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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Lol Shaney..something for your garden?
Just a little clue Shaney please!!!!

Morning all, still relatively pain free, just have to remember to to bend, lift, or get carried away disco dancing................

Sun is shining but very chilly. Kids came round to see us last night bringing gifts from Italy. Unfortunately, the food poisoning had laid little Mrs LL out for about four days.

See you later. x
Morning all, a garden gnome shaney???

Advice please have a bee sting on the ball of my foot, and two middletoes are itching and slighty puffy, have to drive later. Have dug around but very difficult position and cannot see if the sting is still there although it hurts so guess it is. Can I leave it there, will it do more harm or fade away, just impossible to a) see it and b) get to it??
hello all. Back improving but I am being careful (my excuse for doing naff all) Took dogs out this morning though, was worried I wouldn't be able to.
I reckon Shaney's got a rood gnome.

have been shopping at m and s online. Got new curtains and some teatowels and this sweater which I have been watching out for in my size


I have a card holder 20% off coupon so have been going to town without going to town ha ha

I don't think the bee sting left in your foot will cause permanent damage Neti but it will be blooming painful as you will get all the venom.
Robi are you okay?
Question Author
Lol it's not a gnome .
Have you got any bicarb or vinegar Neti ? Try dabbing that on .Better to get the sting out if you can .You'll have to get Mr N to have a look with some tweezers .
Nice jumper Woofy .I looked in Marks earlier but you may as well forget our local store .It's so poky and geared up to very elderly grannies .
Alright then ..clues .
You need a degree to read the instruction book .
Knowing my track record it'll sit in a cupboard and be put on Ebay when I'm dead :)
But I may give it a go .... there must be something simple I can ........
A sewing machine!!!!
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Well done Lofty !

Gawd knows why he bought it .It's only a cheap one from Lidl .

He said he'd seen me looking at it and I thought I might like it .They send me a newsletter .Of course I was pleased and wouldn't hurt his feelings for the world but I'm hopeless at sewing !!
a recordable dvd
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Lol..Neti ..we've already got a DvD recorder thingy that has more bells and whistles on it than Daisy the cow and I can't work that either !
I instinctively knew, because you said you are hopeless at sewing and what he had bought you would make us laugh!! Frister Rostmann - I saw them advertised.

I expect to see some wonderful creations LOL.

And I await my cyber chocs!!!

(I am still waiting for Mr LL to adapt our spare bedroom for a workroom for me - I have a new sewing machine all ready and waiting) I used to make all my own clothes but I shan't be doing that any more. It involved cutting out patterns on the floor. I can't get down to floor level and even more important I can't get up!!)
Whoops sorry. I thought the link would be for a sewing machine. Thanks for the chocs though, they look mouthwatering. ;o)
OO Shaney that looks like fun.
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Fun ??? ..hahaaa....The last time I used a sewing machine was at school ..and they were treadles .And I couldn't get the hang of those either .
I could make a petticoat it's anything like the one I made at school it may be finished in 2020 and look as if it's only fit for for a duster.
I can't sew for toffee .
I'd like that shaney, looks OK, and cheap! Not that I sew much anymore, but if I could rely on my machine not to tighten up the tensipon and knot everything, then I wouldhave another go. also it helps to have machine out on a permanent basis whereas now mine have to be wound up and put away on a shelf, not condusive to using it!
tensipon? well that says it all, they don't come with tensipons anymore.

I meant tension.
Evenin all...I'm ok, just having a break and attending to other things....I'll be back to catch up in a day or two. Be good!
so long as you are okay Robi.
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Yohoo Robinia . Glad you are Ok .
Hi Robi, take care, get better, miss you.
Am going to have an early night. I did some gardening and was very careful, but am aching a lot. Gardening is the one think that makes me really relax and it is so annoying not being able to get out there for any length of time.

I have eaten far too much for dinner and am stuffed!!

See you biddies tomorrow.

Oight, oight xx

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