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Vinny in the Dungeon

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Robinia | 16:01 Thu 06th Jul 2006 | Site Suggestions
507 Answers
Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the dumbwaiter. (Did you know he's tunnelled his way into your office, has got himself blotto on the Buckfast & is serenading his Rita Hayworth poster with Gregorian chants?) Please help!


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poo, you're not wrong Vinny, B&S is starting to smell like dear old CB, poor Ed is going to have to go in in full body armour to clean up on Monday morning.
Hi all....hope you are all son is home on holiday and the other one arrives for a week tomorrow will be busy .
I shall probably creep in the dead of night !
Has been lovely here today ..still quite hot and we have been to the airshow at Lowestoft was great.
I keep getting blinded by Jno's smile!
I quite agree Vinny Body and Soul is dreadful these days..I just had a look ..
Anyway folks all have a good weekend whatever you are up to and see you all later xx
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crikey, the peasants are revolting....
slams dungeon door shut
move over Vinny I'm hiding under that counterpane, hope you shook the moths off before you brought it in......and no funny business. This is just for safety purposes.

mmm, very snuggly. What does this label say? of......can't quite read it in this gloom......w o o l a c o m b e... b a y .... h o t e l..... tut
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evening shaney your poor butler will be worn to a frazzle having the young masters home for the holidays...he'll be running in here for some chs on tst & a read of the papers.
Evening Robinia...the butler is hiding in the cellar !
I am going to have to let him go......he burnt my chs on tst tonight and I'm sure he's watering the whisky.
I shall get this new model _.jpg
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morning all - very nice one it is too.....

shaney he looks a bit menacing to me, not sure I'd trust him with a crevice tool....maybe I'll stick with Vinny he might get the hang of it soon.....9.30 & no brekky I see.....

Is it safe out there <<< yet? When does the
new moddy
start her executions I wonder.

Better give her a
peace offering in advance of Vinny's antics

shame the lily beetle got to them

Why do I keep following jno - now my filling has fallen out so it's back to the dentista - grrrr.

How are you all? Just been visiting b&s - isn't it awful, had to add my tuppenceworth to the whiffey/w-m thread so now had better hide.
Vinny can you advise me on the cheapest and best and lightest carpet shampooer on sale in England? I was thinking of a Vax Rapide Classic - is it any good. I did have a Bissell quick wash which didn't seem up to much. I will have to bring it excess baggage so mustn't be too heavy. Ta- xx
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neti, the best cheapest carpet shampooer in England IS Vinny - a couple of Becks & he'll do anything.... not sure how you'll get him in ya tartan shopper tho'.
Robinia I want one that foams on the carpet not at the mouth
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mmm, looking forward to Vinny's reply to that one......
Afternoon folks,Glad that days works over...didnt get a wink of sleep..somebody(mention no names)get pulling me counterpane off me all blooming night.and I had a stiffy neck I mean..hahaha..tut tut..!! Hi netti...this is the cheapest carpet cleaning thingy Ive seen...
HERE hehe..!!..Ive
Had a look at the vax reviews,and there so so,but Ive had a numatic for 14 years now,and have only bought a new pump for it(about �70 squid.)and the odd hose.They really do make a quality product.You can buy the one you mentioned for �99.00.but I think this one is the best..
HEREa little bit dearer,and a bit heavier to take back home.
good luck anyways xxTis raining here...but still very close...right ...anybody fer tea..just made a pot..(:-)
oi...!!! Ive just seen that...Robinia's not fussed where I foam..after a few becks hehe....reminds me..must wash the counterpane again>quickly does a runner before she gets back from birds>whoosh>(:-)
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tooooo late matey I'm here!!! ....
did you mention tea - well use my teapot...

if you can find it
um....Lets use mine.YO..hehe..!! just been down the chippy,and this guy swears hes...YO
So I took his piccy...does look like him??(:-)
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d'oh got rained orf.....been pruning my spartium junceum (that's a spanish broom to you!) on & off all day & she's a tough old b*gger.

blimey he's a good lookeelikey....there used to be a 'John Travolta' in this area in the 70's - spitting image he was, I wonder whether Jude saw or even knew him....?
I've just done a great long post and when I previewed every thing on the page was bold. What did I do wrong? Couldn't see what myself.
Anyway I'll try again. I didn't see any rain Robinia. Mind you I'm still half asleep. Got in in the early hours. We went back to the house of a guy we know for coffee because my friend is thinking of buying a house the same as his and she wanted a look round. We have been invited to a barbecue tonight and there is a rock and roll band on at our usual haunt and then again my niece who plays in a band is appearing at a charity gig. Decisions Decisions!! Where to go!
I don't remember a 'John Revolting' round here Robinia but I do remember a 'Tommy Steele' who I think came from the West End somewhere. (Derby I mean)! I fancy a nice cuppa Vinny am I in time or have I got to make it myself as usual!?
Well it's all quiet at the moment here....just me and Shaney ..they have gone to the pub !!
Still hot ...supposed to rain tonight .
We are off to the continental market tomorrow ,then back to pick up Shaney and on to my brothers for dinner .No cooking ....Hooray !
It's me again!! Just got in and it's pouring down loveeerrrrly. Just walking in the rain after Rocking all night. Brilliant weekend!
See you tomorrow... Goodnight All x
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and apologies if my long post appears about 6 times!!!!

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