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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Oight oight all.
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Just watched some catch up .Parades End which was good and a sort of documentary , Surviving Hitler ..A Love Story which was really good and terribly sad in parts .
I'm off to bed .
My new bedtime reading being a sewing machine instruction book :)
Oight Oight lovelies ..sleep toight .
been walking past All Saints when he got the idea perhaps?
Good morning each and every.

Starter for shaney;

looks miz out there today and I think the BBQ will end up indoors.
morning all. Wet here now but we had a nice long dry walk earlier.
Still warm here again, hija at work, Mr N (poor thing) has had to go a a different job to introduce someone to someone else to get a job done, and I wanted to go out somewhere quiet, I mean we will go for lunch. Have no energy today but that's cos it's Sunday and I am used to staying in bedroom out of the way!
A late good morning/early afternoon from someone who slept until 11.00 am. Grey and windy here, and that is just me!!!!

I hate instruction manuals Shaney - they frighten me off!!!
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Hi folks
What a grim day .Blowing a gale and raining .May put the heating on and hibernate.
Hope you are all OK .Nothing doing here really .
have had thunder here and more forecast so have had to cancel going out. Sh1tty day forecast for tomorrow too.
Now raining and the woodburner has been lit again. Am defrosting the freezer. End of news.

Shane - thought you would be busy sewing ;o)
Hi All.Quiet day here too for me.Raining all day. I'm tired after yesterday.
Shopping first then footie (we lost) then out at night to the charity gig. Good night it was too I won a bottle of Sauvignon not as good as Chablis but I expect it will go down alright. didn't get to bed until 1 this and up about 8. Just been lazing about.
Good luck with the machine Shaney. I'm useless at sewing. My Mum and Fuschia are the sewers in our family. I can knit and crochet so that's not so bad is it. I still haven't solved the Skeleton either Shaney. find it really hard this week. I've only solv ed 2 clues. Perhaps I'm too tired.

Hope you're ok Robi. See you back here again soon.

I should defrost too Lottie but I just can't be bothered.

I'm off to do my exercises yet again. Have a good evening all of you. Laters 'gaters.
I am running the freezer down bit by bit ready to clean it out. I have a small light hammer and I find if I tap the frost build up it drops cleanly off and I can sweep it up in a brush and dustpan (clean one!) and then put the frozen food back immediately.
The weather wasn't as bad as I expected but Shaney the woos is still a bit anxious.
stayed up late watching Downton. We are forecast to be storm stayed in the morning and there was more thunder forecast for tonight so i thought I'd stick around in case and lie in tomorrow. Oight oight all
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It's awful here Woofy .Blowing a gale and piddling down .
I've fiddled around this afternoon and managed to thread up my machine but I can't suss out the bobbin bit.I managed to wind it but when I try to put in the shuttle thing it keeps keeps falling out and the cotton won't come up through the hole .Bugger it .I'll probably blow it to kingdom come soon :)
I'll have to ask my SiL to help me .
Downton was good .I love it .
Oight Oight ..Hope you all have good Noight x
haha, love the avatar, shaney... but surely it can't be too hard?
Morning, I also love the avatat Shaney and I also love those old machines, so much more reliable.

Overcast here at the mo but no doubt it'll brighten up :0(

Just collected hija from a night out, she works at 6pm so should be OK

Hope you are improving jude, you should great.

Thinking of you Robi.

Love to the rest of yous back later
Avatat ?? sounds very ibicenco so I'll pretend it si! Toes aching today where the bee sting was but that doesn't hurt anymore so it must be old woman's aches and pains!
Morning all, nasty night last night. Weather restless dogs restless, me restless so we got up at 2am and had a picnic (chicken bagel) and then went back to bed and slept till 8.30 weather still restless and we aren't doing glad that Lady Edith got her man.
orrible ere, and I have to go to the doc for a flu job, just in time by the look of it out there

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