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Christmas Dinner

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fruitsalad | 10:02 Thu 20th Dec 2018 | Food & Drink
72 Answers
I'm cooking for 7 which veg to you have with your xmas dinner, I dont want to overload the plates, but then again I want enough, also do you have yorkshire puds


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My dad grew his own sprouts and wouldn't pick them before the first frost. He said the frost brought out the sweetness in them.

I'm also doing cauliflower cheese. Again, it's one of my sons favourites, the spoilt brat!!
I didn't mean 'interesting' as a sarcastic comment. I really am interested.
Maggie it’s the same with neeps
Yes RR - the neeps were frozen in the ground and dad used his tackety boots to kick them out. Memories.
You mean swede, RR :-)
Lol ummmm neeps
They have so much more flavour like that Maggie
//I dont want to overload the plates//

Don't put the food on the plates. Put it in dishes on the table and let everyone help themselves. (I hate it when people dish dinner up for me - embarrassing if, like me, you don't eat much).

Yorkshire puds? Yessss!
I'm always across at my Mum's for Christmas Dinner she also has those dish things to pass around the table... before hand though she always asks how many yorkshire puds we'd like on our plates... they're a must.
I must say I cook a whole load of different vegs, but I let people help themselves as well as the yorkshires.
Be traditional, serve the Yorkshire puds first with gravy . That's what my Mum and Grandparents did. It was done to cut down the amount of expensive meat people ate. Yorkies are cheap . We always have Yorkies, best part of the meal! ( we can afford some meat as well though)
Sprouts are the devil's food
//My dad grew his own sprouts and wouldn't pick them before the first frost. He said the frost brought out the sweetness in them.//

Eh? - sweetness in sprouts - really ?
Roasties, parsnips, carrots, roast squash, sprouts (a few for those who claim to like them + a token one each for those who don't)savoy cabbage. Put in serving dishes so people can help themselves and any leftovers can be recycled as soup. Definitely no Yorkshire puddings but lots of gravy and home-made stuffing with fresh herbs. Oh - and any meat as long as it's not turkey.
We don't have yorkies at Christmas.
EDDIE51, my dad was from Yorkshire, my mum from Kent. When she first went to dinner with the in laws, yorkshire pud was served first. She said she thought that was all she was getting.
The usual of course, sprouts (yum), carrots and parsnips and sometimes I put sweetcorn on the menu! Yes, yes, yes to yorkies smothered in gravy. Mouth watering now.
Everybody seems to be having something roasted, can I suggest that celeraic and beetroot also roast to perfection - they're going in our tray anyway.
Oh captain, if I hadn’t already done my last shop for Christmas I’d have added celeriac and beetroot to the list as we all love both of those in a tray of roasted veg (which we’re having tomorrow night with a Flemish beef carbonnade).
I also had a look at Rockys bang bang sprouts, think I’ll give them a go but not with Christmas dinner, they do sound very tasty.
Tesco didn't deliver my Goose :-(

I could have paid more attention to the list but when you have a delivery driver on your doorstep with crates of food I just skimmed it.

Now we have a choice of turkey (it's massive) or leg of lamb.

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