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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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It's from a book by Emile Zola Woofy ,Au Bonheur des Dames .
That thread's made me roll my eyes too day I'm going to run in there and shout 'I believe in astrology and fairies' and run out again :)

Well I've been cyber window I'm so depressed I've cracked open the box of maltesers I was saving for later and eaten half of them. sigh
I love this jacket
just been catching up on Leaving, at first I wasn't too impressed but it's good now.
Nice jacket....bit huntin and shootin doncherknow. I like maltesers too.

I wasn't sure about that thing about the department looked maybe a bit overegged.
russet.... ooh, anything russet is good. Such a lovely word. Anything balsamic is good too, but they're not doing balsamic jackets this winter.
My new jacket

Just testing
Oops didn't work I'll try again.
That's lovely Jude and just the kind of thing I started off looking for...until I went all country tweed and impractical :) The trouble is I look awful in purple but russet (and earthy colours) suits me, it goes with the inbuilt rust.
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Lovely jackets .Anything that goes in at the waist is not for moi though ..My waist seems to have disappeared :)
Funnily enough I was going through the downstairs coat ( and general chuck it in there ) cupboard earlier and thinking to myself that I should have put the winter stuff upstairs when summer started 'cos it's a bit crammed . Haha ..what summer.
Actually I was rummaging in the pockets for stray cash :)
Well silly me, I've got that *b e i g e* coat I bought lst year with the detachable fur collar. I can buy some nice russet-y accessories and wear them with that. Sorted...I won't bother looking out for the sale. Don't forget your fur coat shaney!

I just got stuck in Accessorize ...there's a bag called Distessed Shopper :)
This has given me a knitting idea

* Tarquin's bugged the house, if I say that b word his phone rings and he sends the fashion police round to snatch it away.
oh poo, typos -
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I've just bookmarked Accessorize Robinia for a peruse later ..they seem to have some very nice hats ! You need one round here in the winter .
I've only worn the fur coat once
knitted snoods sound good; I'll have one for each foot.
I am coming out in spots....for goodness sake I am a biddy not a teenager mumble grumble.
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Just popping in to say goodnight .
So tragic about those two policewomen .
I did watch a nice programme on BBC 4 though about love and marriage .It was rather good .Sad in parts and also quite amusing especially some of the old film where they were washing the children in the old tin bath .

I'm sure your spots will soon clear up Woofy .I never get a spot these days thank goodness .I had enough of spots and lumpy faces for years with Jessners .
Oight Oight folks .Sleep tight .
Good morning, hope you are all well.

shaney I cannot wear waisted jaclets either, although I was looking a one the other day, will try it and see how silly I look with my bulges.

There's a lovely freshness coming through the window this am

Happy birthday Jude, have a lovely day xxxx
Good morning all and happy birthday jude! I hope you are doing something lovely today.
We are on storm alert today!!

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