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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Yes shaney, there is now in Castellon and Barcelona, Mr N says it is raining in Valencia! They can play golf in the snow, but dislike playing in the rain.

I am sitting all warm and cosy byt he gas fire now.
Keep warm Neti .
It's been a really lovely sunny day here but it's not at all warm !
At least I got my washing dry though as it's blowing a gale .That old east wind is a lazy wind ,it doesn't go round you but straight through you .
Evening all!
I really hope you get better soon Robi. Nothing worse than feeling rough when you're on your own.
I have been to see Carlos today and he examined my wrist and said he thought it was getting on ok but he thought one of the plates could be 'catching' and he said he would see me in 2 months to see if it would be right to have both plates taken out.

Neti, Steady is on about leaving England to go to somewhere sunny to play golf. Shall I tell him not to come to Ibiza ;)

I'm off to watch you 'know what now....Have a good night Everyone and I hope you are all ok. Laters 'gaters

P>S> Shaney I think it's the final of SOTD tonight...
It's UCL v Manchester Uni Shaney..
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hello all, we have all been very sleepy today, don't know why anyway sleep well all and feel better tomorrow
Well done Manchester .SOTD a meagre 12 Jude .I hope your wrist improves before you have to see him again. Would that mean another op to take the plates out ? Yikes !
Crack of dawn trip to Sainsburys in the morning with my brother,well,9.15 is the crack of dawn for me so it's Goodnight Vienna and sleep well folks.
Hope you feel better tomorrow Robinia x
Good mornin, up late, the rain has stopped and the sun is shining again, so all clothes being dried or hung out in the sun.

Off to Ibiza town today with hija to get her work uniform. And another lunch out!

Hope you are feeling better Robi, the rest please take care, we are precious antiques!
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goos morning, another sleepy day here, bright and chilly.
Hello all
Hope you are all alright today .Hope you feel better Robinia .
Did Sainsburys where I seemed to spend a lot for very little and have just been watching bits and looking at ,the pics on the new Dutch king .I remember Queen Beatrix taking the throne and watching it on TV .I was expecting Picky then and in the evening we had a party with the neighbours in the street .
Lovely day here ,bright and sunny.
Tut ....
Mr S has just informed me that Princess Anne is round the corner visiting the sixth form college .I wish I'd known, I would have dusted orf my tiara :)
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I don't think she's the tiara type Shaney. I am sat here waiting for confirmation that my american nest egg is moving safely to the Uk via electronic transferry stuff...
I'm back and I am shattered. We had to wait hours for her uniform as the shop was really busy, but got it in the end, also bought her some ballerina pumps for work. Then we ate in a gorgeous yuppy type place called La Cava, have to say I would not normally have even gone in, but the food was delicious, 3 courses for 12€, then I bought myself a dress/top and a loose knitted waterfall cardigan in white for the summer.
Now washing the settee seat covers and cushion covers on a hot wash, and eating bacon butties, Mr N has just phoned, he's having a lovely time as are we!
arrrr, still coughing away here, I thought it was going away (for the second time) and it's come back (ditto). Plus my gums are feeling suspiciously tender so I am waiting to be assailed by toothache. Sigh...

However, it was a nice bright day so I went to St Albans and looked around the cathedral.
Oh jno, you are another one, stay in and rest, orders Dr Neti!

Just had a lovely hot bath and wad my hair, have lit the gas fire again, although the rain has gone now. Waiting for EE.

Hope Robi is OK, there is nothing worse than feeling ill and no one there, mind you not that anyone does anything for me when I have man flu, and I never lose my appetite.
Just going to hang out the cushion covers et al.
Well it's footie for Mr S this evening.Germans playing so that'll be fun .
Lots of shouting and words like Scheiße being bandied around so I'll annoy myself on here for a while and probably go to bed early.
On the news Princess Anne had a hectic schedule here today so I think tiaras would have been skew whiff anyway. She christened a lifeboat ,visited the local hospital and the college and then attended the coastguard station which has closed today after 200 years :(
Anyone unlucky enough to get themselves in trouble at sea off here in future will now have to depend on Humber and Dover co ordinating their rescue .
Yes Mr N and the golf squad are rushing through their dinners so they can watch the footy, a right mixture of Brits, Germans and Spanish, that should be interesting!!!

Hija is going out and I don't know what to do, telly is boring tonight.
I'm bored too Neti .Think I'll turn in and read my book. It's turned chilly here now .
Hope you all have a good night and that your cough soon clears up Jno and that Robinia is OK ....if not off to the doctors with the pair of you !
Sleep well all ,sweet dreams .
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a very interesting speaker
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