I would hope that the GP would discuss this with me first. Sometimes repeat prescriptions need to be looked at to see if they are still needed/effective.
If you see a new doctor they should give you a complete physical exam, take your medical history and go over all the medication you are taking and why. They might want a blood test to see medication levels and to see if you blood chemical levels are normal.
My doctor goes through my medications every time I see him and we discuss continuing or changing. He also asks about side effects l might be having.
Right. I got pressure and bloods taken nurse. I was sent 4 boxes of meds that I don't take at all. I can't do face to face to doctor to discuss cos of one leg.
Who sent the medication. The chemist? If so ring them and ask them to check there has not been a mistake and they are not yours or that they are generic and have different name