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Vinny in the Dungeon

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Robinia | 16:01 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
507 Answers
Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the dumbwaiter. (Did you know he's tunnelled his way into your office, has got himself blotto on the Buckfast & is serenading his Rita Hayworth poster with Gregorian chants?) Please help!


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yes, I think Ed got her training in the Florida School of Hanging Chads, so there's nothing she don't know about running polls.

Ain't these great, from nickmo's thread
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morning all - very humid & overcast..... phew, what with cleaning like a woman possessed 'cos charlie's scratching & holding the washing machine down for an hour I'm shattered. And I'm sitting here with ice on my now rippling bicep thanks to a nasty mozzy bite last night. Took an a-h straight away but it's not held it back.

Vinny has your son been studying us as part of his psychology by any chance? My son's partner is doing an OU course in it - I think it was meeting me that gave her the inspiration.

There's still time for the poll to change isn't there? or are the weekend brigade likely to make it worse?! erm, jno PLEASE!
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aaaaaggggggggghhhhhh runs screaming round house with hands on ears

Petula Clarke on the radio hehe.....
Hello all Don't scratch Robinia! Hope it gets better soon.
Great site Jno
This could be me soon!!
Hi everyone ..still very hot here although we had a thunderstorm last night and a downpour but it hasn't cleared the air ..It's 31 C in my back garden .
My beloved brother brought me 10 pounds of runner beans yesterday which I had to sit and top,tail,string,slice,blanch and freeze ! He means well. !
Drew the curtains back in the bedroom this morning and the whole caboodle came off the wall ,hooks,track and bits all over the place .Perhaps the wall has shrunk in the I am now going to wrestle with it and try and put it back up.
I see we are now famous in Suggestions !
They'll all want to join in ..we'll need ID first of course 20-%20WW2%20Ration%20Card.jpg
...and this'll be me soon

neti sleeping
And one of these jpg
I've still got mine !
I've still got my original Identity Card from the War. If I can scan it, I'll post it on here.
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crikey who woke you two up?

erm I've got this
I don't have any legal papers, I think ower mam got me in exchange for a bag of brother would have preferred a goldfish.

Funny you should say that shaney my curtain rail is hanging on by one screw & it's a bay window! Can't get it fixed until my bro-in -law has been on holiday either.....
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oooh didn't see you squeezed in there Jude

I can remember Ration Books but not ID cards and I definitely remember Dolly Blues Robinia. I can see me Mum now with her dolly tub and ponch!! Poor woman! Aren't we lucky nowadays!?
Talking about curtains, I've had a pole up at my back door since I had my kitchen 2 years ago and I still haven't got a curtain up.
Give me that Bluebag at once Robinia !
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hahaha snap Jude! except mine's my front door.
When I first married we only had a single tub washer with an electric wringer! we did buy a twin tub after a few months & I thought that was heaven....nowadays they think they're deprived if they don't have a dishwasher ....mumble...grumpy grumble....
Well..I am at a loss ..Mr.S is no good with anything that requires hammers,nails or any D I Y come that ! I shall have to wait until sonny Jim comes home. Its a bay window as well and it's curved sooner had I got one end fixed the other end came off again .I have thrown the ruddy thing on the floor in disgust !
It's like something out of Candid Camera .
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sorry shaney it's got to last me until I'm too past it care how grey me bloomers have gone....
Blimey jude..Theres a pole who works behind the bar at me local,and if you dont pay him..he will stand there all night...he's been standing by your back door fer 2 years..looking through yer!!!!!He wasnt the kitchen fitter by any chance,he just wants paying I expect...hehe......(:-)
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it's raining men!!

ok, so I lied about the men, but watch Jude come running hehe.....
LOL you two. I'm laughing out loud here, my neighbours must think I'm barmey!!! :o) :o)
Where's all these men then !!!! Ohh it's thatRonbinia winding you up again Jude!!
You see in my excitement I've even spelt your name wrong!! Sorry :o)

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