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My ex and i started talking in mid july after 5 years of not talking at all. We quickly discovered that the feelings were still there though we both just got out relationships. From july we speak... ...
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Hello guys! Happy Thanksgiving! I just had a talk with this girl and she told me that She would feel sorry for me if I never had sex experience. I then asked her why would she, and wouldn't she not... ...
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So I'm a guy aged 38 and have been in a relationship with my girlfriend who is 28 for 5 years. Lately I've been seeing 2 girls aged 20 and 19 from my work, 1 girl who is 18 that used to work at my... ...
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I do want to do something for beajolious day but this girl who asked me I don't want to go with her on my own she does my head and she's a loose cannon, normally she goes with her sister but don't... ...
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This guy from dogs home said his mate has asked him to go to some pub tomorrow and said I can if I want would it be weird if I went?
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I seen my friend had gone out with one of her friends I know went for coffee today with her I asked her other day was she free and she said no. Would I be overreacting if i messaged her asking why... ...
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I just wondered if I should go down dogs home later today so I'm not down there when the man is and I don't have to go to zoo
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Usually I feel JEALOUS when a guy gets engaged to a hot beautiful wife (such as console wars youtube I stopped watching because he got married and had a child by a beautiful wife. If I find out... ...
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This guy was om about meeting up with meet up with me tomorrow he wanted to go cinema I said as I haven't met him we don't know if it will work then today he showed a rude pic so not sure what he... ...
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I saw a post on Facebook about Tupac receiving his first Emmy 30 years after his death. I'm not a fan at all, but someone commented saying that he deserves it. Some guy commented saying that... ...
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This guy from my voluntary work asked me to go to the pub with him and his mate I don't if it weird sitting with 2 old men or be awkward. I know this may seem strange asking this. 
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I work for a commercial cleaning company. I work with  and autistic man. I've been working here about a year and a half. In one of the buildings we clean, someone drinks a lot of redbull, and... ...
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Does having a cover letter with a will explaining your reasons for your decisions protect the will from being challenged 
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I've never liked a certain person growing up (tbh, they've scared me), but mother will say, "You might need them some day", and when I remind her that when we asked this person for help a while... ...
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I've been working for a commercial cleaning company for a year. The disinfectant we use is called alpha hp. The first time I was trained, the guy who was training me just sprayed it on the... ...
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I live with my mom, and my mom is paying my aunt to clean the bathrooms. I happened to be home today when my aunt came. She forgot her gloved, and I watched her open the toilet lid with her bare... ...
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i am in highschool and my classmate who i see as a friend makes me very uncomfortable. she has a disability, nobody else really talks to her except me. we were made to sit together a year ago and... ...
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Why is this stud/ lgbtq ghosting and ignoring me but she still keeps looking at me. She also still watches my story. She was the first to initiate the conversation through text saying, “ are you... ...
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went to the store earlier with my mom. The cashier was scanning things then sliding them to me to bag. The last two items she slid to me was Like windex, and some yogurt. I of course bagged them... ...
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I maybe being paranoid but I sent my friend a pic and video of a dog that is getting put to sleep from a dogs home where I volunteer she messaged back asking why did I send her that she not spoken... ...

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