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Vinny in the Dungeon

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Robinia | 16:01 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
507 Answers
Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the dumbwaiter. (Did you know he's tunnelled his way into your office, has got himself blotto on the Buckfast & is serenading his Rita Hayworth poster with Gregorian chants?) Please help!


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hahaha I've just made that pic my desktop background - it can be my cosmic order for the weekend....and the washing machine can go & dance by itself. ;o)
oooh, yes, Jude, I had a pole up at my back door, had to have a proctologist look at it
Lol Jno (I've had one of them - not nice!!)
I think it makes a great desk top Robinia so I've done the same. It's the only way I'm going to get any men in my house!!!. It makes a change from 'purple flower'!
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really wish I hadn't looked up a proctologist.......
I'm just glad I didn't google images .... :o/
I'm off to bed now folks work tomorrow. Thanks for the laughs today. Have a goodnight all
Hang on everyone, I've just come home - no one about. Daughter was in Space disco last night/this morning with Paris Hilton - who had totally lost it and looked right foolish. What if she wants to come round for tea? I've shaken out the flour moths and had better make scones. Hopefully daughter will come straight home after work(she finishes at 1.00am). I wanted to continue to party but
our friends wanted to go home. Come on down jude and we'll shake this ole island.
Morning...sunny...again...GERUP..!!as they say in darbee.haha...!I stayed at the paris Hilton,in the seventies...erm...well not exactly in the hotel itself...but it was a lovely park bench right next door...well posh...not like the british know..all slated and studded with big could lean over to the rubbish bins which were full with wine bottles, and take a swig from each...blimey,by the time I got up and roamed around paris I was half pi**ed.hehe..!!Ive got a video of P.H...if I posted the link..the ED would choke on her croissants .(:-)
hiho, seems sunny but a bit cooler today, which is not unpleasant... just back from my fourth dentistry appointment this week (another couple next week still to come) but hopefully it will secure my teeth for another few years... anyway, if my typing seems odd it's because my mouth is still numb...

yeah, right
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morning all - nice breeze blowin up the old crimplene keeping things aired....

I'll give you gerrup Vincent I'm not going to choke on my croissants am I? where are they? not long now before I'm a rich b1tch & I want a butler that can gerronweeit weeyaht bein tode all the time.

ooh jno all those fabulous choppers & you won't be able to afford to eat at this rate! and my typing's odd 'cos my brain's numb, it's probably medium skin's nice and crisp.

get a hold of yourself neti for heaven's sake - one wild woman's quite enough, you'll be going braless next.
Hi All That's me done til Weds. What a lovely day. Hope the dentistry work is a success Jno. I'm dreading going to have this lump taken out of my mouth. It's supposed to take about 20 mins. They just freeze the bit that matters. I'm a bit bothered already and it doesn't happen until September.
Hope everyone else is ok. and you've recovered Neti. Still don't know where we're going in September! We're off out tonight to a Rock and Roll do at The Rolls Royce Club. The usual live band and dancing all night but I think it's going to be a bit 'warum' tonight.
By the way did you know you can flick to the last page when you're in the preview screen. Or am I just the last one to find out as usual!!! :o)
oooh, I didn't know that - thanks Jude!
You clever dick do yer do that then..!!.waits patiently..twiddleing me thumbs....cooks dinner fer 20,000 people..waters garden...lays a new roof.....go's back to twiddleing me thumbs..hehe..(:-)
LOL!! Do you really mean you don't know how Vinny Or is there a touch of sarcasm in your voice?
In fact you can go to any page from the preview screen and back again!
How do tell please????
Hiya Neti.
Type your post - go to preview - then click on last page - go then to previous 20 if you want - then just click on back until you come back to preview page.
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oh so you can!
mmmm, gadding about, going to pop concerts, learning new tricks.....I think we'll have to review your membership to biddydom Jude.
Now, if you can just stop it whizzing back to page 1 when I've submitted a reply, & solved how I can escape from My Profile without trampolining in & out of sport first you'll be banished to the teen chat in b&s ;o)
Hiya Robinia Lol. I can promise you I qualify for Biddydom. Between you and me I'm well over retiring age but refuse to give up the things I love doing while I have the energy. Soooo pleeeasse don't banish me. Anyway I might just find me a toyboy or a multimillionaire or both!!! :o)
Evening Folks.Had you there fer a minute jude...hehe..cause I knew...hahaha.....erm...psst..pssst jude...anymore and dont tell anyone Ive spent the last ten hours looking for the "back to the preview button hahahahaha.ooh..dont like the look of B&S lately...methinks its stooped to the lowest level I can remember.(tonights beyond the pale).what a shame....right must get me counterpane of the line before it rains....later dudes..!!.......whoosh>>>>>>>(:-)

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