Hello I work part time, my baby is in nursery when I’m at work. We are supposed to receive Universal Credit to cover 85% if childcare costs due to low income. My employer made a huge error with my...
if you are on benefits can you get money for travel if you are offered a job .the reason i'm asking is my son has been constantly texting me for money ,I don't trust him as far as I could throw him x
I have a friend mid 80s who's phone no. is ex directory, when she rings me her no. says private number even though I have her listed. I have told her she can ring anytime if she needs help and I...
9 across Crook in Australia welcomed by. News broadcaster (7) C???I?R
15 down Heavy heart of performer- on edge,very lost (7) O???O?S
2 down Tried to win,sounding disagweable(5) R???D...
I am slowly getting together 5 lots of these Beatrix Potter 50p for 5 children, what else! I can't figure out how many there are to collect. Can anyone tell me? Don't want to miss any or I shall be in...
I've been very poorly these past few months but on the mend now, my other half has been wonderful, he's done all the washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning, shopping and even changed the bed(I know girls...
My daughter of 24 years is expecting her first child and will raise it as a single parent. We have always had a difficult relationship and she is very angry and bitter for some things that happened in...
My partner's grandson decided yesterday to shove a raisen up his nose. His mother wanted to take him to hospital, that didn't happen as he managed to remove it....he then promptly ate it lol
my mother and aunt share the same birthday. Its in a couple of days and they are going out for dinner they want their kids to attend. The problem is when i was younger i was molested by one of my aunt...
Me and my wife are pretty miserable with each other, but because we never communicate we are sort of drifting along silently without doing anything in either direction. We've been together nearly 20...
Hi has anyone succesfully got one of these? I am re starting work with a different employer after having a baby and childcare vouchers are no longer available to me as i would be a new entrant to the...
The mother of my 11 year old Godson is trying to get him into a boarding school and I'm not happy with it. A little background: I've known and been a close friend to her for 26 years and my Godson...
My mother was born in Ireland I don't know if it was the Republic or Northern
Ireland. How do I search records for the Republic and Northern Ireland ?...
What state benefits can an 18 year old adult, jobless, living at home and not in education, claim please? Not been a parent for many years now, hence our ignorance!
In regards to my last post, I didn’t realize bum friend meant something different here. What I meant by bum friend was- a homeless moocher who is using my dad as a meal ticket....