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Hello I work part time, my baby is in nursery when I’m at work. We are supposed to receive Universal Credit to cover 85% if childcare costs due to low income. My employer made a huge error with my...
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I've been in a relationship for 1 year with this amazing guy. He isn't afraid to show love and affection no matter where. He's always making surprises for me, making me laugh and he always wants to...
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Am asking for a friend who doesn't have access to technology. I suggested to her that with the problems she is having with her family and their involvement with their father over his health care, that...
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My two grandaughters aged 4and 6 have just taken up Irish Dancing. My daughter has bought them a second hand dress each but though not really dirty they could do with being "freshened up" anyone any...
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We applied for the first Passport and we have paid the extra £5 secure service for sending the passport and birth certificate back to us. Unfortunately the pass port office have not used the secure...
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Yes I do ask him now and then but he still says no but he use to want to take pictures with me all the time and I didn't even have to ask him those times he would just grab my phone and he would just...
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My grandson is almost 15 and over the last month or so has become very withdrawn. Never starts a conversation and grunts when spoken to. Now I know this could be said of a lot of teenage boys but it's...
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My great grandmother, Elizabeth Rowe who married Albert Sutton in 1895 in Chorlton Registry Office in Manchester, shown as aged 21. She is shown on census 1881 as aged 7 years, making her birth in...
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I love one of my friend very much and I always try to take care of him.. but unfortunately he think that I am a mental patient and he never miss me he doesn't think me important so my question is how...
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Alright. So, I have this really nice friend that I’ve known since second grade. I love her to bits, but the thing is that she wants me to call her and text her everyday and I have my own things to...
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Hi all, please can anyone help me to word an email for school? My daughter tried to push a boy down the slide at school. No acceptable and she has been told off but the boy who she tried to push...
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Any tips will be appreciated.
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As we started going out he use to take photos and selfies with me but after a few months he just stopped and I always want to ask him but I just don't want to feel embarrassed by it......
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my boyfriend never wants to take photos or selfies with me when I ask and I've asked why and it's the same excuse that hes not photogenic and he wants his beard to grow but that didn't seem to bother...
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Rather complex question but long story short. Friends for 30 years next door-but-one neighbours our age. See them nearly every week for cuppa/chat and asked to family "do's" as we do them. He recently...
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According to me if both husband and wife are not satisfied have the right to make relation with someone else….Write your answer what you thought....
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I've put several posts on here over the last two years or so, about the trials and tribulations over my daughter adopting my two grandaugters. Anyway, everything is going fine with the newest...
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So I just met my possible dog, and she was a sweetheart! But my dad won't let me get her because apparently I wake up too late. But I've been taking care or my baby brother since he was born, he...
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I have a friend mid 80s who's phone no. is ex directory, when she rings me her no. says private number even though I have her listed. I have told her she can ring anytime if she needs help and I...

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