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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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Hi Biddies.

I love Rob Brydon. Saw him in Norwich and have never laughed so much. The whole theatre was in uproar - all ages. I loved Gavin and Stacey too, I found it hilarious.

Have been shopping to Morrisons but friend and I had a coffee in there first which made it bearable. The sun has come out this afternoon, but it's hardly hot and its still very windy. I will probably go out with Meggie later. I must run around with the hoover first.

LOL about my bridge with the crows. I didn't know what on earth you were talking about Robi.

Just wondering about having a cuppa with a scone before hoovering. I think I might just do that!!
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Quiet night...we must all have real lives lol. I cleaned one and a half bedrooms and a bathroom today...the fun just never stops....night night all.
Night Night all, God Bless (it's comes naturally to say that and I find it lovely)

Sleep night.

hm, well, jitties down here are called 'streets', but that's because people mainly speak English in these parts. Looking like a nice day here but I'm none too sure what to do about it. The sunlounger is outside whistling quietly, however. I have received a message from the housesitters saying our camellias are out and they've broken one of our super-expensive (inherited) Barcelona chairs by falling through it. I did the same thing myself a couple of years ago and Norwich Union as was paid hundreds to get it fixed. But our housesitter has a brother in law who can do it - wish I'd known about him earlier.
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morning all, yes jno, my camellias are lovely here...not perfect as quite a few of the flowers got frosted in the bud but certainly impressive. bed is calling me....
Morning all, lovely weather again. Mr N is taking hija to airport in half an hour, she's off to barca again for 5 days.

We have freesias out at the moment and they smell lovely.
Morning All. The lovely little camelia plant which my previous neighbour put in the front garden between us has now gone since the new neighbour moved in. So sad. She has a friend who drives a huge landrover and he parks it on the front lawn even though there is room for him to park on the road outside. I think he knocked it down. I haven't seen her hardly since she moved in. I'm beginning to wonder about her. I have decided to see what happens during the next few months as nothing has been done with the back garden which is a shambles and the lawn (grass) is growing rapidly in the front. I haven't seen her dressed yet. Just dressing gown and having a smoke in the back garden. I'm thinking she may have health problems so I feel I have to be careful with my opinions but my main one at the moment is that she's just plain lazy. I hope I'm wrong.
Hi Jno, if jitties are streets down there what do they call streets!! Keep enjoying yourself and take lots of photos.
Have discovered at Derby County that if my son 'gifts' me his season ticket seat I can have it at a concessionary price of £140 for the season which is good as he gave me the £100 towards it. I'm happy about that.
It's raining a bit here but not too cold and it's going to clear up so they say so I'm off for a walk in a bit. I going to the next little suburb around the ring road to have a look at the shops. I shall go along the back streets not round the main road.
Hope you all are feeling ok health wise and that you have a peaceful weekend. Don't they come round quickly.

Laters 'gaters
I am lazy and my garden (for want of a better word) is a tip. But it's ecological and there are many weeds growing there which have been eradicated in the rest of the world. I'm doing my bit!
Morning all.... no life here woofy, even the puta's dragging it's pixels. I fell asleep watching new Tricks last night (didn't see them the first time around) and couldn't get to sleep when I went to bed. Mind you the whole world & his wheels seemed to be on the move between 11.30 & 12.30, they must have all been out to buy stamps before they go up or something.
At least when I came on here at night it kept me awake til bedtime, if only because I was growling under my breath at the goings on. :o)

It's a shame when things change Jude (like neighbours), things here are 'different' and I'm expecting them to be more different before long. There's a lovely magnolia coming into flower in their garden & I remember the old people planting it, the lady had died before it flowered for the first time which was on my birthday. I wish it was all as it was when I moved here, it felt secure.

Get that garden sorted neti! With your climate it could look fabulous.

