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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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I coughed when I was out in the West End, neti, but my word, that didn't go down well with the locals...
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ooooo highbrow swearing!!
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Neti and Dame Helen!
Oight oight all
"An error occurred while trying to add your answer" that's a new one!

2nd time: Good morning all, jno did you upset out "Queen"?

I do not feel like going to the ballet tonight but with tickets @35€ I will have too. I will not heckle the dancers!

Apparently the boat overbooked and couldn't get their lorry on!

Hope Robi had a good birthday and the resof of you are feeling OK and jno and woofy are feeling better.
Morning all...Fire!
It's ok, don't throw water, it's a kindle fire, woo....and I don't have a clue what to do with it. Tarquin & the bump carrier bought it for me...he should have learnt by now that anything techno means at least a month of having me phone and text him. Had a lovely day, my sis came and we followed T back to their house so she knows where to go when the baby arrives. Called in at a massive garden centre on the way there and half a million other people thought it seemed like a good idea too. :/.
Feeling my age today, especially the poor ole leg/foot after negotiating the slopes around their garden. I've been told ibuprofen gel will's handy having a free private consultation. :) I've got a fizzio appt in about 10 days.

Oh neti, I'd have been livid if that had happened to me, they've obviously not got any biddies around to improvise. Hope you still enjoy it.

lol @ Dame Helen swearing....I say that often when I watch the news these days, I'd rather listen to 30 mins of drumming.

Another glorious day so far, I've got to hobble out shortly....not another holiday is it? haha, I've done that shaney and I don't know how many times I did it in ye olden dayes when there was half day closing.
Don't get sunstroke folks.
Ooh what a fab present Robinia .Sounds as if you had a lovely day .I expect it did you good ,you sound much better.
Lovely here again and I hope everyone is well .
I am going to library shortly ...hahaa .
Take care all .Have a lovely time at the ballet Neti .
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Hello all, I am all fine again thank you. Slept, actually slept last night and we went out this morning. Did my usual back to sleep and was woken up by doorbell. I thought it was a delivery but it wasn't it was nosey neighbour....oh how I want to move. that reminds to buy a lottery ticket.
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Sorry. Grump grump grump. I try and avoid the neighbours, I am sure they have their good qualities but they want to know the ins and outs of my life, take a view on it and then share it with the world. They have no life so they want mine to chew over.
35 euro for a ticket to the ballet is a steal....
will be back when my temper has improved
jesus, where are my answers goinmg? they are not appearing on here!

grump grr!

35€ may be a steal in England woofy but here the stage is so small that the corps du ballet have to dance on the spot as they cannot go back further! and there are many ballets that they cannot perform without leaping into the stalls! Hardly any props or backround need as no room!

and there is no bar, they erect a table with champagne(cava)5€ a small glass, or red or White wine @3€ a glass, rip off and there is nowhere to sit in the interval so we stand around knocking back the vino!
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still sounds like fun though....can you sit in the front row, whistle and throw euros at the boys?
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Notes, not coins......
Feeling more cheerful, have sorted out tumble dryer repairman (it was new in December) and chatted to sis...she is now a proficient imessager on her iPad and can send me pictures!!
- I was just interrupted there by a cheeky robin peering throught the window at me so I had to get up and find him some suet -

oooh, s'warm out there, I've been pulling up sticky willy in my new gardening gloves. Ozzy son has been told to batten down the hatches, they've had a weather warning of a cyclone!

woofy I used to bother about what people knew/thought about me but I'm past caring now. What they don't know they'll make up anyway so sometimes it's easier just to tell them stuff so they have it straight instead of some Chinese whisper. Or you could tell them phenomenal fibs and leave them all agog...bit like being in cb :)

Giggling at ballet dancing on the spot, isn't that riverdance?
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I don't actually care what the gossip is, I just mind the "friendly" gossip gathering conversations. I try and stay on good terms with my neighbours and not get into conversation but when one turns up on the doorstep, gets me out of bed (I went back to bed after early dog walk) just to "nicely" poke his blooming nose....anyway I am deeply grateful not to be him.
My friend who does my decorating is going to put me in touch with someone with muscle to do some work in my garden...its a friend of his daughter's who is between jobs. He said to me that he looks a bit rough but is a good bloke...then said be careful what the neighbours think and we both laughed.
Just seving a quick spag bol to Mr N before I get all tarted up yet again to go to the ballet, who have FB'd me and said theya re here. Yes woofy I like to sit in front row and whisltle at Shalin, but now it's for dignitaries only (b****rds!) LaST YEAR THE FRONT ROW WAS THE LAST TO SELLOUT COS NO ONE WANTED IT CEPT ME, SEE WHAT A TREND SETTER i AM! Sorry can't retype all that shouting!
Evening everyone!..I'm here.

I must say first I'm really sorry I missed your birthday Robi. So here's Happy Belated Birthday Wishes to you. You sounded as though you had a good day and I hope you feel a lot better now. The weather does help doesn't it too.
Also Jno. Get well soon so that you can go off on another of your jaunts which tell us about.
I have read all you posts up to date with interest but as usual I have things to do and to comment on everything would take up more than the letters allowance!! Just be assured I wish you all well whatever you have been doing.
I had a lovely weekend but have come home with a slight bug after eating lots of different foods to my normal diet and my 'bod' isn't used to them. So at the station on the way home I had to go into the 'Boots' shop and the pharmacist gave (sold) me some tablets to keep it at bay until I got home.
The 'loo' on the train was 2 coaches away as the nearest one was out of order so luckily the tabs worked asnd the visits weren't that often.
Anyway Biddyfriends everywhere I'm off now to sort out my washing and things. Have a goodnight all and I'll see you tomorrow when I've done some shopping and been to school.
See yer later 'gater(s) x
Interval, at 22.23, having a wine. Am enjoying the ballet.
Also i have a sore throat!
just cough through the second act, neti, I would. *Waves to Jude*

The antibios haven't worked so I expect the dentist will want to operate tomorrow. But he can't because I am still having these erratic coughing spasms that throw me round the room like the girl in The Exorcist. No way I'm having needles in me while that's going on. Surgery will have to wait.

But I have been coughing now for five weeks and I am FED UP.
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Oh Jude, I am so sorry. I feel your pain about coughing and the dentist and i wouldn't do it either. Neti if you will scream at the boys, you will have a sore throat.
I loved Riverdance, that bit where Michael Flatley fires himself across the stage... magic.....
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oight oight time.....

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