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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Nose colliding with a trolley, errr jno were you on your knees or are you a particularly small person????
...or (and the mind boggles at thois one) were you doing cartwheels near a trolly??
Oooops Jno. You must tell us now.
I have been to Therapy today and I'm so happy I cant tell you how much. I am now doing things I didn't think I could. The therapist says I must (stressed) use my hand a bit more than I am and since I have been home I've written with it a bit neater than with my left now and I'm actually typing with both hands. So things are looking up.
Thankyou Mr Heras Palau!
I'm happy Cat is back. The cat came back - isn't that a song Lottie.
GG was a bit of a cliffhanger wasn't it?
Laters 'gaters...
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Crikey Jno ..what are we all like .
I feel steamrollered today and didn't watch anything in the end last night but took lots of mgs and went to bed .
It's a lovely day here though .Bright and sunny but I can't be bothered with much .
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Oh that's good news Jude .You'll soon be back to normal .Keep on with the exercises x
I am having a wonderful day, cleaning everything in sight, have removed the window shutters and hosed them down and put back, tidied the laundry room, met friends for coffee, took hija to work in P den bossa, called in at hospital to explain that i have lost my paper for mamogram and they say that's OK (they call it a mammograph!) mopped and hoovered throughout (Ok so it's only a little throughout house!) done at least 4 loads of washing (beds and bathroom and clothes etc) Hija wanted to know why her workshirt form last night (3am) wasn't washed and dry!!! Bow got a cuppa and some mint choc and going to relax watching Downton again, before I make beef stew!!

Good for you jude, but don't over do it, like I did with shoulder. How is Mr Skype is he OK?

Wow shattered, off to bed, start zumba on thurs, that'll get rid of some oif this energy!!
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Oh stop it neti're making me feel dizzy:)
I have about as much energy as a sloth today .
A'noon all...that's me done in. I was almost in tears with bloomin pain before I'd even got out of bed this morning....hell fire... as my neighbour used to say I think we need a shooting day. Hope everyone's feeling better soon...shaney I went to bed at 9 o'clock twice last week. At least you sound chirpy again Jude, well done, keep up the good work.

Anyhoo, washing's done & dry, lovely fresh bed to throw myself in....mower man's been & I treated him to a chunk of my life story. He'll be changing his phone number. :)

I watched George Gently, (it would have beaten Downton but I watched that on +1) it was so's not often tv drama moves me to tears but I'm probably over emotional at the moment. I hope there are some more.

Well Kate's bazooms are seriously getting on mine ...I knew she'd be trouble ;-). Ok, they shouldn't have taken the pics but if I was going to be the future queen I'd even think twice about stripping off in my own home.

Your avatar's very popular neti :)
It's obvious, jno's been trolley surfing in tesco...
I always give you the kudos Robi, feel better soon x
Jude, that sounds much better - keep up the good work, gal! All other sick biddies can take inspiration from you.

As for my own minor malfunction, all I can say is that I won't be looking for lost oil paintings behind the sofa again any time soon.
jno has that bump on the nose affected you, trollies and sofas and oil paintings in te same room, that's a no no!
When you live on this island, boobies are nothing, anyway they come here on holiday and no one takes any notice, bet they would notice mine if they were unfettered!
Ooh Jno I'm no inspiration to anybody. I'm a right mardea**e as we say in Derby!! But I do feel better now thank you and not so depressed.
The only reason they'd notice mine Neti is because there aint any!!
Mind you they did feed 2 babies very well :)
Was it one of Vinny's masterpieces jno? I'll tell him you never hung it up.

lol Jude...I noticed a label in a top earlier that said 'Tour de poitrine **cms'. I certainly wouldn't describe my poitrine as a tour...more a blink and you'll miss it.
lol Robi :)
Mine couldn't be described as a tower either!
He, he. You lot are funny!!

I have struggled through another steamrollered day. Oh well!!

Odds on that tomorrow will be better again - bloomin' rollercoaster.

See you folks later.


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