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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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woofgang, I once had an enormous abscess on my cheek - it was the size of a large half-orange - and I still have a 2 inch scar. I was on antibiotics for 9 months as every time I went off them another little array of pimples/abscesses would spring up. I have no idea what that was all about, possibly because I was unnecessarily sinful in a previous life.

But the awful truth is I get infections, particularly in face, teeth, gums, the works; but also little pimples all over. You'd think I didn't wash or something. It's mostly just been a nuisance but over the last few years my teeth have had a terrible time.
well... seems as though Eastern England is not the place to be sick in a hurry
Morning all
Bright and sunny .Just having my tea and toast before we go to the market .
That all sounds most uncomfortable Jno .Yes our ambulance service is coming in for a lot of criticism lately .Perhaps the new Ukip councillors can sort it out :)
Hope all other Biddies are Ok .Pip pip for now .
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jno, I knew somebody at work who had the same problem. She was a nurse and had to give up nursing because of the constant infections, mostly on her arms and legs though, not her face. It did finally go and she went back to nursing although I don't know how it was treated. Tis a bit grey here today.
Good day each and every!

Blimey shaney, that was an early start! Mr N got in at 2.45 am, i fell asleep at 2,18 so he had to ring the doorbell whcih shook me up a bit. 10 mins in bed and I felt someone licking my arm, wey hey I thought, but it was the damned cat! Up at 9am to collect me N from car hire nr airport cos he tookt he van back, then we did the shopping, unpcked, hija went ff for first day of work, I went to villge cos it's all fistas today, inauguration of the new Town Square and fountain, lots of displays by rugrats, gym, dancing judo, but too hot to stand for long to watch, had coffee with my gay friend and came home. Mr N here all day, too tired to golf :-(
Think my keyboard is sticking! sorry for typos.
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We had a monsters in the garden night last night so the boys are spark out today. Its a bit cooler too, we might go shopping later
Oh yes ,my brother doesn't hang around Neti ! We were there ,got our stuff and home again by 9.30. It's a lovely market and I got two cauliflowers ,five kilos of spuds,sprouting broccoli,carrots ,dozen eggs ,sausages x2 packs ,
3 x sausage rolls ,lettuce ,and a jar of plum jam for the grand total of 16 quid .
Healthy food Shaney, I bought fattening crap and a brocolli. Are you resting now, I am and Mr N is lolling all over the front room and snoring!
Well the sausage rolls were very tasty ...and very fattening .
Yes I'm having a sit down ,perusing the crosswords .Mr.S is also lolling and watching snooker .I haven't heard any snoring as yet .
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we had steak and chips for tea...jolly nice
Good I is, feeble stik that I am. Hell fire, what a rotten thing this is. I can breathe ok, just a bit snotty and nasal, and I have the occasional coughing bout but it's the awful fatigue that's got to me and feeling queasy & having no appetite isn't helping. All I want to do is....well, nowt really. Managed a quick totter to the local shops first thing, it was a case of having to go, but that was me done in. Sod it. Oh and I think I've coughed myself a vitreous detachment again, my eye's gone all blurry and full of floaters. Double sod it.

I've had a quick scan through your posts, I'll reread them tomorrow. Pleased it went well for Mr S at the hospital shaney....
Sorry you're still suffering jno. It won't mean much to you but a character in eastenders called Alice suddenly appears to be wearing teeth which don't fit her, maybe she'll sell them to you.
And did I spot Lottie lurking back there?

It dropped cold again today but at last the cherry blossom is opening.

Hello Robi glad you called by, you poor thing, you are suffering, I hope your sister is nearby to help you, get well soon ole buddy!

Just ate a tom and salad creme baguette and Mr N had a ploughman's lunch, just didn't want to cook. Hija due home any minute and she'll want food!!!
Oh lawdy, hija just phoned, and I couldn't find how to answer the call on new pone, ridiculous, red icon and Green icon and a White icon, had no idea! She called the landline and was furious cos there is no dinner, now I feel mean!
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hello Robi, sorry that you are still under the weather, i know what its is like, just horrible. We went out shopping today, at least that was the plan, there was no shade anywhere to park so we just drove around and came home again and raided the freezer.
Good morning all, seems like a nice day.

I am not needed as a blood donor, which I am quite pleased about, it seems they have enough.

Hope Robi is feeling better today. And you woofy and jno.

Shaney seems to plod along regardless, and as for jude, well she is still gallivanting isn't she?
Thank heavens for YouTube, have just managed to cátchup with Scott and Bailey as I missed it last week, I search all my downloading sites but nothing that worked. Don't like Suranne but she does have a lovely voice.
Morning all
And it's a lovely one .Quite warm .
Nice to see you Robinia , sorry you still don't feel too good .Take it easy .
Perhaps you need a tonic of some sort .Metatone is good .I remember it bucked me up after I had bronchitis many moons ago .
Hope all other Biddies are feeling Ok .
Yes that's me Neti ....plodalong ,with the very occassional hopalong .
slept on a chair in the junk room alst night - a nice comfy leather tiltable chair which is at east as comfy as the bed, but I was wheezing and choking so much I couldn't infict myself on OH. Sigh...
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hello all. Really horrible night last night, one hot flush and dizzy spell after another, no idea why. Anyway its a nice day here. We just had breakfast in the garden.

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