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Roast in bag?

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netibiza | 15:31 Mon 10th May 2010 | Food & Drink
881 Answers
am going to use one tonight for chicken, can I put the potatoes in with the chicken and will they brown, cos if I have to put them in seperately it's not worth using the bag!


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I love these boathouses!
17:08 Sat 05th Feb 2011
I never ever bargain with god. I say firmly "now listen here, you don't want us to fall out do you?" then i tell the story. Oh and I always say thank you.
I was going to post on that morbidly obese thread but I just was too bored by it to bother.
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Yes woofy, I always thank God when I remember even if not bargaining!

Hija has a new android phone, and I'm going to try to get one tomorrow, all hell will be let loose (ageism! sexism!) if they do not give me a free one!!!
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I never buy anything (well a couple of books from Amazon is all) off the net, cos what if it doesn't work? Can't be a**ed with all that.
Hi Woofy and Neti I always say please and thank you to whover is looking after me. I'm not quite sure who, I have to admit, and I don't have an image just a feeling that I am being looked after. Sorry Woofy, I know you are a devout lady, and I respect you for that.
Hi Jude.

It's got to the point Neti where, apart from food and provisions, I only buy off the net. I can't stand shopping. The net is far cheaper too in my opinion and if it doesn't work you are safeguarded. I have never had any problems. I would never care if I never went into a store again - well except when Mrs S and I have a poke around and then an Italian!!!
Hi Lottie I buy stuff of the net as well. I ordered my bird station on Thursday evening and it arrived here 9.30 the Friday morning. I always pay by C.C. through Pay Pal usually and then I'm covered if anything goes wrong which, touch wood, it only has once.That time I copied all communications etc and got a full refund. I know it took a few months but I didn't give up. Now I always look for the 'https' before paying for anything.
If I do see something in a shop Jude - something branded and of any value. I go back home and research on line and then buy it on line. It's suprising how much cheaper things can be on line without the shop as a middle man. If you go into an electrical shop, etc, who also have online shopping facilities it is always cheaper to buy on line!
I do agree with you Lottie, but I don't buy many clothes on line it's usually hardware.
I hate shopping too especially for food . I've lugged home from Lidl ( where you can't have a piddle:) .
jude your level of devoutness is about the same as mine...I am not a churchgoer...don't believe in doctrine...just please and thank you's, the occasional rant and straight talking. I don't feel there's any point being anything but myself in those conversations because I am talking to the one person who can't be fooled lol.
Thank you Woofy I still feel a little bit as though I'm not quite a believer in the God I was taught about in my youth. Never mind 'I do as I would be done by' and that must same something about how I feel about my fellow man and woman of course. :o)
should have been 'say' not 'same'
Deeply displeased with DH, he has given me his cold :-(
I've made online purchases from Sweden, USA and the UK using my VISA card and no problems at any time. Sometimes I shop rings for Jude and no problem then either;-) >>>>>

...but like Neti when it comes to electronics - mobile phones and the likes for which I may need support to even be certain whether it's broken or not, lol - I prefer an actual store close to where I live. Perfume and books, that's the kind of thing I like to buy online. And groceries last winter after I fell on the ice, but not this year when I'm the Queen of the Crampons:)
had a nice lunch off Carnaby Street (it was only a pizza parlour) with a friend who lives in Suzhou and carves jade. I might have mentioned him before... he must be one of the few westerners working in China, but he's learning the trade and learning the language too, so he has a good laugh when he hears shop assistants muttering about his round eyes and how much to overcharge him. Used to be Victor Meldrew when he lived here but he loves China and has no plans to come back.

Robinia, I am heading for Cambodia tomorrow evening and thence to descend on NZ sis for, oh, months - I had to cut it short in time to return for the royal wedding, but it will still be many moons. Another sis, the lean and languid one from Sydney, should also be dropping in for a while, so that will be nice.
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Bye bye jno, have a sup duper time, we shall miss you although i think they have internet even in the wilds of NZ!! If you see any cheap android phones, bring me back a couple!! xxxx
Have a great trip Jno take lots of photos to show us - Call in at Hamilton NZ and say hello to my niece for me.
From what I understand Chinese is a very difficult language to learn. I think it sounds it too.
Hi Kit - you sound a lot more cheerful than you have been doing. It's good to hear. My niece gets her food shopping on line sometimes but I never have but she works full time and it's easier for her. The supermarket is only 5 minutes away in my car and the weather isn't very often that severe that i can't go.
Hello Shaney as well, not ignoring you - honest. :o)
oops and Neti :o) Hiya
Hi Jude, yes it's a relief... By jno, do stay in touch wontcha and be sure to be back for the wedding, you have an important function to fill at the function don't you know (Pst you guys, I suspect jno is IAP and is now channeling an I've been invited to the royal wedding-persona. Stay calm, don't upset her... him... whatever.)

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