How strange, I just looked down to see a piece of jigsaw on the floor & no one's done one here for a very, very long time, certainly not a small piece one looks like a chimbley pot on a odd!?
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Robi that's an omen......Santa is coming with a gift for you. Neti when we did our garden ages ago we deliberately set most of it aside for ecology. We planted mostly native shrubs under the trees and added chipped mulch. We don't use weedkiller or insecticide and dump all the fallen leaves down there. I also underplanted with spring bulbs but they don't survive giant dog's feet.
I do love that jigsaw website, I do the new one every day with breakfast.
Morning all
Nice day here so far and quite warm . But they say we could have a thunderstorm later.

Four hours at the hospital yesterday and no joy for Mr S piddle wise .We have to go again next Friday and if he can't go then they're going to have a rethink . He can go without the doings but it's not enough.Not a proper "stream" as they call it .

Hope everyone is OK healthwise and otherwise .
See you all later ,be good .
That's extremely odd Robinia .
lol woofy, I just went to check I've still got a chimney. The way the crows bang about up there at unholy times of a morning I'm surprised the whole stack hasn't fallen off.
I've never used chemicals in my garden either, that's why my lawns are more weeds & moss than grass...they haven't needed mowing yet, they really took a hammering in the bad weather & with me & Charlie walking on them they're looking pretty poor.

Oh shaney, not another setback. I really hope things get better for you both soon. KBO xx. It's warming up here too but it looks like they're saving the storms for tomorrow.
Have just spent 3hrs spring cleaning the lounge and putting on cream throws, am shattered, do not often move the suite as it's big and heavy, but when I did, there was a summer thong sandal, been there since the ummer, oh deary me!
Dear shaney, sorry about mr s, can I ask, does he actually want to go, but can't, or is there no urge?
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Sorry to hear about Mr S Shaney...had a bit of a potter about day here..we've got afternoon tea for dinner, a plate of sandwiches and a plate of cakes served with tea.
sounds like the stock is growing for the biddies summer fete, then - one jigsaw piece, one thong, and possibly my marbles if anyone's found them lying around. We went to a Night Market yesterday at the local shopping mall - or rather, the underground car park. It seems to be an attraction for the huge local Asian population (east Asian - Japanese, Chines and Korean mostly) - lots of noodles and Filipino kebabs and even a blini stall. Also some belts for the fuller figure made by an Indian gentleman, one of which I bought.

woofy, have you noticed if you have the sound on with the jigsaws, you can hear the pieces click into place - very satisfying. Also, sometimes they click into place diagonally, even when they've not actually interlocked with another piece but are one piece away, which is helpful.

Sorry to hear Mr S is still not doing the right thing. Have you thought of living next to Niagara Falls or anything? At least it is being fully monitored.
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morning all....thick fog here today.....yawn......
Morning all...bit fresh but sunny for the moment...rain later, lots of it apparently. I spoke too soon about the grass, it seems to have shot up overnight. I've just had a magpie picking up twigs for me, it's obviously building somewhere. All the other birds went nutty, 'The big baddy's here!!'...haha.

There seems to be a theme, I found two new prs of black cotton knicks yesterday I didn't know I had. Deep joy, I can wear some this week. They were in the bottom of the drawer though & not under the settee :o)

Happy Mother's Day if it applies. I doubt Ozzy son will be dropping by & Tarquin's doing a 10k run in Yorkshire so not sure if I'll see him. I'm not bothered one jot, I don't like 'special' commercialised days but it was sweet when there were home made cards & a little primula in a pot.

oh my giddy aunt, the kettle just switched itself on!! good thing there's water in it!
And what's more shameful is that I found a 2005 unopened catalogue under the settee too, I am disgraced!!!

Had to give in and buy a couple of pairs of huge big knickers, as I have expanded somewhat. These certainly won't fit under the settee!!

Have joined a new "For sale" website online for Ibiza and after 5 mins George is reserved (butI can't get him out of the cupboard)

Mr N took me for a lovely curry last night, it was really nice, but I do not have comfy clothes in which to eat, the size 12's are fine for strolling upright through the village but to sit and eat is impossible, so had to wear bootleg denims (on the shame) in size 14!
You are totally disgraced neti, think of all the secret shopping you missed.
Poor George...or maybe the people in his new home will be more tolerant of his lifestyle choices :o)

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