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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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Hi Again. Sorry for you Woofy what a palava. What will you do now then about having to have the implant taken out. Will you now be able to have one at all now.
I've just got in from a trip to the surgery. didn't see a doctor just asked at the desk if I could have my blood test result. The receptionist looked me up on the records and asked me if it was a glucose test and said that it was written in green so it was alright. So my diet must be ok.
Shaney you're really 'hot' on crossies and general knowledge. Don't forget the Scores on the doors final on Monday. I hope York win.
You sure did get a bargain Woofy I bet it will look lovely in your garden.
I'm sitting in my kitchen with the back door open and it's lovely.The wind is very strong but it's not cold.
Cuppa tea time...Laters 'gaters
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I am a gagger too...couldn't think of doing it with any other dentist. The implant is a washout. I don't have enough bone in that area of my upper jaw for the implant to take hold and integrate so i will have to live with the gap. Hey ho, as I said to the dentist, in the scheme of things its minor, it won't make my head fall off. Poor old dentist is a perfectionist...he hates to fail.
I broke my bridge recently .I still haven't had it repaired . I glue it in and hope for the best :)
Funnily enough my friend has just been round earlier and she's going to come with me on Tuesday to see the dental technician and hold my hand while he either repairs it or makes a new one which means gunge shoved in my mouth which is the pits
I think I'm going to have to have a new one made and already feel sick and gaggy with just the thought of having that stuff shoved in my mouth .

Well done on the tests Jude xx
Oh dear Woofy. Poor you. Can you have a bridge in the gap. I have a bridge along with numerous crows, fillings, etc. In fact real teeth in my mouth are rare. Fortunately I have no problems at all with going to the dentist apart from the fact that my jaw locks because of it being misaligned and it was also dislocated when I was punched in the mouth by a friend!!

My bridge is a bit iffy at the moment though, I think I might need a new one very soon. My dentist is a perfectionist too. A good thing.

Good news about the blood test Jude.

It has been lovely this evening but still very windy.

Off to marinate some chicken for a stir fry.

An early goodnight from me.

Just come back from a COP walkabout with Banwait and crew (councillor) . I ;live in such a quiet close and didn't realize what problems some people who live in nearby roads are having. One lady whose house is next door to a jitty which I use regularly. She apparently has youths drinking and throwing things at her house. It was eggs the other night. There were 2 policemen there as well giving us the gen on things they can and can't do. It was a really interesting tour round. Apparently, Robi, the renovation work in the precinct has come to a definite stop. The council aren't releasing any money because of the cut backs. So what's new!!
About teeth I have 4 crowns and my dentist wanted me to have them sorted because one had moved and is slightly crooked and I wont let him because it looks more natural. He just laughed. (Not very crooked just moved out of line slightly.)

Hope you all have a good night and sleep tight!!
See yer later 'gater(s)
oh dear, woofy, I don't like hearing about failed implants. On the other hand, I do like hearing about furniture that's been readily assembled and at a discount, so I suppose it evens out. But if I can't get myself some implants one of these days, I won't have anything to eat with, and in the great scheme of things that will actually be rather major; I'm too old to go back on Milupa.

Goodness, Lottie, if your friends punch you in the mouth, what's left for your enemies to do?

Just had a few days with friends on a little farmlet - no animals but dozens of trees heaving with apples, pears, guava, ugli fruit, feijoas and other strange things. To think we had just the one apple last summer, and a squirrel ate it. Then we went on down to the Hot Lakes District, full of geysers, volcanos (dormant), boiling mud pools and so forth. They have one geyser that erupts at 10.15 every day because they dump some starter into it, and it performs for half an hour. Very pretty. Plus we saw a couple more going up when we went on a lake cruise with geothermal activity on its shores. Lovely weather - we did it just in time because they're saying showers today.
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Jno I really left the implants too late...also I have never had good bone there so it was always going to be risky. I love hearing about your hols. I have got a collection of dwarf fruit trees in pots...I had 2 plums, 2 pears and 6 figs last year.
Sadly Neti my gag problem extends to foreign bodies in the mouth...I have one small bridge on a front tooth but couldn't deal with anything bigger and don't think the other back tooth would be strong enough anyway.... I'll just have to be happy at the back. I have had a partial jaw dislocation too, I bit into an apple and it popped. I was at work at the time in a hospital but with no a and e so I had to drive myself to the local general I gripped a tampon in a cardboard cover between my teeth to keep it stable while I joke...anyway when I got there there was nowhere to park so I abandoned the car with a note on the window saying dislocated jaw gone to a and back to the car and the man didn't believe me till I showed him my follow up appointment you think us biddies attract this stuff?...
Anyway why did your friend punch you? Oops it wasn't Neti who got punched, it was Lottie I have no scroll up arrows on this iPad.
Jude I am glad the diet is okay...Shaney I hate the tray full of rubber feels like it's pulling all your teeth out.
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Robi I know what you mean about shutting out the world, it's nice to do that on cold rainy days. Last lot of tabs for the day have gone down so night night all...sorry for the incoherence...long day
Night all .Sleep well.
I must go to bed .I fell asleep in front of TV and am now wide awake .Grrr.
Sounds like a lovely trip Jno . I could do with a hot geyser :)
Morning all.

