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more than a detail

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DaSwede | 02:26 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | Arts & Literature
505 Answers
What's the conventional term used to say "I've cropped the image of this painting, but only slightly"?

Here's an example:

1) The Mona Lisa

2) The Mona Lisa (detail)

3) ...but how do I describe this kind of cut?

I can think of ways to say it, but my question is What would be the conventional term used in the art world. How would they phrase it in a catalogue from an exhibition.



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footballs on tonight..(:o)
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That's sad, Robinia. I had one of her paintings on a postcard when I was very young and I still think she's funny, like Botero but with a warmer heart.

When you do have a go at African Dance, Jude, don't forget we want piccies!

ignores football bulletin

oh, so she has... I was a fan of her paintings - like Vettriano only people looked more cheerful...
We did have some laughs from her didn't we Robi and who's to say we wont have some more. I saw her interviewed and she said she couldn't paint sad things she just saw people enjoying themselves and that's what she painted.

The football isn't up to much is it Vinny I've been watching recorded tennis in between football and reading the latest posts on here.

I'm off now see you tomorrow hoping for better weather :o)

Evening morphs sad to see Beryl Cook has died ..I liked her paintings . One of my favourites was Ladies who Lunch . I love those two old girls in their fancy togs and hats eating fish and chips out of the paper .She turned out a tremendous amount of stuff .
I have had a lovely day .I saw Julian
and Edith
and some old houses and cobbled streets .
The cathedral is wonderful and we had lunch in the Refrectory .
Bought a handbag and some clothes .Lovely day .
I couldn't find any plumblecots though They must have had a run on them .The weather was Ok ..dull but at least it didn't rain .
We had a terrific thunderstorm here around 4am this morning .The rain came down so hard and deep joy came through the sodding roof again ! Not as bad as last time though so we shall have to get the man to come back and have a look .I suppose it's dislodged a tile somewhere.
Hope you are all OK .My pins are killing me so I am going to have a breeze round and go to bed soon . See you later xx
(((?*_*?)))ignors kip...(:O)
Zzzzz bloomin eck..its like watching paint dry...still ..we beat them 2:0.....think they americanos beat some scandinavian country recently...the name escapes me..think it begins with swe......(:O)
later biddys xxyo (:O)
I liked her to...(*_*)
yep, I daresay we'll be posting Beryl's pics for as long as we're on were lucky to see her interviewed Jude, I don't think she liked being in the public eye.

Lovely pics shaney, I love the way you casually said 'bought a new handbag' ...haha...we didn't doubt that you would.

(what is Vinny on about?)

hey neti remember Where's Wally on the back of the cereal boxes? well now they've done
Where's Robi?

(got to humour her I s'pose)

give me a shout in the morning Vin a new gardener coming (early) to trim me bushes
Wakey Wakey....(((robinia.)))...!!!!!
Yer new gardeners come to trim yer bush...(:O)
(((Knock Knock.))
its okay mate,she's a biddy.....still in bed I spect. She said would you dig everything up and put some nice concrete down...cheers..listen I must go...if you want a cuppa...pssst go down the caff..she hangs her teabags on the line..tut..!.>>>whoosh>>>>(:O).
hahaha...I'll give you bl00dy concrete mi is in progress, looking good so far....I don't think my neighbour will have to stand on a box to see me in me cozzie this summer....mind you, he hasn't bothered for past 10 years, tut. :o)

morning the rest of you....oh the poor love jno I'm sure he'll get over it. Am I the only woman in the world who doesn't fancy him?...he's kinda.....weird.

Kit you've got mail!!!!
morning all....another Beryl Cook fan here....still think of the angels she's painting now.
We have sun in Hampshire!!!!
I'm rather fond of Dame Julian....she's the one who said
"Sin is behovely but all will be well and all will be well and all manner of things will be well"
which along with
"In the end it will all be fine....if its not fine, its not the end"

" the truth will make you free but first it will p*** you off"

have got me through some difficult times

not sure who said the second two.
Like them sayings woofy...dont get kips hopes up netti...she's just opened the door thinking there's a man there...hehe.!
everythings going well robinia,he hasnt tried your tea yet..!and dont be tight..give him one of your cs .tarts(:O)
your neighbour hasnt seen you fer 10 years,stop hiding behind the clothes prop then..hahahaha..whoosh>>> (:O)

Thought I was well off this week but my heater has gone in my car so that's about �150 to pay my car man. did I tell you I had a car man as well Lol!!

Out with Tbag for evening meal so no cooking for me today. Better do a bit of cleaning I suppose though.

George Clooney - No thanks - not my cup of tea either Robi

...<that sproutman's being very cheeky today, hahaha ....I don't know why I'm laughing)>

...I should warn you Vincent that despite my lack of weight & muscle I used to throw a mean javelin (I had plenty of practise lobbing boulders at the lad next door but two) - think yerself lucky, if Jude wasn't standing in between us doing a roll call of all her men, you'd have seen this clothes prop heading your way....

anyway, lovely job done, lovely guy, lovely price....I'm a happy stick....mmmm, what's next?....a decorator....

I've got a few sayings myself, most of them unrepeatable on here, but I've always liked
"People won't remember what you said, people won't remember what you did, but people will always remember how you made them feel".

maybe not entirely true, we do remember some things that people have said & done...(unless your name's neti, heee....<ducks>...)...but you never forget how they made you feel do you?

No don't like George Clooney or Brad Pitt - ghastly!

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