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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Early night tonight....oight oight all.
earlyish night for me too... I have been trying to type up everything I know about my ancestors, which involves once and for all collating hundreds of scraps of paper.

I have been sort of wondering whywe abandon these threads after 1000 posts when there's a 10,000-poster still going around.
Oight, oight. Slept for two hours this evening and not particularly tired now!! xx

I am bulgeageous even with waisted jeans. I have a really protruding tilted rib cage which even when skinny made me look like I had t wo sets of boobs!! Waisted things make it look worse. Baggy things for me for the rest of my days!!
I think that one is a by special permission jobbie jno. IIRC it got shut then opened again.
Early night but short. Dear Rab are something he shouldn't and has been wandering around the garden for half the night, eating grass and looking pathetic. Shughy and I are not impressed. Anyway its finally left his system and he is asleep, Shughy is snoring and I will be soon be as well.
Morning all ~ dull wet and dreary here. Therapy for me. Have a good day.
Laters 'gaters!
Morning all, back to zumba this am, wonder how long I can last for??

Got a flat tyre yesterday driving back from Ibiza, luckily I was in SE and bounced onto a van, so I found the owner and made him move my car as I couldn't, he was sweet. No damage, he parked it and Mr N finally came home (didn't get his messages!!) and had to hotfoot to town to change the wheel, what would I do without him. I am ornamental not functional! Byee laters >>>>
good morning again. Slow day at woofgang towers, Rab much better but the gas is nuclear. I had the heating on for the first time this morning as it was so cold at 4 am.
Good morning - dull and cold and I have just sneaked the heating on whilst Mr LL is out for a while. Just summonsing up enough energy to shower and dress, but it might take another cuppa before that happens. See you lovely folk later. x
zumba was a killer!! Still very hot here. sisters have booked to come here on Oct 10th for a week, looking forward to it!
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That'll be nice for you Neti .
Not very hot here .Have had to find up my Ug slippers as me feet were cold !
Hope everyone is well .Not much doing here really .I've flicked about with a duster and shoved the vacuum cleaner around a bit and that's yer lot ...
Yours ....Slack Alice
We have been out in the car. Nowhere totally exciting, just to pick up a few craft bits, and get a HTA (garden) gift token for next doors wedding present.
Went to collect my tyre and there isn't one on the island, it's being flown in, so have to wait until tomorrow!
Phew what a busy day. Therapy was brilliant they soaked my wristin a bowl of hot water then massaged and pummelled and 'sucked' the scar to smooth it out apparently.
THen I shopped for some earrings i can hook in without butterflies cos I can't do them.
Now I'm off to a small getogether for my great nephews birthday party.
So I'll say oight oight for now as I doubt I'll be back tonight.
Neti - hope you car gets sorted and Lottie you are a lovely lady and don't you forget it!
Hello again all. Nice news about your sisters Neti. Jude you sound really chirpy, bless you and you have Paris to look forward to with you friend ;o). The city of lurrrrvvvvv!!

Am contemplating whether to go over to Spain in October for a few days to see my friend. Mr LL doesn't want to go. I would love it if I could be whisked away in a transporter, but really hate airports these days. I really want to spend some time with her - all these decisions........

Mr LL has picked lots of juicy blackberries so am just off to make a crumble.
Meggie absolutely loves blackberries - she goes blackberrying with him and really makes a pig of herself!!
I think you should Lottie, I think you need a change, but not if Mr LL is going to be in a miff!!
I am sure Mr LL would be happy to see you have some fun.
sucking the scar... oh dear, Jude, is this your therapist?
Mr LL is only too happy for me to go. It's me who can't stand the thought of airports, etc. He would take me down to Stansted and collect me an I would be collected at the airport in Spain and taken back there. It seems such a fag for just a few days and I don't want to go for any longer.

I will probably book a hotel for Mr LL, Meggie and I for a few days in this country or go up to Leeds for a long weekend to visit my lovely cousin and her husband.

Friend in Spain will be home at Christmas so I can see her then. Besides it is extremely hilly and mountainous where she lives and I can't walk on slopes any more..........

When Mr LL was working I quite happily went off without him, but now for some reason I want him around on holidays, etc. I suppose I am just used to him being there now.

Yep, think I have made up my mind not to go. Leeds instead!!
I know what you mean Lottie. I used to love airports and travelling but by the time DH came ashore and I didn't fly any more, I'd had enough.
Good morning all, rather windy and overcast here at miment but no doubt will brighteb up. Off to have hair sorted and eyebrows coloured, then to take hija to work, oh neverending.

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