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more than a detail

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DaSwede | 02:26 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | Arts & Literature
505 Answers
What's the conventional term used to say "I've cropped the image of this painting, but only slightly"?

Here's an example:

1) The Mona Lisa

2) The Mona Lisa (detail)

3) ...but how do I describe this kind of cut?

I can think of ways to say it, but my question is What would be the conventional term used in the art world. How would they phrase it in a catalogue from an exhibition.



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Was it something we said, well, Robinia, I'm not sure but I think I may have commented on Neti's knickers one too many times.

Douze points and one million Swedish crows for that, Vinny. Robinia and I would like to see your tattoos now, wouldn't we Robi. We need something to picture when you're not here.

Nina Kinert sounds like a theremin in the second song!
well, I only come out when the witching hour is near. But at least I am not faffing about on the company website tonight. Instead I sat at home and watched I Walked With a Zombie, which despite what it sounds like is a beautiful, haunting version of Jane Eyre set in the Caribbean somewhere
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Is it to do with the first wife, jno, the mad one in the attic, her early story?
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...or is it "just" the usual Jane Eyre story in another setting. (I like the Bront�s.)
Evening all
Hope you are all OK ....down in the mouth me ,we had another mega thunderstorm here last night and I've had a pounding headache all day .
Had some sad news .My old friend Jeannie passed away on Sunday so I have been a bit miserable.I shall miss her.
.I'm glad we had that nice day together recently .So it looks like a trip to London soon .
Otherwise all quiet at Shaneytowers .
I am going to have Rooibus with honey,a painkiller and hop off to bed with Peter Lovesey .....Goodnight folks xxx
the story of the first wife is The Wide Sargasso Sea. This one is only a very loose adaptation - nurse comes to care for a madwoman (actually a zombie here) who lives in seclusion, and falls for her husband. There's a long, strange, magical walk though cornfields by moonlight with voodoo stuff all over - a dead goat's body strung up from a tree and so on - sounds yuk but isn't. Also unusual in having a strong heroine (the men only have minor roles) and taking black people seriously, which was not the done thing in 1943. I could only get an American copy of the DVD, doesn't seem to exist in Region 2, but I managed to hack my player so it plays DVDs from anywhere.
morning all, its a bright start to the day here which makes a change. Had a lovely weekend with Mum, looking at old photos and recording our family tree....we ate chicken and chips and icecream and giggled together...just a good time.

Dear doggies are feeling their hormones and had a bit of a set to biting but loads of posturing and growling. I sat them down and explained that we had a cure for this which involved anaesthetic and a big pair of scissors....they have been very quiet since lol.

have bookmarked the Youtubes for later....I am a huge Paul Simon fan, my favourite video is Call Me Al.
The group he has with him on the African LP is Ladysmith Black Mambazo...they are really good, very relaxing music.
I am also a gregorian chant fan, it sends me off to sleep a treat. Gotta go now and pack DH off to work......8 more working days then he is free too!
Kit please note = neti's knickers!!

Morning all - so busy here trying to sort out our Tax situations and having to do daughter's for the first time, why is it soo difficult? Lots of visitors at mo, and marmosetcoming next Friday. House in uproar as Mr N is redoing things! Will pop in when I can, take care.
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So sorry to learn about your dear old friend, Shaney. It seems so very recently she visited you and you were walking on the beach. I'm sure she must have returned in her mind to that day many times during these months which followed. Life, it's so strange. I can't imagine losing a friend.

Off to town for some errands now. <Hold the shopping lists, biddies, I'm on a budget!> I have this rather bohemian neighbour and one summer as I was pep talking his potted plants (and drinking red wine on his balcony I might add) while he was away I saw this barely legible shopping list taped to the kitchen wall and it looked as if it had been sitting there in the sunlight for the past ten years or so and I suddenly noticed that one of the items was "potatoes?" - like that, with a question mark, and I thought it was hysterically funny. Still do. I mean what's with the question mark, just go ahead and risk it, man, buy the potatoes, make the leap. Make the leap.

