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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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lol shaney....
Oh come on girls, were none of us that old, if one has to look at willies, the the best place is the front row! (and I'm not talking Giselle willies here!)

Hija made a very nice chicken and pot/pepper/onion etc fried dish, so am washed up, bathed and sitting in my clean (willyless atm) bed, waiting for Corrie!
and I have eaten dinner with a fullish mouth of teeth for the first time in several years. Mind you the dentist went round and tapped the remaining teeth that will need crowns (and one of them has already got one).

Never mind, I will cheer myself up by picking up my Heath Robinsons tomorrow. Money spent on something enjoyable, such a difference.
Tut tut!! All this inuendo. Whatever next.
I'm off to my bed now after a good day. School was great as I had all the first year children in the class to hear. Then I went shopping and some lovely fresh tuna and coriander fish cake with veg. Really tasty.
I'm supposed to be going on long walk tomorrow depending on the weather.
So oight oight everybiddy. Sleep tight and feel better in the morning.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Hahaaa...can someone direct me to the front row :)
I'm glad your teeth are tapping well Jno and you can enjoy your food again .
Oight Oight lovelies ,sleep well.
Question Author
tuna fishcake sounds good...I like a fresh salade nicoise with jerseys at this time of year. Delighted to hear about the teeth Jude, were you excused antibi's?

oight oight you rude people
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good morning all, sunny and windy here.....yawn.....
Good morning all, bright day here. My head is feeling heavy and fuzzy, so am still in bed cos don't feel like doing anything or going anywhere, and one nostril is blocked and the other is running! . Hija didn't come home last night which keeps me awake although she texted at 5.30 to say she was staying in Ibiza town. cat decided to prat about after 3am.

My sister has flown to Crete today for a week's holiday with an old school chum.
Morning all
Sunny here too and quite breezy .Turned much cooler.
Take 600mg Neti and monitor the situation .Hope you soon feel better .
a 600mg ibuprofen should just fit nicely in a nostril. And one in each ear means you won't be woken up by the phone either.
I do block a runny nostril with tissue, but have to remember not to block them both at the same time! I've starting a hacking cough now. Hija is home, so I'm just gonna rest, am sweating like a pig but is it the ague, or the temperature or flushes? most uncomfy.

Just ignore my moaning and groaning, I am a very bad patient.
Hija came home and went straight to bed, I'm downloading and watching old series of The Amazing Race which I love, oh the wonders of today's technology!

I am taking paracetamol, and am going to make chilli con carne with rice for dinner as it is easy and tasty.

Hope Robi is OK and jno and woofy's and shaney's cold, coughs, knees and bumpsy Daisies are all feeling well.

oops, sorry.
Afternoon all, it's so bloomin windy here...batten down the hatches folks. It's whipping the blossom off in clumps and it had barely opened, it's so annoying.
Feeling a bit better (again) after a bit of a rough morning, yesterday I just couldn't get myself together at all.
Hope you don't go too far under neti, you're forgiven any moaning, I've done enough recently. I'll waft some of this cold air your way.

Back on the pork scratchings are you jno? it won't be long then before you're up to your old tricks
Girls did you know that it is International clitoris week? no nor did I, so what are we going to do about it??
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Neti, not only did I know, I am not sure that I want to know lol. Is cold and windy here, more like autumn again.
ah, reminds me of that fake-Spanish cabaret lady I saw a couple of winters ago - promised to teach the audience Spanish and had us all chanting viva el stimulacion clitoral, or words to that effect.
Jno that reminds me of when I first came here, there was an old cockney chap (called Alf what else!!) working in the Hotel Panorama, and they could not speak de inglis, so he taught them to say bol***k chops instead of good morning, you can imagine the tourists faces when they were greeted with this every day, it was hilarious but soon stopped. Once the tourists realised the joke they themselves said it to each other!
Lol now ladies we don't want banning do we!!!Ha Ha. I remember seeing a female magician in Benidorm. Very Risque! I only went to Benidorm once- never again.Not my 'cup of tea'.
I'm now very tired I've had a brilliant day. The best walk I've since breaking my wrist.
Me and my walking friend T went on the Nomad Trail. It's a 50 trail around the villages of Derbys. Across fields and stiles. I bet I've climbed over 15 of them today. We walked from Stanley to Breaston which was 8.1 miles. We stopped for a coffee and then lunch about 1/2 an hour and it took us 3hours 20. I know all the times as my friend has a GPS? gadget which stops when you stop. We have decided that we are going to do a part of the Trail every time we go out until we've done the lot. I got home and had a lovely soak in the bath and I'm now off to watch the telly in bed.

So Oight oight all.See yer later 'gater(s)
That's a 50 mile trail not an over 50's!!
hmmm, that may have been the same lady, Jude - the act didn't involve a red hanky, did it? Ursula Martinez, her name allegedly was.

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