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more than a detail

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DaSwede | 02:26 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | Arts & Literature
505 Answers
What's the conventional term used to say "I've cropped the image of this painting, but only slightly"?

Here's an example:

1) The Mona Lisa

2) The Mona Lisa (detail)

3) ...but how do I describe this kind of cut?

I can think of ways to say it, but my question is What would be the conventional term used in the art world. How would they phrase it in a catalogue from an exhibition.



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Not that it matters but I do wonder if GC is gay?

Having an interesting day here. Its been very humid and I took dogs out this morning. They came back with no less than eight stable flies on them....they are big nasty black things that don't fly off, they just cling and bite.

It was the boys first experience of the horrid things and they were very good about letting me take them off.....I don't mind the ponies but the ticks and flies are just no joke when the weather is warm.
Take Five yo that was interesting. (:O)
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Hiya possums. I like George Clooney... And yes Vinny I will admit it: I was sure I'd find him at my door now he's through with what's-her-face - he did live with a pot-bellied pig for 18 years you know ;-) and if you don't believe me you can look it up in Wikipedia - but instead I find a bunch of hornets from hell which btw I can't view, not without installing Active X. I'll look for them on YouTube tomorrah. Are they any good, I mean is it a feel-good movie about the bees surviving or is it just horrible, I'm not up to horrible.

That's one of my favourite quotes too, Robi... (People won't remember et cetera.) I'm not good at living up to it but I definitely believe it to be true. In the end that's all that matters.

Woofy get out of my Turkish bed! Thread! (I suspect Woofy's been reading about love slaves again, it's all she does these days.)

How beautiful is that statue of Julian, Shaney! Thank you for posting it here, I'll save that photo. I did not know her, but Woofy your beautiful quote did ring a bell. Will read more about Julian tomorrow, her and her book of love.

There going to erect a statue of Beryl cook outside Her local pub the Dolphin hotel in Plymouth.Where she liked a lemonade or two....
bloomin int arf raining out there tonight. the roads turned into a river..coming back from Barnstaple.....(:O)
((((echo echo echo..)))).. dont see a biddy fer ages and then 2 come along..(:O)
half zummerzet flooded, by thelook of it 26738.stm
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<Jeez, did I just push some kind of biddy button here?>

Hi Vinny, so have you seen the Jacksons lately?

Woofy, I see Cloney's pig was male so you could be right...

Working tonight are you jno.
I'm heading for zummerzet in my rowing boat, with dry handtowels and a flask of lukewarm tea, Kit; angel of mercy.
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I'll see that image in my dreams tonight jno.
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Horrible night, just horrible, a lot of grunting and squeling going on in my dreams, if it isn't the ghost of George Clooney's pig it's jno rowing her boat, couldn't tell you which is worse.


hello or web so slow today that i can't watch vids or open more than one tab.
Wasn't the rain awful? I got soaked down to my respectable biddy underwear walking 10 feet between the car and the front door yesterday

Ha Ha Kit I loved the pic of me in my summer dogwalking gear....I wear the same in winter but with a scarf to keep off the breezes.

Gonna diagnose the puter now and try and get the speed up a bit...don't dare to try any clever posting today as the damn thing keeps freezing up.

Back to Mum this weekend so I will see you all on monday
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Dawgs. We were mentioning African Dance the other day. I just remembered a male psychologist at a hospital where I worked. He was taking a course in African Dance and all the other students were female. One day as he was telling us about it he says "Typical! We had been talking about dancing topless just once just to get a feel for it and then I happened to miss class the one time they actually went ahead and did it!" It was so funny to hear him going on 'cos it was obvious it never entered into his mind they might have decided to do it that night because he wasn't there...

Found the Japanese hornets on National Geographic's channel on YouTube, Vinny - that was horrible!

They just dropped a small house off in my park...?! Brought it in on a flatbed truck ready-made and just placed it under a tree (they did lay a stone foundation yesterday) and left. Wonder what it is? Probably a kiosk.

Heat wave on it's way...
Kit, they do say you can tell a psychologist because when a pretty girl walks in the room, he's the one who looks at everyone else...
I know nothing whatsoever about African Dance .I am still trying to master the Chiki Chiki .
Mind you I am very fond of Zulu and have watched it countless times ..those Impi send a shiver up my spine,but that's wardancing so I suppose that doesn't count . I am also very fond of this
I play the CD I have a lot .It always cheers me up.They sound so enthusiastic and cheerful. Then again I do like the odd Gregorian chant as well .I am an odd person :)
I wonder what a trick cyclist would make of me .....he would probably doze off while I rambled on about cheese and gin .
That's a new statue of The Lady Julian on the cathedral Kit .Her shrine and cell are actually in the church of St .Julian in Norwich.
It's been a nice day here ..quite warm and a bit of sun on and off .
I just knew that Robinia would spot that I had bought a handbag can't slip one past Dimmock of Derby .:)
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Oh wow, I love that, Shaney. I was looking at some of Paul Simon's Graceland stuff on YouTube the other day but this one I missed.

Hadn't heard that one, jno, there's some truth to it!

G'night jno and Shaney.
blimey, they've all gone again...
gah, friend coming round to lunch and the loo's suddenly blocked. Do I get a plunger or do I just get a gun and punish it properly?
oh poop inconvenient

back in a bit

Don't think I'll try African Dancing (to old now)

This is more my scene innit

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