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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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When I fly to england this novemebr, I take off from Ibiza at 8am and finally land in Gatwick at 17hrs.
that's eight hours, neti? Is there a very long stop in Madrid or something?
Good morning. It was foggy this morning but we went anyway...dogs were delighted and I was cold. Time to put the winter liner in my coat, I think. Its chilly now but not cold enough for heating and I have cosy jammies and robe on. I have done something unpleasant to my back on one side so today is a day of pain killers and not much activity. No idea how i did it, I woke up like it, it happens sometimes and a day's rest will sort it. happily the house it tidy (ish) and the shopping done so no panics.
Yes jno about 4hrs in Barca on the way there, and then 7hrs in Barca on the way back, grr, had i flown direct with BA (and I really wanted to) I couldn't guarantee getting to London city in time for 11am check in for way back, wish I could have, much prefer BA and it would have worked out cheaper, now jno, do you live anywhere near?? (for next time!!) I go with Ryanair 8for the first time ever and hate it) and Easyjet from Barca.
Well pleased again with my hair, luckily I got the same stylist, as it was no apps and get whomsoever was free, but they've changed it now so I can book a time and a person, yay!! stilll very cheap and she didn't charge for tinting eyebrows, well not much there. Think I should have gone darker slightly as I always had dark brows even as a natural ash blonde, and now they are light brownish. Of course I do have blue tints in the old hair but will soon wsh out!!
Poor woofy, cold? I had to change back ibnto shorts!
I am quite happy with chilly. It makes it easier to do stuff with the dogs. Back still grumbling. I am supposed to be going to an open air concert at the sea side on sunday night but there is a severe rain and wind weather warning :-(
Brrrr - it's chilly and has been raining quite a lot. Sitting in front of wood burner in winter woollies, which is quite nice really. Beef stew for dinner. Kids back safe and sound from Italy. Managed to get food poisoning whilst they were out there - mussells!!

Back to the fire.................
Have jsut donated an old laptop and a sky box to a man who does them up and sells them cheap to poor people, then I meet a couple of friends for a coffee afternoon"! Now watching Blue Peter and cooking s/s chicken, noodles and egg fried rice!!
Back still aches, I have taken ibuprofen with a little wine. My friend just phoned to say that the sunday concert now has a wet weather plan so we are going regardless....well unless it thunders and I cant leave the dogs. Really glad as it was going to be a bit disappointing if we didn't go.

Dinner is in the slow cooker, chicken stew. I think I will poach some pear with ginger for dessert.
near airports, alas, no. When we went to Trier this year it was about 9 hours door to door even though the flight itself was barely one hour.

Awful day, I am so stressed out... plumbing mishaps, ours and upstairs but upstairs blame us and want us to pay their plumber too, NO way, then trying to seal the bath in again but the beading kept breaking and there's glue all over the floor, then a teenage friend is in hospital self-harming but we can't go see her as the car's out of petrol and I need to go to Tescos to get some dinner as the cupboard is bare and not sure there's petrol enough even to get me there... waaaaah, I am going to go and hide behind the sofa for a week
jno, you should fill or half fill the bath with water to let it settle and then seal it, so it won;t move.
Hope you are feeling a bit less stressed now jno...
The stew was lovely and e are all settled down
sigh... just had a call from jno jnr, his tenant's locked herself out, can I go deliver her our spare keys.... I couldn't because I didn't know where they were. I found them after another frantic search, but by then he'd sorted it somehow. So at least that's one panic over.

Thanks for the advice, neti, but it was just pathetically flimsy beading that was the problem, not the bath itself. (The plumbing problem was the basin leaking.) I've gone out and got some more beading, made of unobtainium, so that shoud work better. Forgot to fill up with petrol though <sigh again>.

Open House Weekend tomorrow in London and a BBQ on Sunday to go to , probably indoors as it looks like rain; but at least that's something to look forward to.
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Evening all
Sorry you're stressed Jno .You get days like that .It's been a bit frantic here today .I made a cake and didn't have the right size tins .So had to do it one tin then slice it across the middle and fill it .It looked a bit lopsided .Never mind it was nice .Then our visitors came with dogs and it was a bit chaotic .

But one way to relieve stress is to roll about on the floor shrieking and laughing yourselves silly ,which you will all probably do when you find out what Mr S. has bought me .My bro came round early this morning and he went off with him in his car and back they came with it .
Box of cyber chocs for the correct answer !
Otherwise hope you are all Ok .
Oight Oight .
Hopefully tomorrow will be better jno. I have had a whole day without Backache/legache/armache/ etc. etc. I think I must have sent my aches over to Woofy - but I now have an infection in my gum - the recurring one I get because I bite into it grrrrr. Found some leftovers in my last pack of antibiotics from the dentist which will keep me going until Monday.

I am trying like mad to guess what Shaney has got and have gone completely blank!

All I can think of is a Kindle, but that woudn't make us laugh.

So perhaps one of these:

Oight oight x
a nice little fascinator?


No, not very Norfolk, is it.
What's conked out recently at Shaneys I wonder and takes 2 to carry it!

Morning all. Off to footie this afto Derby v Charlton. Then to see my Nieces band Inomnata at a gig in aid of and ovarian cancer charity do. I hope The Rams win and the gig raises loads.

I'm happy you've had a pain free day Lottie hope today is as good.

The sun is shining here but it's quite cold so will have to wrap up at the match...Off now toomy exercises which I'm happy to say are working - a bit. Laters 'gaters. Have a good weekend Everybiddy.
Correction - INOMINATA
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Morning all
Nice and sunny atm . Hope you are all well and had a good sleep .
No no no Lofty ! What a ghastly garment .Lol .What do you do if need a wee .
Nothing has conked out and it didn't take two to carry it .
None of you are close so far and I'm not giving clues :)
I'm off to town to the market ,see you later.

Come in Robinia ....hope you are OK .

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