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more than a detail

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DaSwede | 02:26 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | Arts & Literature
505 Answers
What's the conventional term used to say "I've cropped the image of this painting, but only slightly"?

Here's an example:

1) The Mona Lisa

2) The Mona Lisa (detail)

3) ...but how do I describe this kind of cut?

I can think of ways to say it, but my question is What would be the conventional term used in the art world. How would they phrase it in a catalogue from an exhibition.



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<pant pant pant>'s like a heat wave...♫ ♪ ♪

good morning...dimwit of Derby signing in. mmmm, all raking over the ashes of last night's barbie are we? I went back outside yesterday & overdid it a bit...make that a lot... but the forecast isn't so good for a few days. It's weeing it down at the moment.

erm, btw, I forgot that George C's birthday is May 6th...says it all really doesn't it? Now, can we put him to bed please?....No, NO!!!....too late, Kit's already warming up....again

I do like a bit of chanting & the old bongos myself... (Jude has a flashback) the paul Simon shaney. There's a bit more tribal for you here that I bet you like as much as I do YO
(and there's even an alarm at the end for Vinny....gettup hippy!)

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pant pant pant

Dawgs... isn't the sun more scorching nowadays than it used to be. <'course it is, there's no ozone> I was sitting outdoors yesterday evening (eating falafel balls with greek salad, yum yum) and after 15 minutes I felt I maybe oughtn't sit in the sun - and the time was 19.30... I'm very pale and sensitive, but still.

That's the state of my hair alright Robinia. O Gee-oo-oorge... where aaare you... I like this Second Life y'all are giving me here by cutting and pasting... it's great to have a Second Life, particularly when you don't have a First Life, ha ha. I am a little old spinster you know! All this George business that I indulge myself in on here... ...well as the Swedish (?) saying goes it's all squeal and precious little pig... barring the ghost of Max of course. It's very hard to compete with a dead pig you know.

They're working on that "house" in my park, and yes it is going to be a kiosk, selling coffee and ice-cream and such, so I expect my little park will become increasingly popular. I don't mind. They took a few low branches off a tree while they were at it and with them a pair of sneakers which had been hanging there by the strings since last autumn. Thank god, I was so tired of seeing them. A friend suggested I shoot them down with an air rifle or call the Fire Department to rescue the cat stuck in the tree, and when they got here I'd blame my poor eyesight.


ah yes, I see a scorching 18 sunny degrees predicted for Stockholm tomorrow... if it's all the same to you <sniffily> I will stick to my nice warm rain, thank you Kit... <nothing like a good monsoon for cooling the parched earth...>
Morning All Hope you are all well and had a good weekend. I had a good day yesterday with you know who. Went to a pub called The Plough and had lunch then went to Belper to listen to a couple of choirs on the bandstand in the River Gardens. Thankfully the rain kept away. Then last night I was whisked off to Litchfield to see A Comedy show. All Old men but very funny Frank (it's the way I tell em) Carson, Jimmy (and there's more) Cricket and a local man called Ian 'Sludge' Lees.
So today I'm having to catch up on some housework, I think that's what it's called!!
It looks a bit dull outside but not raining yet.
Loved R.E M Kit One of my favourite groups.
Does anybody Like Oasis?

On Radio now

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<Kit wishes she hadn't image-googled for "sludge" to learn what kind of comedy shows Jude goes to ;-) Yes Oasis are great, we don't get to hear them on "regular" radio all that much anymore, I don't know why - I wasn't even sure if they were still together before I looked it up just now! Anyway why haven't you told us Jude about your dark past and the "movies" you made. Did you really think we wouldn't find out what with YouTube and everything that you were at one time married to a Finnish disco dance instructor and making videos together with him? disco feeling (You don't have to watch all of it - it's kinda painful.)

It IS a bit cooler today you wisenheimer jno person you but anyway that's what I meant: Even though it was "only" 25 degrees the other day the sun still felt burning, in a way it didn't, just a few years ago. Scares me.

