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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Mother's Day here! Oh said hija, we'll celebrate English one them , no said I, we missed that cos we agreed on Spanish one, that shut her up - still nothing but she is working! Mr N and I just went to the country for a lovely lunch, goats cheese salad with walnuts and strawbs, plate of grilled lamb chops and a plate of lovely grilled veg, bred and ali oli , olives, Blanc Pescador wine and fizzy wáter, followed by vienetta (there wasn't musch choice) coffee and free buñuelos Small fresh doughnuts rings dipped in sugar). Sunbathed for an hour, now in the cool bedroom.
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I am about to go and dip strawberries in chocolate
Happy Mothers Day Neti.
It's been lovely ,warm and sunny here all day .
We had Schnitzel,fried spuds and sweet green salad .That lettuce I bought was mahoosive .I've got enough for sarnies .I love lettuce sarnies .
I expect he must have grown them in a polytunnel though at this time of year. Lovely and buttery though ..yum.
Jno ..
I'm sorry you are so poorly ,have you tried that really strong Benylin ?.You may get quizzed by the pharmacist but it's the only thing that seemed to help with what I called the "three month cough" .
Hope you feel better today too Robinia ...keep plodding on folks :)
Hi shaney, hope you are OK?

I've just seen your post to desky in CB and I also agree with you, hat a life!

Have just cooked, sausage, fried chicken peas carrots and mash and gravy for hija for when she gets back home.
If any of you get an email from me headed Black Muslim in the White House, DO NOT OPEN IT, it is a virus and not from me.
Evening all...what a lovely day it turned out to be after a chily start...and they're here!! Who? The swifts! It's a few years since they arrived on time, it's been the 9th May at least since I don't know when. They're usually in the area somewhere but I don't consider them to be 'here' until I see them swoop over my house.

Still got the snotty nose and cough but I felt a bit stronger today and had a potter outside...of course some twerp had to spoil it and have a pongy bbq, shame I could smell it.
Oooh, metatone, that's an idea, I'd forgotten about that shaney. I used to swear by it after a doctor prescribed it when I was having a bad time in my teens. I think it kept my batteries charged up when the boys were small. :)
Hope you feel better for some nice weather jno or we might finish up having to sort each other out...
woofy I expect you know this tip, but if you poke a strawberry from the bottom up with a drinking Straw, it removes all the middle core and the hull, husk leaves, leaving a clean hole through it, we've been doing this just for the fun of it.

Yayhay, Robi, you've made it through the rain (to quote a Brry Manilow song) yes I do still like him. Sorry about the snotty nose.

Hija has just given me some sweet popcorn and some candied nuts for Mothers Day. It's a big fiesta so there are these sweet stalls everywhere which is where she got them.
ooh Robi, that is so sweet, but dear I am not old enough to be your mother, but millions of thanks for that.
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I stay out of those threads mainly cos saying what i think would not be helpful and would probably get me banned!
Those choc dipped strawberries were just of those things I kept meaning to try and then not bothering. It certainly improves the quality of so so strawberries.
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I had to go sort the dogs out in the middle of posting and you all weren't there. Good to see you back Robi, I like Berocca for a tonic its fizzy orange flavoured and tastes like its doing you good. I tried the drinking straw thing too Neti, it works well
what happened to my post? I basically only said cough and splutter, but it was the way I said it. And now some splutter filter has removed it.
woofy I try to keep out of them but she is becoming so needy, it peed me off, people have to help themselves, loved shaney's remark.
jno please do not cough and splutter on this thread, we are not spring chickens anymore.

I am getting a lovely bikini mark from laying in the sun, just wish my legs would tan, they never do.
yes well, I am fed up too, but do I bother other people with it? No more than six times a day.
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i don't tan at all ever. Even when i was travelling with Dh, if I spent too long in the sun I just burned and was white under the burn. My dad was a true redhead with bright blue eyes and pale skin. jno I have just about stopped coughing so please hack in the other direction, the funny thing is I can sleep for England once I get to sleep but the hot flushes are back with a vengeance...still they say variety is the spice of life.
I seem to be very sensitive to temperature, woofgang, but I don't know if it's me or the air around me. Temperature at night goes down a degree and I am frantically racing to find another blanket (then waking in a sweat when it goes back up a degree). And on a cool day I only have to get into a car for the windows to steam up, even if it was already full of people with no condensation at all. I don't actually feel hot-flushy, it's just that I seem to heat everything else up.

A job as a short-order cook awaits, I suppose.
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That's it jno!! I've got the same problem. Its weird isn't it. a very narrow comfort band.
In spite of it being a lovely warm day I sat with a hot water bottle this evening while watching tv .I'm such a cheapskate I wouldn't put the heating on
I'm just the same and way past the menopause but think mine is to do with my thyroid problem .One minute I'm cold then I'm boiling.
What a load of dodderers we are .
I shouldn't have said that really but like you Woofy if I said what I really wanted to say it would be curtains .Best to keep out of it .
Glad you're feeling better Robinia .Hope you have a better night tonight Jno ,you too Woofy
Oight Oight .

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