Well I for one can't view Neti's knickers. (Screen size related? Must ask in Technology.)
I get a message that just says "http Forbidden"

they must be SOME knickers as I don't have any decency controls enabled!

(neither must the knicker wearers...nudge nudge...)

Shaney I am sorry to hear about your friend...Its hard to lose one anyway but its also kind of a lifetime change when a peer passes on.

The boys are playing nicely again today thank heavens...I'm going off to youtube

later floks!
Try these then, much the same! <tut>

Hi woofy Hope all's Ok with pups, I�'ve just beggared up the tv connections to the extensions with my cleaning, now have to wait for Mr N to return as I dare not touch it anymore!!

Sorry about your friend shaney, so sad to lose a real friend.

Have just mended the tv, put on rubber washing up gloves and rubber soled shoes, cos I know it's only an aeriel connection but I can a shock from a paper bag! anyway all's well, have to go now do some shopping and go visiting the tourist friends in the next village. Catch yer hopefully soon.
and I get a shock from neti's nickers. Sorry to hear about your loss, Shaney, but it's good to think you were with her recently; you feel worse when it's someone you haven't seen for ages and now wish you had.

Gah, slugs are eating my poor new artemisia alive! I had a look at slug sites so to speak, and one of them said try planting artemisia, slugs don't like them. Have I got news for you, slugsite. The whole bed for a foot all round is just awash with slime, they are loving it. Brought out by the rain, I suppose. Anyway, will have to grind up walnut shells, eggshells, hair clippings etc to use as a barrier. Slug pellets don't seem to be working.
Afternoon showers...
use nettis knickers jno that will keep the slugs at bay...hahahaha...
sorry about your friend passing away shaney tis been bright up to now but getting a bit overcast.
catch you later...(:O)
thanks for the dylan woofy hehe..!
a'noon lovelies
I was so happy to see so many knickers...oops sorry, faces.... but then I read the sad news about your friend shaney, I'm so sorry she's passed away. As jno says at least you saw her & had a lovely time to remember. I learned of an old friend's death (we hadn't been in touch for a very long time) by reading it in the local paper & it was such a shock, she was only 45.

yeh, we all believe they're your thongs thweti...we know what that rustling noise is as you dash past

It's a lovely day but after the recent cold & wet I feel as though I've been kicked in the back so no slug chasing for me. I can't believe they're eating your artemisia jno...which variety is it, do you know? I rescued a Powys Castle from the casualty corner & it's done really well.
Hello All Just popped in to read your posts and had to come on and say I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Shaney. Such a sad time for you.

Yes Robi it's a lovely day here ~ got my washing I did yesterday dry.

Got my nephew coming in a minute to shave a bit off one of my new doors he fitted for me. It wont fit the 'hole' and wont shut properly.

See yer later!

-- answer removed --
lol it wont fit the not saying anymore..(:O)
better shave it then, Vinny?

Yes, Robinia, Powys Castle it is. Honestly, I thought wormwood was supposed to keep beasties away, which would explain the name. I suppose it's just so young and succulent that... down, Vinny...

Ooh, excitement on the work front, have just received an email from a colleague saying a minor royal has been spotted there... and not just inspecting but actually working - taken a job there. Oh golly, will I have to get my tiara out of the pawnsh.... er, the bottom drawer... in case I have a close encounter in the lift?
Well I'm not getting any knickers dry here's 9 degrees and we've got the heating on and it's drizzling .It's bloomin' June for Gawds sake !
There is not a breath of wind here and normally we have the good old east wind blasting round from one day to next .It's dank ,dull, dismal and my bloomers have been hanging out there for two days now ....hehe .

Thank you all for your kind thoughts .
She was a friend in a million .We lived opposite one another for over twenty years ,worked together ,had holidays together and great times.She was a lovely lady .

Try those crushed seashells for the slugs Jno or copper tape .
I put vaseline round the edges of pots ....that foils 'em .The swines .

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