woofy I also gag with anything in my mouth, even a spoon, and my teeth look fine but there's hardly any left in the back row. Shall leave it that way.

jude, what's a jitty? All I can think is that it is a pub?

jno sounds lovely there. Mr N and I were accepted as immigrants fo9r NZ in the late 1970's but we decided to come back to this island. We were wondering yesterday how our lives would have worked out if we had gone there. I was put off my the constant rain and spiders, oh and the bunjee jumping, is it obligatory???

lottie, I also had friends who punched me in various places, needless to say they were not friends for long! or indeed at all really).

Robi and shaney hope you are both perking up

Here endeth my blog!
Morning all...what's a jitty? Is it a pub?.... hahahaha, well that's cheered me up no end neti :o) (I had a low day yesterday)
It's a twitchell. How could you not know that? :o)

Oh bad news about your teef woofy, but well done with the furniture, we biddies do love a bargain....don't forget to haggle when you pay for my summerhouse. :o)
I've got a bridge & a crown top left & I'm very, very careful what I eat. I still remember the prep work, 1 hour and 45 mins!! And another 40 mins at fitting time. Lovely, lovely dentist though & if I could drive I'd have followed him to his new practise. I really don't want any replacements even though the crown could possibly be improved upon, I hate that rubbery stuff they make the impression with.

Sounds lovely jno, hot geysers & mud pools. We haven't even got any cold mud here & not a swamp in sight. I think those will probably come in July. Enjoy yourself, how long are you going to be there?

Well I'm not just worried about Lottie's violent friends but also the bridge with several crows! <just how big is her norf & sahf?>
* thwacks robi* err what's a twitchell?'s an alleyway, entry, ginnel...between houses/gardens usually.
What did you call it then?
Good Morning All. Neti a jitty is a footpath between houses, buildings. It usually is a short cut to where you want to go. That one I use takes me to a main road where I get my bus to the city. It is between 2 houses and the lady I spoke to last night is having a lot of trouble. Thank goodness it's not too near me. I feel sorry for her. The funny side of this is calling it a pub could well be true when the young boys and girls say we're off to the jitty for a drink!! Sometimes there are bottles and cans left there.

Robi hope today is better for you.I understand what a low day feels like.

There's somebody taking Ken Bruce off on Radio 2 for April Fools day. I know who it is but just can't remember his name. He is a comedian with the ability to imitate well knowns. It'll come to me in a bit.

Going too to Derby county in a bit to sort out my ticket. Probably wont be a long queue :~)

See yer later 'gater(s)
That comedian is Rob Brydon...x
We call them twiterns!
...and here it is called a paisaje (passageway)
I love Rob Brydon on Would I Lie to You, I watched an old one last night..or was it the night before. Never got into Gavin & stacey tho'..I think I'm the only person who never found it funny.

There's a twitchel at the end of my road we called the sh1tty jitty 'cos people used to let their dogs poop down there (not me!).
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morning all...we were latecomers to Gavin and Stacey but really enjoyed it...bits of silly, bits of bizarre and real life all mixed up together. Antibiotics have really kicked in...I feel better than I have for ages but sooooooo sleepy
That's good's a sleepy day here, more to do with the dullness than medication though. It was supposed to be a sunny day.
I've just had a 'letter' through the postbox addressed to 'Valued Customer''s from domino's pizza. hahaha, trade must be bad, there hasn't been a pizza delivered here since 1995.

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