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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Good Morning all. It's persisting down here and when I go out I have to pull my hood up as I can't manage an umbrella. ne'er mind eh!!. i'm off for my over 20th appointment at the hospital today, It's just therapy thanks to whoever's looking after me. Today I have to be there for 4.30 then tomorrow it's 9 am. I think they should have offered me a bed.
Great sewing machine avatar Shaney. My Mum had an old Singer. About 3/4 years ago Fuschia bought herself an up to date computerised one. Magnificent!! She saw it demonstrated at the Exhibition in Birminghanm that we went too. It does amazing things. I wouldn't know where to start.
Off to do some hoovering - I always say that even though I've got a Dyson. It's old but keeps going... have a good day all..laters 'gaters.
My machine does amazing things, only trouble is I don't!! Onlt eve use one prog and that is plain stitching (when it lets me!)
I just love Downton and yes lady Edith's man is a bit of all right!!

Lovely day here, rather windy ergo not humid and very pleasant.
Good afternoon all....nothing good about it, it's piddling down and looks like it won't stop 'til thursday. The thought of this for the next six months fills me with glee.

Good luck at the hozzy Jude, I've organised a lift for you, she's appropriately dressed...

You too jno, you could've asked shaney to make some preliminary holes for you with her machine...haha, I wish I could have seen your face when they brought that in shaney :) I must say I'm very impressed with your progress, not so sure Mr s will be when he sees what you've you've done though....

Well I've been busy(ish) doing a lot of not much. There are real people out there you, I couldn't believe it either...and they answer when you talk and not over your head to the person behind you...and without bursting into bloody
I thought of you too on Saturday neti. I looked down and saw a huge spider scaling the north face of my right bazoom (I must have walked through a web)

Hope you're all as ok and as dry as possible...if not I hear shaney's taking orders...

Hello all, nice to see you back Robi. We have bright sunshine and high winds here and more rain forecast. Can't get my ooomph together today.
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Me neither .No oomph whatsover .I had a dizzie dame moment this morning. The room shifted on it's axis alarmingly so took a stemetil and went back to bed
The weather is grim and I still feel a bit woozy .
Nice to see you again Robinia .

Love to you all .Back later .I need to be able to sit up straight to make a frock :))
don't worry if you can't work the machine out, it's not the only way of making frocks
lol jno, I'd get the one with a hinge missing...
Hold on tight shaney I know that feeling...woofy, I've finally come to accept my ooomph has left and it ain't coming back.
my own hinges have long gone missing, I'm afraid, I have to send out search parties to find the floor
Took the dogs out shopping as the weather too poo for a walk. I went out for sweatshirts and came back with six bottles of wine, 3 packets of smoked salmon and two packs of fillet steaks....Tesco had some good offers on....I kid myself that I am stocking up for christmas.
I'm trying to kid myself I've done all my shopping already :)
I've only been as far as the bird table today to tip off the rising flood that had gathered...the sparras were bobbing for food. I must drill some drain holes in it.

Well this made me laugh 'til my sides ache, I don't know why...p'raps I'm just hysterical, this weather's enough to send anyone manic

oight oight all
Welcome back Robi. I love that link. Had a busy day, loads of food shopping, dentist, osteo, post office - wonderful weather for being out in!! It never stopped persisting it down all day. Just called in to say oight, oight.
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Lol ..I love the cheeky rabbit .
I'm going to bed I think .It won't take me long seeing as I have been in my dressing gown all day! What a lazy moo ,but have felt a bit grot .
Mr S.cooked the evening meal .He's well trained in opening a tin and frying an egg :)
Terrible lot of rain here today too.
Oight Oight folks ,sleep toight
morning all.fantastic start to the day, some fool had been drinking wine in the car park in the forest and left the bottle smashed on the ground. I went and cleared it up and managed to cut my finger on a sliver, small cut gallons of blood which i managed to drip on the ground and on the car seat. Anyway all cleaned up and bandaged now.
Did I tell you about the sewing machine i bought a couple of years ago? Very nice, easy to use but a total b* to thread. Then i read the instructions and found that it had auto threading..... d'oh!
gosh, have we all gone into hibernation?
and it's hello from me: Been busy, and then had to drive hija to work, on way back there was an horrific car accident, a bmw totally smally with a lorry, I was stuck on our flyover for ¾hr and then we were allowed to crawl very slowly up to and past the accident which shocked me. Makes one realise how careful one has to be these days. I was terrified that my car would overheat and conk out so had the heater on full blast to get rid of the engine heat and I was in sun in 23º heat with no shade, luckily it was Ok. Not much longer as she finished on 7th Oct.

Glad to see your back Robi, ooops!! no; glad to see you are back Robi!!! :o)

Zumba classes may finish as not enough people, basically only me and the teacher!!

How's the sewing shaney, made a ballgown yet??

Hi woofy, dogs. jno and jude and lottie
*smally??* no idea, this computer has a life of its own. I think I meant totally smashed with a lorry-
Morning/a'noon/wateva....go on neti, say don't know which is back and which is front...<<<thwack!!>>>
Awful about the accident, I hate seeing things like that. I once saw a motor cyclist under the front of a lorry and I've never forgotten.

Hibernation? I wish we did, blooming cold and windy today. Nipped out for essentials...maltesers and apple/cream puffs...and just made it back in time, it's raining now.

Do you need a few stitches in your finger woofy? We know a woman who can do that, probably with a nice firm satin stitch. :)
My sewing machine's an old hand Singer and it needs a team of shot putters to lift it up onto the table. I've done a lot of cotton miles on it over the years, maybe it's time to give it another go. I'll have a rummage, I might have a bit of crimplene I can run up.
make sure you use that special nice wiry thread designed to use with crimplene that cuts into you like razor wire or the end pokes into your tender bits like a blunt needle.

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