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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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PS finger is still attached and doesn't look like it is going to drop off. My language trying to pick up shards of glass in the dark using only a torch was epic. We have dry and windy here....happily a good dry and non windy walk this morning so we can miss tomorrow if the weather is too awful.
Question Author lot are funny .The machine is still sat here on the end of the table.
I still can't fathom it out .But when I do it'll probably end up
as I jab my finger on the needle .
Hope you are all OK today .Hope your finger isn't too sore Woofy .I'd have been cursing too ,bloody litter louts .
Not bad here ,sunny actually atm but there was a short shower earlier .
ooh nooo, not the dreaded invisible thread, sponsored by savlon.

Oh dear, given up shaney? That's a bit of an extreme way to dispose of it...

You should have read the manual <wipes the tears away>
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hahaaaaaaaaaaa.......I 've nearly snorted my tea up my nose Robinia :)
The french chalk would be all down me top !
Yes go on shaney, sew up woofy's finger, blanket stitch or overlock????

Just turned on my English mobile to check the balance and have two voice messages from an old ex (yes Robi), saying if I wanted to get in touch use a certain email, after 42yrs,so turned it off again sharpish, can't change the number until I get to England in Nov, and cannot block his number cos he didn't leave it! Such a fatal attraction have I, sitting on the bed with me earphones on and a mini dress covered in tom puree and mash pot stains. Oh and get this, in the past when I haven't known what to cook Mr N has said, he loves pasta of any type and will always eat it, so yesterday we had spanish macaronis, after having spag bol the other day, Oh no, shouts he, we are not having that, well I said tis pasta you will always eat pasta, well he wasn't too pleased, I ask you, what's a girl to do, so today we are having cottage pie!! If I could be bothered I would get my machine out and sew up all his trouser legs but it proably wouldn't work anyway!! Back to watching recorded New Tricks, Oh I do like that new one!
Oh brilliant Robi, so clever love the moon landing and the advice. BTW I used to have a pica about french or tailor's chalk, gobbled the lot down and as my dad was a tailor there was plently to gob, in the end he bought coloured chalk and that fazed me so no more!! I also used to eat paper and one day ate my bro's tech drawing homework, how did he explain that at school, I will never know. He still doesn't speak to me!!!
the b!tch ate my homework, I suppose?

Love the sewing advice, robi... never sew with an unmade bed... well no, doing it with a sewing machine would have to be easier. But one does need to prepare oneself

Just caught up with your posts and you've given me a good laugh. Not that I'm down. I've had two good days at the hospital. Yesterday - sorted and mind eased by Mr Heras-Palau about the click - then this morning my hour in the wrist class on 6 different pieces of equipment getting my wrist and fingers and thumb working, They said I could be driving by Christmas. So I'm aiming for the beginning of November.
I have to go every Tuesday and then when I come back from Paris I'm going twice a week.
Hope you finger heals quickly Woofy. Aren't some people thoughtless leaving broken glass in the countryside. Well anywhere for that matter. I hate litter loutishness. My son was always taught to bring his rubbish home if he couldn't find a bin. It always meant I had to empty all his pockets before I washed but I didn't mind.
I have some ironing to do now so I'm off to do it while I'm thinking about it. Then again I have been know to leave it til the next time I think about it.
Later 'gaters. Have a good night all.
Have been pottering and tidying and changing my sticky plaster every time I wash my hands. My mate works for a parish local council which is terminally broke and when I mentioned that i wanted to get rid of some christmas lights and a tree and an electronic keyboard she just about bit my arm off. The youth club would love the keyboard and the local small shopkeepers organisation will make good use of the tree and lights. Win win win!
jude is that the doctor's name or is is Jerez?
Neti His name is Carlos Heras-Palau. He'is brill. Last night (5.30) the Therapist went and asked him to come and have a look at my wrist and he did and we got talking about Derby slang. For instance the word Mardy and words like that. He was great and told me everything was ok with my wrist which made me feel heaps better as I was worried about a big click I was getting because it was like the the one I had after the first op and I was whittling really badly.
I'm signing off now so oight oight everybiddy. See you tomrrow. I shan't be long out of bed tonight as I'm really tired. See yer later 'gater(s)
oight oight jude sleep well. I had waitrose crab and chilli linguine for tea. Its from the same range as the mushroom and chestnut risotto and it was superb. I do like to cook but am having a cba phase at the moment so good ready meals are a boon.
Hellooo..are you all slogging over hot machines in shaney's sweatshop or have you all been washed away? I hope not, the floods are terrible for some poor people again. Just non stop rain here. Crip night's sleep, too hot...too cold...too itchy....pah!

neti you're such a femme fatale, behave's your breakfast..

"They said I could be driving by Christmas. So I'm aiming for the beginning of November."...haha, lol Jude, that's the spirit but be careful, you don't want to have a set back.
Good morning all. torrenting down here and has been on and off since about 2am. I have two autumn house spiders who have taken up residence in the living room, the dogs aren't sure whether to be worried or not.
lol woofy, my garden's full of 'em. Charlie used to pat them with his paw and then looked confused when they didn't play any more. He really disliked frogs and gave them a wide berth.
Good day all. Good girl jude, after my shoulder I oculdn't drive for nearly a year,here they actually take your licence away, well that is they tell the authorities, so I started by little trips to the rubbish up the hill, and it was surprising how difficult it was to manipulate your shoulder. Still didn't take long!

Robi, I'll have you know I didn't eat just any paper, it had to smell right, so I would spend days sniffing out exercise books in the shops until one smelled "right" then gob it on the way home!!! I should be in a home methinks!

Just asked my sissy to bring over an electric kettle as my new one smells awful and makes the tea taste of plastic. I should take it back but how can one explain to a unfriendly spanish shop assistant???

Spiders woofy? set the dogs on them immediately!!!! I mean what is the point of having dogs then!!!
Neti, i had that problem with a plastic kettle a few years ago. It was quite a posh expensive one too. Took it back to Argos and got a refund and went back to a metal one.
No chance of that happening over here woofy unless the damned thing is actually broken!!! Once the heel of my shoe came off and when <i complained they said, "well the other one is alright" so I went outside and ripped the other heel off and went back in, "ah si" then they changed them!!

Am using hija's sony vaio (windows 7 which is driving me crazy) so there will be loads more typos and mistakes, but the sscreen is big and I like it, I like it a lot!!!!
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Hello all
How are we ? All well I hope .
Funny day here ,more like April showers .Rians down then the sun comes out .We've been lucky here really regarding this rain .We are right on the edge so sometimes it passes us by and they get it further inland .I feel so sorry for all the people flooded .I've had a taste of that myself .
I've been a busy Biddy this morning and heaved out stuff from the wardrobes and have two sacks for the charity shop of stuff I no longer wear,doesn't fit ,sick to death of and so on .
Chucked a load of scruffy shoes and tatty boots as well .

This will make room for all the ball gowns I'm going to sew :)
Pleased to hear your wrist is healing nicely Jude .
Oooh not kettles ....I have new kettles every five minutes .Funnily enough ,the very expensive metal one from John Lewis was crip .The lid snapped orf ,.then another quite expensive metal one went ping .Then another .Our water is so hard here I have to decoke them every five minutes .
I now have a cheap plastic one from Wilkies and it's brilliant .
Pip Pip for now xx

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