric phases wouldn't come on until this am which included the two fridge freezers but luckily nothing is damaged. Oh by the way I am a blonde bombshell now, when to have my roots streaked and I think they overdid it!
Errrr jno which one is me??????
OOh Neti I hope you're sorted out. I hate bad thunderstorms. We were in a hotel in Cala Longa when we had a 'beauty' I was scared rigid.
Can't be bothered to have my hair coloured too expensive because you have to keep having the roots done so I'm white at the front and a bit darker grey at the back! But I keep it short and and gelled a bit so it doesn't look too bad.
Hope everybody else is ok and looking forward to the weekend. I have now officially broken up for my hols. after the bitch at work had another go at me this a.m. I'm giving myself the holiday to cool down and then she'd better watch out when I get back.
Going to see a group called Crossfire tonight. Never heard of them before and don't know what they do so should be interesting. It's a bit cooler here so dancing should be good. Don't know what time I'll get in but I'm going to let my 'hair down' anyway!!! :o)
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Evening bit late...but took someone to the station early this morning...and I ended up on wooly beach..
catch up with yer posts later bath alarms going off>>>>>>>>>>>>whoosh>>>>(:-)
Just got in! Great laugh tonight. Company good. Entertainment great. Not the band we expected but it didn't matter. Just put my friend in her front door. I think she had 2 too many red wines!!!
We're going to see a Jon Bon Jovi tribute tomorrow night. Probably not much good but we'll see. If it's no good we'll end up at our local up the road....
Enough rabbiting Jude gerroff to bed!!!
Goodnight All Sleep Tight.

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