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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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and I didn't even find the painting. How can you lose a 2ft x 3ft oil painting, for heaven's sake? It has to be around somewhere.
oh well I've 'lost' one of those Chinese embroidered pics, I'd like to know where that went too, it had belonged to my was propped up between a dressing table and the wall.
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I've caught up with George Gently .I was near to tears . I hope he lives to fight another day .Trust them to leave us with a cliffhanger .Then I caught up with Downton .I loved it .I don't know if I have the stamina today to get as far as New Tricks tonight .At this rate I'll be catching up on catch up on catch up
Oight Oight .
hello wibblies and wobblies I hope that tomorrow sees you better. I have been doing pottery housework today and making christmas cards. knee is behaving and cramp has subsided. I have the Downton christmas special on and posh tea. Smoked salmon sandwiches with fresh figs and a glass of wine.

My poitrine would be not so much a tour as a 10 day nine night all expenses voyage of discovery.
Am happily ensconced in front room watching Barry Manilow (an old prog but nice!) a cup of milky coffee and two (yes two) choc bars!!!
Well, I don't like milky coffee or Barry, Neti, but am willing to share the chocolate bars!!

Oight, oight x
Oight oight all.
For all Biddies with sinus type problems, allergies and catarrh - I bought today from Morrisons Calpol Saline Nasal Spray, which I presume is an easy version of a neti pot or snorting salty water. Suitable for babies from birth onwards and for those who suffer from constant catarrh, allergies. somisotoes. etc. I will let you know what happens..................

I should really wear my glasses and have my fingers on the correct home keys when I touch type.

yes lottie, the calpol stuff is like sterimar. A good normal start to the day here, I have mint tea and the dogs are snoring.
Morning all, neti clocking in, if computer lets me, its so slow atm.

Enjoyed Barry last night. Even put another wash out at 23.30, so nothing to do today!
Good morning all. Neti, where do you find all that washing!!!!

A lovely day so far, as was yesterday. Feel a bit better again, so hope to achieve more today and am off to meet a friend at lunchtime.

Cat is behaving!!

Neti, you have caused concerned on the Downton Abbey thread!! ;o)
Morning all...bright 'n chilly, I won't know what to wear to nip out.

shaney I didn't want to spoil George Gently for you by asking questions but I wondered if you knew whether they survive, I was distraught (lol)...I do love Lee Ingleby, if I was younger he'd be my type.
I've been missing new Tricks to watch Leaving...older woman/young man...I needed to make sure they were getting it right :)
Hope you & everyone else feels better today. I'm neither here nor there at the moment.

Can't stop laughing at woofy's 'voyage of discovery' :)
oh, I've had a begging letter from my old university. Apparently "£100 would provide two textbooks".

Surely they could find cheaper ones in Oxfam? I don't want my money to be wasted.
Just done my roots and thought strange colour, turns out its ceniza (ash) which is OK as long as I don't have a "blue rinse" look!!
oooh it's a cold wind...

Just keep your swimming cap on neti...

£100 for 2 textbooks?! I've got a 1950s Pears encyclopedia somewhere, they can have that. Everything they need to know and more.
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Hello all
Lovely bright sunny day but chilly wind .Hope everyone is fair to middling .
I'm losing my marbles .
Two bags of shopping coming back from Morrisons so put one down to press the button at the lights and walked off without it .Good job a nice man picked it up and shouted after me !
He doesn't die in the books Robinia .In fact the books are nothing like the TV series .Bacchus doesn't feature for a start and they're set in East Anglia ,not Durham .I've raked round the web to see if there will be a new series but can't find anything :(
Yes Lee Ingleby is rather nice !
I watched New Tricks ...Denis Lawson was brilliant .It was very good .
There's lots coming up .That Paradise thing looks good and BONG BING Jno there's a new history series starting which looks interesting .
oo, that looks good shaney...haha, I left my shopping wheelie right at the back of Iceland on a very busy day last winter. It was a right battle to get at it, I'm surprised someone didn't waltz off with it.
a hundred quid?????? are they gold plated??????

I am watching new tricks and have george gently and downton stashed.....lovely
By Paradise thing, do you mean "Death in Paradise" it will be brilliant if there is a second series, the first one was very good.

My man who does car boots for an animal charity is coming again tonight to collect stuff which will make a nice space in the garage. I have done him 50 cards as well which is clearing out some of my craft stash nicely as well. I have started on the next fifty cards for my mate who does a fair in the sheltered housing where he lives. Its lovely having the creativity back.

grinning at the Ed's request for politesse in R and S......

thats like asking Torquemada not to get blood on the carpet please

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