This is a bit awkward but I was wondering if you could do a reading for me, Rob- ...oh, sorry...! God, that was embarrassing...! Said she was busy with a clivent but there was nobody there...! what's she up to?

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(Is that a "correct" custard tart then, Robinia (half-eaten on the psychic picture), there are millions of different kinds so it seems and as we don't seem to have the exact kind of thing here it took me a year or so to even notice that "custard tart" was a frequent theme on the biddy threads ha ha. We do have something called Vanilla Hearts, that might be the same kind of thing, I suspect.)
ah me, another night on the internet... I have been working on the office website, putting things on, taking things off, am I a little techie or what
-- answer removed --
okay, so you're all off partying somewhere while I'm slaving. See if I care. <sniff>
good morning....oh dear, I thought someone had been spiking my sanatogen but it looks like like everyone else is less of a possum & more of a wombat like me too....except for jno who's obviously an owl, or a hamster (do wombats sleep a lot or just the one on Tinga & Tucka?) Unless MsSweden's started imposing a height, width, weight restriction or charging an entrance fee? S'pose she'll have to fund her new ice-cream habit somehow.

hahaha, love the pic Kit, I'll use that one to stick in phone boxes, and yes, that's the correct custard....must be all the nutmeg that gives me my special powers.

Do hairdressers have a mystery bargain of the week? As in 'Have an inch chopped off, get another half inch free'? (sorry if you've gone metric, maybe that's where I'm going wrong) Or does the size of an inch change with the state of the country's economy? ....tut....hey-ho, looks like it's going to be a hoody day anyway.

yep, I do like Oasis & Pulp ... I've always had a strange fascination for Jarvis Cocker - must be the stick thing.
I've got to do my own jokes today then....?

looks like Vin's been busy painting me

Mornin biddy babes...!
Sunny again..(:O)
received a pic and text from my son...sitting outside a pub in bloomin germany.guzzlin a litre of beer..!!!??his mates and him flew there fer 2 days "2P Return flight" yes tuppence....with ryanair....a tenner fer a hostel.jammy bu66er...!!!
I told my daughter off fer leaving the milk out of the fridge,so she says "so sue me "so im off to see me lawyer..hehe...later dudes..
waiting on a it arrives at bloody 5:pm....(:O)


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JNO!!! I lost all internet connection within seconds after having viewed that possum in the loo page! I blame you! It's never happened before. And I didn't even watch the video... miss much, did I, ha ha. I liked "possums have a habit of getting themselves into trouble." Given the situation it seemed like something of an understatement. Although when loo owners post four clips of a possum crawling out of a toilet instead of dealing with said possum I'm enough of a cynic to suspect a helping hand in getting inside the loo in the foist place. Jno henceforth you're not allowed on possum sites in the middle of the night. You need to take up a nice hobby er while you're working.

Ryanair yes I keep hearing all these good things about them Vinny.

Speaking of tasteful footage. My eldest sister i 60 now and she's been wanting a tattoo for the last 25 years or so. (Or youngest half-sis has one btw.) I suspect she won't get around to it... think I should send her this clip? ROFL @ the tattooer at 0.52!

I love "Common People" Robinia, there's no limit to the number of times I can listen to it. You think they'll let me have it at my funeral? They'd better or I won't go. (Not going anywhere in a hurry though.)

PS jno My toilet now sounds funny when flushing. (It really does.)

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play loud (:O)
its 23 40 in sweden..(:O)
^ ^ ^ ??? ^ ^ ^

mmmm, I thought about having a tattoo once

well she's a right mardy ar$e (in the video) as we say around here, was it for real do you think? Hopefully it'll have put a few people off, I can't say as I'm a fan of being branded. My oldest son regrets having them (top of arms) & always has them's been so long since I saw them I can't remember what they were - he didn't even tell me straight away he'd had it done, he knew what I'd say!

looks round at empty chaises.....well Kit was it something I/we said?


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